Theresa 2


Florida US   Feb 2013

Artist Bio

Is it really 2022?

This last year has been one of change. In June we moved our family from Wisconsin to southwest Florida and I started a business that has grown into a full-time job (programming pixels to music - ). So life has been a little hectic, to say the least. I don’t miss winter.

I have neglected music almost completely, I’m ashamed to say. I don’t know if participating in FAWM will be anything more than collabs for me but I’d like to get back into writing, as time permits. I’m also hoping to just get back to playing piano and singing. I feel I don’t have too much creative energy left after programming lights so it’s been too easy to let music go.

I am a pianist and singer. I like to be challenged to step outside of my comfort zone. I love to hear the new music produced this month and will be listening as much as I can!

Happy FAWMing to this amazing community.


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  • @marijequerida Feb 2022

    Hi Theresa, I can't wait to listen to your songs. Congratulations on your business now being your full-time job.

  • @rangermike  Feb 2022

    Welcome back Theresa, You were one of my inspirations last year and look forward to more of your piano, voice and collabs.

  • @silentbmovies  Feb 2022

    Hey Theresa! Happy February. Jealous of your "winter".

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    hey hye lovely lady. Can't wait to hear your inspirational creativity this month x

  • @donna  Jan 2022

    So pleased to see you, Theresa! It's been a hectic year for me as well. I know I still owe you an email.

  • @sueawesome Jan 2022

    hi Theresa! happy fawming!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Bring that sunshine and talent girl, I'll be back!!!

  • @crisp1  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to your music, Theresa, and hoping for a collab! Happy FAWM!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hi Theresa from a little farther south of you! Have a great FAWM!

  • @musicsongwriter Jan 2022

    Hi Theresa, looking forward to hearing your new songs which I'm sure will be coming :)

  • @musicsongwriter Jan 2022

    Hi Theresa, looking forward to hearing your new songs which I'm sure will be coming :)

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    Hey hi and hello to you! I hope that you are well and I’m looking forward to hearing your music again this year!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Hello! May the music come back to you and may you have a most excellent FAWM!

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022

    Two words: boogie and woogie.

  • @kadmad202  Jan 2022

    Holy cow, lots of changes! I hope the warm Florida sun gives you some inspiration this year. Always love hearing your voice and the wonderful music that comes from your heart. Glad you’re here!

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Greetings from the tundra!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Howdy and welcome back. Happy FAWMing!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Wow!! From the cold North to the warm South! I hope you can make some more of your beautiful music here. I always look forward to it. Cheers to FAWM!!

  • @bitshred  Jan 2022

    Wow, a big move. All sounds exciting. You sure you don't miss the winter chill?? Hope to hear your voice and songs this month.