Tim LaBorie 2


19131 US   Nov 2013

Artist Bio

Influences:   Benny Goodman, Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, Philip Glass, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Elvis Presley, Bill Monroe, Chuck McCann, Joel Hanna, Janice Woodcock

After Tim LaBorie saw Dylan perform in 1964 he went to a pawnshop and bought a guitar. With his musical roots in early folk, blues, and old time country music, Tim evolved into writing songs and playing his own music.
His songs are sometimes deeply personal, always good storytelling, and they are honest and true to human emotion.
Over the past several years he has been spending half his life in northern Nova Scotia where, with a group of musician friends, he plays community halls and farmers' markets. In Philadelphia, COVID has put a pause on his busking at train stations and he is now occasionally seen singing on Zoom screens.
At the beginning of the COVID lockdown Tim knew he needed a project and began recording his third album, this one in his home studio. The professionally mastered album “Just Where You Are” was released in 2021. www.timlaborie.com

Songs (2)

#1 Hello Moon 6
Feb 2022
#2 The World falling Apart 5
Feb 2022


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  • @sheamiejay  Feb 2022

    Hi Tim. Shoot me an email- [email protected] and we can correspond that way.

  • @apauls  Feb 2022

    Hi Tim! Thanks for your kind words on a few of my tracks. You were asking about my collaboration with my potter brother. If you have Instagram and want to see more of his work (he's aiming to illustrate a mug for every song I write), you can give him a follow at @potterpauls in IG. All the best!

  • @sheamiejay  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words about Thank God for the Birds. I’ll be headed out your way for a tour this summer. We should connect.

  • @darcistrutt  Feb 2022

    Thanks for visiting my cowbell song. I hope you enjoy a great FAWM!

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022

    Hey Tim! Glad you are here! Can't wait to hear your songs.