Tim Fatchen 35


Adelaide AU   Jan 2007


Artist Bio

Influences:   Classical , Percy Grainger, Mike Oldfield, Enya, Kate Bush, Cecil J Sharp, US Musicals, Gilbert & Sullivan. Tom Lehrer. MY BIO IS BELOW THE BLOGGY STUFF


3 May 2022 and I'm archiving before site shut down. I now possess a functional banjo and a cute banjolele, the latter new, at half new price including transport. If not happy, at least occupied. Macci the Milch Dog didn't go home after all, but seems content and untroubled by the banjo.

27 Apr 2022
REQUIEM is now up on Patreon.com/timfatchen but public, so anyone can read/listen. Apart from that, there's been no new music whatsoever but I've developed a banjo. And now have a primer. And have bought an as yet undelivered banjolele. And WW3 hasn't yet spread. Macci the Milch Dog-in_Residence is going home on Sunday so we'll be dogless until 5090 starts, when she'll be back dodging the ski season. I think that's it.

6 Apr 2022
A songwriter went writing out
One dark and windy May
Upon FAWM.org he rested
As he went along his way
When all at once a mighty throng
Of songwriters he saw
Plowin' through the ragged skies
And up the cloudy DAW

Their bands were still on fire
And their strings were made of steel
Their keyboards black and shiny
And their hot breath he could feel
A bolt of fear went through him
As they thundered through the sky
For he saw the writers coming hard
And he heard their mournful cry

Ghost Writers in the sky

Their faces gaunt
Their eyes were blurred
Their shirts all soaked with sweat
Writing hard to catch that song
But they ain't caught it yet
'Cause they've got to write forever
On that DAW up in the sky
On laptops snorting fire
As they write on, hear their cry

Ghost Writers in the sky

As the writers wrote on by him
He heard one call his name
'If you wanna save your soul
From hell a-writing on our page
Songwriter, change your ways today
Or with us you will write
Trying to catch the devil's song
Across these endless skies

Ghost writers in the sky

30 March 2022 Why am I still here? I tell myself I'm keepign the site spam free but actualyl I'm procrastinating. Form what or why, I don't honestly know...

27 March 2022 I almost suspended myself. Sigh. Par for the course. Somehow I've notched up over 700 comments of tracks listened to (or read), though this year the standard has been so good or (alternatively) so aligned with my tastes that I haven't listened to great many more. But I'm at the fag end at this stage and unlikely to contribute anything significant any further. Except...there are still two songs found in mid-March that I want to try out. Just can't get there.
Increasingly it loosk like there WILL be a FAWM 2023 rather than a smoking crater: the world is looking--not better, but a little more promising than a month ago. So let us both hope, and pray, and help where we can.

13 March 2022 I've petered out in my listening. Life is intervening. I've also marked "Winter" as a favourite so I don't lose track of it later. Needs work but there's a lot in it and I like it!

9 March 2022 11pm Starting to wear out. At the moment 629 song comments, dont' know that I have the stamina to listen to another 70...and reading lyric-only's is a trap because they start dancing around in my head demanding setting and I can't do that now either,,,

5 March 2022 9pm I'm NOT supposed to be doing this! Macci the Milch Dog is in Her Chair ensuring I don't sneak out.

28 February 2022 9pm... I thought I'd finished, but I'm now finding stuff that hasn't gone up and should have, and there's a "Summer ends at midnight" instrumental to sort out. Sigh.

23 Feb 2022 I think I'm catching up, I think. But the run-out-of-steam syndrome is in full play and the conscience is attacking on FOUR fronts (1) not achieving anything musically (2) not listening and encouraging those who are trying to (3) not moving on potential money-making music (okay, only a feeble conscience bite there because the money-making would be feeble anyway on past experience) (4) not doing all the things that need to happen in the household, house, garden, boat, income, debt, car, bike, cleaning, renovations, tenancies, friends, relatives, personal weight, teeth, toenails, exercises, but hey! Macci the dog is getting her two long walks a day AND ball games on the stairs,

22 February 2022 Started catching up on output.

21 Feb 2022 Not listening at the moment, Deborah might says that's nothing unusual. But I need to get through my backlog of promised collabs. And...Time. Is. Running. Out...

20 Feb 2022 Several more out....but ILOK disappears from my system. Again. So I can't use my favourite EQ. I don't know why it goes on leave but fortunately I have an old setup version which restores things. Once I've found it. A pain. Like Native Instruments throwing away the Kore player....

16 Feb 2022 For my own losing track: the backlog still a-waiting:
14: yet another (shorter) ballad--lyrics exist--as the first attempt didn't fit
15: @sherrycanary's lyric half-set
16: another collab with @otagoseaburials or possibly two. Or three. Or four.
??: devoid of any new idea and avoiding lyricists for a while because otherwise they'll hook me...
Listening is adequate thouugh no spectacular so my conscience is easy in that respect, if not over housework and renovations. Hey, Macci the Milch Dog is being walked, and ballplay, and sticks, and stair game on what feels like hourly intervals...why should my conscience be getting at me?

12 Feb 2022 Yes I'm back. A song to post, 4 to complete (collabs), a video to post, that's today (in theory) then back to listening/commenting.

6 Feb 2022 Week 1 burnout: I'm away for the next few days, partly on a boat (!) and partly other issues. It's ANOTHER hiccuppy FAWM, folks. Still, I think I'm far enough ahead in listening and writing to survive.

4 Feb 2022 It's unsafe reading lyric only's. One is readily tempted to rush off and offer to set them!

4 Feb 2022 I feel I've got my listening up, and tracks 1-4 down, so looking at what's NOW on my plate next two days, as I'm away or out of touch Mon-thru-Thurs of next week. Part afloat, and part seeing if we can run the intended opera Ngurunderi as dance theatre.

So: waiting:
5: another (shorter) ballad--lyrics exist
6: @sherrycanary's lyric in the queue
7: ambient Poplars: video exists, no music
8: deary deary me: the belated Groundhog + Ukulele; awaiting recording oink oink flap
9: Schadenfreude Waltz. Lyric exists.
10:Collab with @ponygal1961 and that'll teach me to get involved with younger women
11: collab with @otagoseaburials and I've got the lyrics
12: ditto
...and so on...

31 Jan 2022 Not going to make it to midnight. Probably just as well...

31 Jan 2022 Tried the Guppy Song. Oh it's sooo bad, just right for tiktok. Now my thumbs hurt. No it's not overindulgence in witchcraft, just past damage from working in the vineyards, arthritis and the Cigarbox AND computer keyboard uniting to punish me. I'm not paranoid. The universe truly IS making it difficult.

27 Jan 2022 Amazing. No disasters have descended yet.

18 Jan 2022 Just back from pre-Christmas to Falls Creek, trafficking child labour aka grandkids across the State border to work as slave labor (Union rates) in their Aunt's Milch Cafe Bar. Survived that. South Oz actually allowed us back in without reams of paper work or outright objection. That's a FIRST!!

Influences: Classical , Percy Grainger, Mike Oldfield, Enya, Kate Bush, Cecil J Sharp, US Musicals, Gilbert & Sullivan, Tom Lehrer

Tim Fatchen: nice, polite, quiet, writes serious and often soothing music, good dinner guest.

Flying Tadpole (songs marked [FT]): anarchic ratbag, writes irritating and often nasty satirical rubbish, good
kennel cleaner.

SHAMELESS PLUGS----------------

You're clutching (smaller) money and you want to hear cleaned-up tracks from earlier FAWMs?? Apple Music, Amazon, SheetMusicPress...
Or Spotify: all the albums are there, search on Tim Fatchen or Flying Tadpole

Broke? Starving? Some songs are on

And free videos on

Looking to license music?

Songs (35)

#1 Deep Creek Sunset 49
Feb 2022
#2 Midnight Waltz (one-shot piano) 32
Feb 2022
#3 I would fain lie with thee 23
Feb 2022
#4 One Way Street @arthurrossi 15
Feb 2022
#5 Schadenfreude Waltz [FT] 23
Feb 2022
#6 I Don't Get Groundhog Day [FT] 19
Feb 2022
#7 Ibuprofenwalk 28
Feb 2022
#8 Thus spake the Hubris Angel 16
Feb 2022
#9 The poplars 15
Feb 2022
#10 Best Bar None @otagoseaburials 13
Feb 2022
#11 Deep Summer Night's Dance 20
Feb 2022
#12 Ready, Set, Death! ("Death's Wife") @cblack 6
Feb 2022
#13 Shut It! [FTTBB] @ponygal1961  15
Feb 2022
#14 At the Dawn of Our Last Day (instrumental version 2) 7
Feb 2022
#15 Will of the heart [Tim singing] @sherrycanary 15
Feb 2022
#16 Maybe It's the Masks - exquisite corpse edison edition @corpsecorps 8
Feb 2022
#17 Dark Secret @cindyrella  13
Feb 2022
#18 My Friends the Worms[FT] 8
Feb 2022
#19 Cryin' Blues @mrgee1952  14
Feb 2022
#20 General Irving Cisski @billwhite51 8
Feb 2022
#21 Wish I'd thought of that @otagoseaburials 8
Feb 2022
#22 Lost Friday Blues [FT] 8
Feb 2022
#23 Piano meditating 14
Feb 2022
#24 A Prayer for the Rich and Powerful [FT] 9
Feb 2022
#25 Will of the Heart [Sherry singing] @sherrycanary 23
Feb 2022
#26 The Glory of Me [FT] 6
Feb 2022
#27 Last two days of summer 6
Feb 2022
#28 One step down from God [FT] 10
Feb 2022
#29 For Kyiv (sketch) 10
Feb 2022
#30 Hope and Optimism [Piano Version] 7
Feb 2022
#31 The beginning of the end @berni1954  12
Feb 2022
#32 Missing You @fearlessflight2014  24
Feb 2022
#33 Winter [1a 18Feb22] 4
Feb 2022
#34 A Song is for the Living @forrestwolf  7
Feb 2022
#35 At the Dawn of Our Last Day (vocal version 1) 8
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @sheilerk  May 2022

    Be sure to ping me when you do whichever!

  • @ampersandman  Apr 2022

    Hey Tim, that’s no problem, as you might have noticed I am not active here any more as I am finishing my band’s album. If things calm down over the next months, maybe before 50/90, I’d be happy to hear from you, but no rush. After all music should be fun and not stressful.
    Take care!

  • @leka Mar 2022

    Thanks for those kind words!

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Great idea! Risqué opens possibilities for sure

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    Hi Tim. Thank you for your comments on my Silly little love song. My husband liked it, too. All true. Not that we haven’t had ups and downs like everyone, but no show stoppers
    I’m so with you about the need to sow your musical seeds far and wide. You really don’t know who is listening, or what effect it may be having. I have a song by a friend from Scotland stuck in my head for the last few days. He died several years ago, too young and unexpectedly. His music is like a visit. And he’s not the only one. I listen to or recall music by my friends all the time, far more than songs on the charts.
    I have one song on a compilation cd from when I was living in Oregon. It was put out to raise funds for a shelter for homeless young people. I have no idea who has heard that song, or who has benefited from the sake of that cd, it’s just a seed floating out there on the wind. And that makes me happy.
    I think it’s super cool that you had someone track you down for your music. I know it was a huge amount of work. It’s good to be appreciated. What more can we ask for really. Money would be nice, sure, but that comes and goes. Knowing someone has internalized your music like that, craved it enough to track you down, that’s epic! That’s really what it’s about, no? <3

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Oh and I’ll definitely do 50/90, though I won’t have that much time and don’t know if I’ll make it to 50 songs. Nevertheless I want to stay in contact with the lovely people I met here ;) so that’s why I won’t miss out it!

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Thank you so so much for your comments on my songs! It still means the world to me when somebody listens to them and really enjoys them, and it doesn’t matter when :)! I’ll definitely put my name in the files next time, that’s a good advice.
    Reading the forum and posting comments really does a lot! I didn’t have time to do so during FAWM, but actually got to know a few more people (and their music) now after the whole thing. I’m happy that I‘m still reading and listening (and creating, as I’m doing the „Gimme15“ stuff), so we got to know each other :) I listened to more songs of yours and will hopefully do some more listening before the page will be taken down. Greetings!

  • @phenola Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for the listen. My heart wasn't really in FAWM this year. I didn't really do enough commenting on other people's stuff -- so I feel sheepish about getting listens from others at this stage...

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment on my Delius song. The skirmish prompt was "Symphony". My first thought was about an unfinished symphony. I typed into Unfinished Symphony and wasn't inspired by what I found. Then I saw the name Delius and thought. "Hmm, did Delius even write a symphony?" I checked and he hadn't. Before reading about Delius, I had always assumed he was Scandinavian. Once I saw he was born in Bradford, England, I knew I had my subject.

    The Wikipedia page provided me with 90% of the content of the song. As you said, all I had to do was arrange it in a concise form.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Tim! Do you participate in 50/90? Maybe we can collaborate this summer?

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Tim - Just tagged you on a response about Arthur’s song In Meinen Gedanken to say that the track is all Band in A Box. I’m not sure if those comments end up somewhere where you can see them. Great that you also like German. For me singing in German turned out to free up my confident 16 year old self in a transformative way.

    Pork sausage gravy is an ancestral food for me.

    I think I’m now a FAWM lifer. I wasn’t born here, but I got here as fast as I could. Phew.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your kind words on "Love lasts forever", Tim. I never considered myself to be a vocalist or performer. I can spend hours arranging and mixing songs, but I don't practise singing or instruments. This FAWM was the first time I uploaded something semi-publically, usually only the recording artists receive my drafts. Guess I should invest in microphones and practise, when I have more space. Something I can't do in the next months *sigh*

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you for the kind words on "A Doomed Love". I'm so glad you like it.

  • @vaseyr Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your nice comment on my Fairytales song! I’m really touched that you liked it!

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Thanks for comments on Sheep and the Neandertaler-Song.
    Both were a big joy to make them. But Sheep is a special one to me. To make a waltz was new to me but a brilliant idea. It fits so well with my lyrics…

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Thx for the kind words on Cool Cool Ways..I will make it downloadable.
    Robyn's vocals are killer on this track.

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    Sounds like you made the most out of that Yamaha! I cannot say the same for myself, and I'm afraid that my old PSR-16 recordings are best left unshared lol.

  • @unpronounceable  Mar 2022

    Never had one of my songs called "a cutie" before, and I love it. Thank you!

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    The Yamaha used on "Goodbye, FAWM" is a PSR-16. I'm checking out some videos of the 310 and it looks pretty rad. I could have made some slightly better recordings in the early '90s with that lol.

    The final lines of that song have gotten a lot of comments, but honestly, it's not meant to refer to current events and it's how I would've ended the song regardless of what was happening in the world. The song required a lot of "FAWM" rhymes, so "bomb" was bound to end up in there somewhere.

    Thanks for your comment-- let that 310 out of the wardrobe next year! Let's make 'yamahacore' a thing!

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    Ha! Well all I can say is you AND @billwhite51 had better live to be 100+, because I think I have a couple more things to learn about all this "songwriting" stuff.

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    At first I thought I had that Rimsky-Korsakov book stashed somewhere, now I think I tried unsuccessfully to steal it from @rickatfulcrum and he took it back before I moved cross country. EBay to the rescue! I will need it for my game audio class starting next month!

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    my goal is to survive long enough to attend my daughters wedding. she is now six years old.

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    karen is one of many attempts to resolve in song a love affair that ended before it began because i was negligent in acting on my feelings. i tend to delay action until i am certain of my intentions.....a flaw that has resulted in the termination of too many romantic friendships. i wrote the song hoping jerry would do it and he did a wonderful job of putting it across. i sent the song to karen, an irish singer now living in finland who is having a successful career throughout europe as a comic actress and cabaret singer. we met when i cast her as the lead in a childrens musical of thumbelina, and we continued as a duo playing the irish bars of boston. she did not acknowledge receipt of the song

  • @daveyboy103  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments on Follow The Money, Bill's raw vocals certainly bring something extra to the party

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    i wrote public vices private woes for 50 90, basing the music around a piano riff i wrote in 1972, but it didnt work coops music gave me what i needed so i adjusted the melody to fit his rhythms. i lifted the title from a zuwalski film and the lyrics are a fairly accurate depiction of my years as a punk rock singer, which ended when i was befriended by tim hardin, who taught me how to express emotion in a song without screaming my head off. follow the money gave me the opportunity to see if i could still deliver a competent rock vocal at the age of 70. the second verse isnt too bad. last time i went to cuba was a chance to sing with laurie lyons, one of my favorite seattle rockers.

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    last man standing was some improbable and excessive riffing on jfk conspiracy theories. an ode to the plots in mystery stories that are so convoluted they cannot be untangled. a species evolves comes from the idea that although the human race has visably evolved, our destiny contiues to be determined by lizard brains.

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    the names in tennessee williams spilled his guts are just a few of the female protagonists he created as his own alter egos. early drafts of the song went into unnessesary detail and interpretation which took away from the phrase i wanted to embed in the listener.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Glad you liked my Meatloaf epic! If you ever do finish a Mike Oldfield epic and need a similar hand, let me know.

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    you are probably the only person besides myself who has listened to the whole album in proper sequence, and your astute and witty comments are much appreciated. ill try to address each one. chalk it up is about how covid gives people something upon which to blame all their ills. each verse is a remnant of a different song i didnt finish. my original idea was to have a multiplicity of voices in a gangster rap, but i found no takers. coop's music showed me a way i could pull it off solo. his track was only 3 1/2 minutes so i looped it, but when he mastered it, he only got the first 3 1/2 minutes down, so i went ahead and used my unmastered mix.

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    20 millon gallons of sewer water a day? at 1.5 gallons a flush.
    each of seattle's 1 million inhabitants would have to flush
    15 times a day. seems excessive. must have been a lot of beer piss in the lake/ before i left seattle. i dreamt i had waited too long. and i was stopped by police at the city line and told no one was allowed to leave the city.

  • @dukemeyer  Mar 2022

    Hey, lots of thanks for your unexpected and insightful comment to @mahtowin's collab (I added only blues harp) "Zug zum Meer (Train To The Ocean)"! I had lots of other work this year Iwhich is still going on) and less time to listen ... Deeply grateful - best wishes!

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Thanks, whatever you think works for the melody and is clear will be fine with me!

  • @leka Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening & commenting "Kaksin karkuteillä". There is also the subtext, that each couple mentioned had tragic endings.

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for this comment! The lyrics desribe a dreamy surreal plot, that appeared to me while I was writing them ….

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Sounds good! You is fine!

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Hi Tim! Thanks! These are lyrics I wrote inspired by the tragedy of war in Ukraine- let me know if any resonate with you for music or if you want me to work on them. I would be grateful for any of them brought to life:




  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for listening and responding. That’s an awful lot of songs you’ve listened to.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Hey, Tim - if you'd like to do something with Beside the Open Gate, I'd love to hear it. Thanks so much for listening and responding to my songs.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Rest easy, my friend. Sleep well. No damage will be done.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Just teasing my good buddy Deez. He's in on the action. And old nickname of his from the glory days. Thanks for checking in.

  • @arthurrossi Mar 2022

    Dear Tim, I would like to thank you so much for your fantastic comment on "Yugoslavia"! I am very happy what Karl did with it. And I really feel touched by your wonderful words...

  • @marthie Mar 2022

    Thank you for all your feedback Tim! I really appreciate it. I have come a long way from Garageband to using Logic now and learning to play with a metronome and now starting to add bells and whistles . Rome is coming closer...

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    re: hello, "I can't explain, you would not understand" lmao!!

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Thanks Tim for your nice comments and great songs! If you ever want a lyric tenor to sing one of your songs, I might know one.....

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    Tim, that’s really cool that you have the ear and mental pathways to plan out those rhythms. Though I’d say planning a bar ahead is still somewhat by ear or from the heart. Oh no. Now I’m going to start analyzing what my brain is planning out when I improvise. But that’s ok I guess. It’s always a mix of what musical concepts our brains and muscles know and then our minds and emotions guiding us in how we put those concepts together. It can’t all be emotion, because then it’d be a mess. And it’s clear your pieces aren’t just technique. So it’s that mix that makes music great.

  • @slusk Mar 2022

    The voice is actually Siri run through Logic's built-in Vocal transformer (somewhat similar to Little Altar Boy) + Applied Acoustic Systems' Objeq Delay (highly recommended for odd effects).

    (As a side-note: Sofar I have found Soundtoys' plugins a bit underwhelming in price/performance in particular since most of them already have high-quality equivalents in Logic. )

  • @slusk Mar 2022

    Regarding your non-keyboards: Tune them? Intonate them or whatever? ;)

  • @slusk Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comments. The bg vocals are courtesy of Apple loops in Logic I wish I had someone nearby to sing bgv like that. ;)
    While you're at it: Try listening to "Like a bird" and guess the origins of the voice!

  • @redlady8029 Mar 2022

    Thanks for commenting on where you're at. See you next year.

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    Re: pubs, it's because I'm a project manager now. Science being best left to others, I'll manage projects to build synchrotron stuff for them (ALS-U at LBNL, now through 2028) or whatever else the USDOE says they need me for. It's a good place to be and I'm very happy with how it turned out.

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks for checking out Heavenly Bodies. It was a fun lighthearted skirmish. I personally prefer astronomy. So much intoxicating wonder to behold!

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    Hi Tim! Re: "no authorized protest," technically it was a complete throwaway. I left dead space, I tolerated muddy pileup that didn't have purpose, I paid no attention to sound design in the synths, I punted all my decisions regarding whether to have the music track be static or developing so that it was arbitrarily neither one. BUT, what I learned that I like is, the approach I used has an incredible feature of leaving my ego completely out of it. There's nothing in the piece about "what Elaine thinks of all this," so the listener has the entire space to inhabit if they so choose. THAT was a great lesson for me to learn.

    I want to get back to your board tonight. I hope you will have time to listen to our Canon Fulbert - that one, although the singing isn't at 100%, the acoustic guitar had to be midi, and I had to mix it without Jack's help, I'm so proud of the composition.

  • @fonte  Mar 2022

    Ha thanks Tim! Now we have traded pink Floyd lyrics for a while I feel I can listen to your music lol :-)

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Cloaked in the Fairest Melody"! This was probably closest to my "comfort zone" that I got this year. Like, smack dab in the middle of it close, as like at least 90% of my "main" band Ever Circling Wolves' material is in this vein (and the rest of the guys approved of this, so it'll probably become ECW material in the future). So, yeah, good to hear that doomheads like it, but especially very good to hear that non-doomheads like it. The ending ended up becoming a fadeout because I couldn't think of a good ending otherwise, but we'll have to see after it goes through some tweaks and adjustments at the hands of my ECW bandmates if it might find a proper ending.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Disco Blues": I had a talk with @gm7 about that matter and we both agreed on asking a vocalist. The electric guitar solo will be without vocals.

  • @forrestwolf  Mar 2022

    > don't trash your own songs, croaks I, having lost my virtual voice shouting it....

    I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just not enthusiastic about singing it!

    > Seriously, if this had turned up even ten days ago, i would have run off with it. Now, I just can't do anything worth it until end of March. When, of course, no-one will be left to comment. Still...??

    Well, I guess I should've posted it earlier, rather than holding out hope I'd be inspired to revise it and record my own version...
    In any case, I've added you as a collab on the song.

  • @mikehex  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comments on The Last Five Minutes, I'm glad that it resonated... I feel a blend of weary cynicism and admiration of craft when I see these things, and I tried to capture that.

  • @paulharrison  Mar 2022

    Thanks for you nice comments on Nothin (that does sound odd, doesn’t it?). I had to look up “homely” which has a different meaning in the US . I appreciate your stopping by

  • @mikeb  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Tired of the Blues' - when I said 'fun lyric' I meant that it was fun to work on, not that the lyric itself was fun/amusing!

  • @dreamscuba  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comments on Bravo Out. Noted on the request to put my FAWM name in the file name. I used to do that and then I drifted away from protocol... Will improve KPIs on that. Thanks.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Did you actually like the song?

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Collab posted. I messed with with it a bit which I hope you don’t mind. It became a tribute to a very dear friend. Thank you! That was hard and FUN!

  • @karlsburg25  Mar 2022

    Thanks heaps Tim for your yugoslavia comment. To be honest its the reason it took me until the end to do because i actually did feel the weight and responsibility of tackling a lyrics so powerful and personal so worked really hard to get it right, whilst also putting it off for other lighter musical creations, and then suddenly it was monday feb 28!!!. Anyway thanks loads matey

  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    Wow, Tim... that high praise on our tune "Enough" means a lot coming from you. A scan down your output tells me I have a lot of catching up to do - haven't heard one of yours since early-FAWM! Hope your February went well and that March is treating you right.

  • @jessespillane  Mar 2022

    I also struggle with organ. I -- like most keyboard players I suppose -- come from a piano background, so have to resist the urge to do things that just don't translate on organ. Thanks for the comment :)

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    No worries Tim. Thanks for your efforts in advance. At our age it is so easy to confuse what we have done with what we think we we have done :-)

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Hi Tim,
    RE- you confusion about the chords to our song...
    Er.... you rambled on a bit in a message about what key it was in and how it was basically easy chords. But you never sent me an actual breakdown of them- If you do, is there any chance they can be in my preferred format?
    (E) These are the lyrics (B7) these are the chords
    (A) Any other format and we might have to cross (E) swords :-)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    but mom!... LOL

  • @ampersandman  Mar 2022

    Perfect! Thanks for the reply, I’m glad you like the song. Then let’s keep that key. Looking forward to hearing from you, but take the time you need, I‘m in no hurry.

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    Hi, Tim. I'm stopping for a long overdue note of thanks for your comment on, "Together". I'm thrilled you thought it was worth downloading. :)

    I'm not in a place good for listening, but I'll be back later to give some of your pieces a whirl.

  • @ampersandman  Mar 2022

    Great! The song is up: https://fawm.org/songs/138517/

    I’d like to rerecord it from scratch with a piano backing.
    I’ll send chords through if you need them. I forgot my guitar is tuned 1/2 step down, so this should actually be in C, not in B.
    But yes, that’s for the first listen, I’ll send you an email soon.
    Take care!

  • @heavyhedonist Mar 2022

    I can always add more salt later...

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    Congrats on smashing the finishing line! Looking forward to listening to more of your songs this month!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Hi Tim
    Em or DM would be great. Thanks.
    Our song certainly seems to have struck a chord with those who have commented.

  • @stephenwordsmith  Feb 2022

    Oh, dear, look what happened - this is what we get when we let the challenge spill into March.


    It appears to be a concept album about death.

  • @goldarrow  Feb 2022

    Hi Tim, thanks for your comment on HGTV Got Nothing on Me. I have posted a demo if you care to listen.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks Tim. I'm chuffed with your arrangement. Any chance you can PM me the chords so I can work out a guitar or ukulele version I can sing myself?
    I have added a comment on the song page.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Were you going to send me a tidied up version of the piano?

  • @gindark  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on The Butterfly House, my eyes were quite red by the end!

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    You’re right on visible spectrum not being a dirge… in my mind there was a jokey correlation… but people can’t read my mind. I reclassified in a more appropriate way thanks! And thanks for the read-through. Hopefully I can post a composed song but time is a factor…

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    Is that a thing ? I didn’t know and anyway I’m a law-abiding rool-braker

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    I’m Just writing to say I admire your brilliance! Of course I did have to say that as you set the rules. But do I mean it?!! I think so!

  • @shallowcarrot Feb 2022

    Hello, thank you for your comment on my song 'When the Fog Lifts.' It's nice to know that it resonates with you.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    If you want to put music to the words of my "lyrics only" submission, you have first dibs.

  • @jibbidy34  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the tip! I was thinking that re one note challenge. Cheers!

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Thank you Tim. Glad to meet a fellow dragonfly enthusiast :)

  • @gordon  Feb 2022

    Hi Tim, thanks for letting me know about the re-post of Will of the Heart. Very good. I see what you mean about the production issues, but you could always "fix" them by giving the whole mix a bit of an old-time radio feel which would put the vocals into the mix a bit more. Not essential and it is FAWM so really good job either way!

  • @mishykatz  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and tag suggestion on I Kinda Love You! Also for the moderation of the spam, mucho appreciato!

  • @pearlmanhattan  Feb 2022

    Yes - even though this year has been hard on me, the songs I have produced have been very well recieved. When you get the chance, tho - No commenting required or expectation - this song was inspired by memories of you and swordsmith - and someone stepped up and brought it to musical life - https://fawm.org/songs/134696/

    I know where you are, friend, and you see me too - Our journey and this journey goes on - some years are diamonds, some years are coal - but we showed up - yet again - and as I said in one of my songs this year - all you have to do is show up. Much love to you and your family - and we'll chat soon, I'm sure!

  • @pearlmanhattan  Feb 2022

    You said this in Josh Levitre's thread - and it really resounded with me:

    the likelihood that no-one comes searching for you is not because no one cares, but just a consequence of the intensive and blinkered focus everyone develops in FAWM.

    Its been a tough FAWM for me, as well for a lot of folks - and it's easy to sit and think I could not show up and no one would miss me - This is the encouragement and the words I needed. I know they weren't meant for me specifically - but I found peace in them. Hope your February was awesome. See you in the Summer and around the internets!

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Feb 2022

    Thanks for all your supportive words. Really helped me over a pretty shitty week of self-ddoubt.

  • @spazsquatch Feb 2022

    Hey Tim, I was just looking over my FAWM '21 archive from last year and I can't seem to put my hands on a copy of "Cat Chup". I'm sure I grabbed a copy last year, but I can't find it for the life of me. Is there still a live link to it? Would you mind emailing a copy if not? Cheers!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Thank you Tim. :-)
    That latest one is my wooden Hohner basset (18th birthday present from my dad).
    The reverb is a free VST from Stone Voices, called simply "Ambient Reverb".

  • @sherrycanary Feb 2022

    Hey Tim
    If you can resend music, I now am able to add vocals.
    It is an interesting process.
    I love your music

  • @karan  Feb 2022

    If not longer! Bear in mind, there's still a pandemic raging here in Europe, and infection rates are still higher than what can be considered as safe for travel, in my opinion. I am high-risk and need to be extra careful, and in the UK almost all restrictions have been lifted. If only this virus were gone!

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for Dark Secret! It's already so good!

  • @karan  Feb 2022

    I really hope you can see your brother soon; it's wonderful that he survived Covid! Please let me know as soon as you start planning for your journey, because I need to make arrangements as early as possible myself. I really want to meet you - and I may be able to drag @sentense along, maybe @dukemeyer as well - oh, and of course we should let @helenseviltwin, @dragondreams and all the other wonderful UK people know. Let's see whether we can have a proper FAWM meetup - that would be fabulous!

  • @moonraccoon  Feb 2022

    Oh my, HUGE compliment on Tomb of Moonlit Streams. Thank you so much!

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Okay. :)

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Aww, thanks for your kind comments on "Angel Who Weeps" and sharing your personal story. Heartbreaking :'-( Very true about cemeteries, the weight of the sorrow... but somehow...the sacredness of it all makes it peaceful. Hugs!