Afterdark 0


Anywhere US   Jan 2018

Artist Bio

Influences:   Anything after 8:00 PM...

Late night jams for the grown and sexy. But it doesn't stop there. Keep listening.

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).


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  • @djtjb Feb 2022

    Definitely down to collab!

  • @bobskyyoung  Feb 2022

    I hope to do a demo of slip it in before the month is over. Usually I write my lyrics first because they come much quicker than the music. Thanks so much for commenting on the song!

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    Sure.. I am a little over booked this FAWM...but i might free after.

  • @splittybooms  Jan 2022

    Hey, yeah if I'm down! FYI - Haven't made music since 50/90, so i'm probably quite rusty, but if that's ok with you, lets get something in.