thomdunn 10


02130 US   Feb 2019  

Artist Bio

Influences:   The Clash, Frank Turner, Jets To Brazil, Hold Steady, The Pogues, Elvis Costello, Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, The Menzingers, Against Me!, The Zombies, Bob Mould / Sugar, Gaslight Anthem, Jimmy Eat World, Neutral Milk Hotel, Mountain Goats, Wilco, Get Up Kids, Charly Bliss, American Aquarium, Pillow Girls, Fontaines DC, Frightened Rabbit, The Rentals, Saves The Day, Thin Lizzy, Ted Leo & the Pharmacists

Thom Dunn is a fiction writer, playwright, journalist, and the guitarist and co-lead-singer of the Boston-based indie rock band the Roland High Life. He is currently a writer for the New York Times' Wirecutter, a Huntington Playwriting Fellow, and a regular contributor to BoingBoing, Upworthy and other sites. His plays have been read or performed in New York, Boston, Hollywood, Alaska, and more, and he's also published fiction with Long Hidden and comic books for Grayhaven Comics & Ninth Art Press. Thom has also written essays, criticisms, and other vaguely-non-fictional ramblings for Medium, Quirk Books and Tor; and poetry in Asimov's and others. In addition to his rock band, the Roland High Life, Thom performs Irish music at pubs across America, and also guitar and keys in TS I Love You, Boston's premiere Taylor Swift cover band; you can find his solo songs on Spotify, iTunes, and BandCamp as well. A graduate of Emerson College and the Clarion Writer's Workshop at the Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination, Thom enjoys mythophysics, robots and whiskey, and Oxford commas, and firmly believes that Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" is the single greatest atrocity ever committed against mankind.
