Ryan Woodard 7


Bozeman US   Jan 2006

Artist Bio

Influences:   A painting, an equation, a computer, a girl, a newborn baby, a foreign language, a song and spiral tap pizza.

This year, I wanted to really learn how to record, multitrack, produce, use midi, etc (I am using Logic Pro). It's a massive time suck, for sure, but it let's you pretend you're in a band. My finished products are always rough approximations of what I hear in my head and limitations of different phases of musicality always make that gap larger than I would like. But patience and massive amounts of time and learning slowly narrow it. It's a lot of fun.

In other words, I will not get 14 songs this year. Probably stopping with 7 or so. I've done this since 2006 and my batting average is probably around .750 for getting the full 14. The best part is not stressing about it. No, the best part is thinking about songs for a good chunk of a month.

I really wanted to make a collaboration happen this year but just didn't. Each year I say I shoulda engaged with the FAWM community more because it's such a good one. Perhaps a post-FAWM collaboration when time is more free.

Songs (7)

#1 hey baldy 1
Feb 2022
#2 take that camera off of me 1
Feb 2022
#3 drowning sea 1
Feb 2022
#4 deserved is a hard word (to define) 1
Feb 2022
#5 no snowflake hates 1
Feb 2022
#6 speakers and sneakers 1
Feb 2022
#7 odin the ski god 1
Feb 2022
