tin ear 14


UK   Jan 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   Vampire Weekend, Bing & Ruth, The Zombies, Ron Sexsmith,

I'm mainly a guitarist but I play some keyboards too and try to sing.
I've done FAWM before but I felt like a change this year so this is a new username.
I'm trying to take it easy, enjoy what comes and maybe collaborate.


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  • @mikedebenham  Mar 2022

    Cheers, mate. You too. Don't know if it's the name change, but it feels like we heard some new sides of you this time. And yep, hope you'll be serving up some fresh piña coladas at SF.

  • @iwilleatyou Mar 2022


  • @sherrycanary Mar 2022

    Love Love Love it
    The gospel touch is nice

    This really made my FAWM.
    I always give you liberty to make changes and you did my lyrics almost to the word.
    At the beginning of this FAWM I never imagined doing a collab with you. Thank you for bringing this song to life....I think it's my best write this
    Love the Beatlesque intro and subtle quote on Yellow Submarine.
    Can you send me MP3? I can't download
    [email protected]

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    Well too bad. 10 ASSBAD songs is all you get. In the meantime you can learn to actually write original songs. Who knows, maybe I'll like it. Wouldn't that make your day?

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    Actually you just need to go. :-p

  • @sherrycanary Feb 2022

    Please Please do!

  • @sherrycanary Feb 2022

    Hey...if you haven't flown the coop I actually did a few demos. C'mon by if you have time.

  • @kristian  Feb 2022

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    Nah, I love Ron. Saw him at the Corner when he was out here touring Time Being, I think. Just one shy man with a guitar and a keyboard. Great gig. Really admire how he puts a song together.

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    I know right?? Thank god you have Deena to make at least one of your songs listenable. I see I haven't listened to two of your songs. I'd like to keep at that way.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Tim you can be super proud of the result! You got a guitar hero deep within you!

  • @deena  Feb 2022

    Thanks! Looking forward!!

  • @deena  Feb 2022

    It would be wonderful if you sent me some tracks and I could try to come up with a top line and lyrics. Or if you have another idea, that's fine, too!

  • @stephentanner  Feb 2022

    Thanks for all your comments. Totally agree with you on 'Break Down'. I had no idea what I was doing in all honesty and couldn't really make the necessary changes if I wanted to. Haha! Just thought I'd do something entirely out of character for the full FAWM experience. :-)

  • @deena  Feb 2022

    Collab?! Of course!!!! I'd be delighted. :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Wow, that's a great rock song! Cool licks, superb production. Awesome! I left my comment inside the liner notes. Thank you :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Cool thanks! I'm psyched to listen! Which draft did you take?
    BTW I just noticed that you have to put the collaborator into the watchlist to link them.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Hey! How's our random collab going? No need to worry, I'm just curious :)

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    No ideas, but will have a think. Are you leaning towards silly or serious?

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    Collab? Feels like it's been a while, but my perception of time ain't what it used to be.

  • @jacobeverettwallace  Feb 2022

    Thanks for sharing that awesome picture on Wild Iron! A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say, and that one was perfect. :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I've sent some lyrics to you. Have you received them?
    Have a great start!

  • @majordanby  Feb 2022

    cheers mate, sorted it now. They sent me last year's link. :-)

  • @nedgreenough  Jan 2022

    Hello and welcome to FAWM! Happy writing!

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Good morn,
    thanks for hitting me up. Ah, I've been drawn with lyrics this time - okay!

    Both works for me. I'd propose that you give me 1-2 days to come up with some lyrics. If I'm out of ideas I let you know and we go instrumental first.

    Can you please send me an email so that I have yours?

  • @sueawesome Jan 2022

    oh no! so sorry to confuse. Lol

    I was just responding to you and the other fawmer that were initially discussing about how the avatars aren’t exactly the same because of the color difference and that I think it still counts as twins. maybe I tagged the wrong account? then I was also trying to see if any grand pianos were out there to collab with. So I wrote two different comments in one post. I’ll have to edit it when I get a second so others aren’t confused.

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    "Zither me Timbers" - Brilliant!
    I may use that name in the "False Band Name" challenge - with your permission, of course. I see them as a Post-Punk Shanty band.

  • @roddy  Jan 2022

    Pleased to meet you here. Have a good Fawm.

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Henry Cow, wow!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Hope you have a great FAWM!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Welcome back and happy FAWMing!

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Welcome back!

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022

    Welcome to FAWM 2022! I hope you have a great time this year under your new username! I don't sing very well either lol #thestruggleisreal

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    Welcome, and happy FAWMing!

  • @hummingbear  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! Happy FAWMing to you! If you have a tin ear should a tin whistle be your instrument? I have bear ears but have yet to find a bear-specific instrument.