the7thnight 8


US   Jan 2013

Artist Bio

Influences:   Joni Mitchell, Stereolab, Juana Molina, KIRINJI, Taeko Ohnuki, Minami Kitasono

Oh my I have not done any music in the longest time, but I'm going to try to win this year! Any advice regarding instrumentation and how to make songs sound more polished would be much appreciated (╥﹏╥)

pronouns: she/her/hers


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  • @farmyardorchestra Feb 2022

    Hello, thanks for the kind words on Town Trip! The song was made after doing one called "Lonesome Land", by bringing over the "going to town" theme in that last mentioned piece ("Lonesome Land"). Maybe that excitement and desperate thirst for fun carried over to the Town Trip? :-)

  • @speed0doyle Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on 'Manna'. I wish people only listened to my music on headphones, it would help me a lot X-D

    I am actually having another singer redo the vocals now for releasing the best of these FAWM songs on the 1st of March, and we will seek to keep that immediacy that you appreciated.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Dance of the Desert Sand"! Yeah, there's a lot of saturation and distortion and drive going on, maybe a bit too much if that's possible, though that really depends on context.

  • @spingo  Feb 2022

    Oh, my lyrics are just silly nonsense, that's all. Thank you for listening!

  • @ttg105  Feb 2022

    Thanks very much on the "Wriggler" comments. You have a good ear! Those were Dmaj7 and Cmaj7 in the "A" part, and regular seventh chords in the "B." Love those major sevenths!

  • @spazsquatch Feb 2022

    Hey, so there isn't much on The Descent vocals. I'm going through Melda Unison, which I have set to Double Track. It's just a slight offset reverb effect. The I'm going through a Melda MTurbo Reverb set to "Dirty Room" and I cranked up the length to about 60% and wet/dry to around 40%. Most of that is just to thicken up the single take.

    ...but I also sent -12db to a bus with which is a plugin I've been trying to find a way to use for at least a year, maybe longer. The Freakshow plugins are noisemakers, one is called Dumpster Fire. They also have a very musical quality, assuming you are writing something that could use a good amount of noise. The various random "creature sounds" going on are just basic drums pushed through the whatever magical filth backmask layers on. The plugins interfaces are unlabelled, you just play around it it sounds good.

    The company is awesome, and I've wanted to use their plugins so that I could justify buying them, because I've been stealing them... the website let's you get a free license to "steal" their stuff.

    I have everything feeding into it to some degree just to add that sense of chaos that I thought the song needed to shake off the synthwave polish.

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments! I think you hit the spot regarding the movie theme. A bit into the creation I got then exact same feeling. :)

  • @franniezest  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment on my song :)

  • @engebretsen  Feb 2022

    Thx for comments!

  • @ianuarius Feb 2022

    Haha, Well, if that's jazz, then I guess I can play it. But yea, it was just random maj7 and m7 chords and bunch of noodling on top of that.

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind words on "Carly". It was great fun going in a new direction.

  • @kingwoodkowboy  Feb 2022

    Howdy the7thnight and thanks pard, for reviewing Chisholm Trail.

  • @ballyhoot  Feb 2022

    Addendum: I also multi-tracked the guitars on my song, which might help with the "lush" sound you were describing. There's the main acoustic track, which was the first thing I recorded. Then an electric guitar and bass guitar, which I ran through a small amp and then recorded using the phone mic. And finally a second acoustic guitar (my resonator). Then I tinkered with tracking so they weren't all "sitting" in the same place. That's about the extent of my production knowledge.... I'm tapped out.... :)

  • @ballyhoot  Feb 2022

    Hi, thanks for your comment on my song, I'm frequently amazed at the quality of sound one can get from a modern cell phone. I'm not sure what I did differently from what you do. I just hit record and did minimal effects (adjusting treble/bass, volume, tracking, reverb, and compression). However, here are 2 or 3 possible things that could affect the recording:

    1. I just use the microphone setting to record my audio tracks. I don't know how it works or sound if you plug directly into the phone.

    2. When recording the first track, I can record without headphones. However, when recording additional tracks, I use headphones so that the phone won't re-record the playback.

    3. I realized last night that I need to avoid using the headphones that came with my phone, or any kind of headphone that is designed to be used as headsets. I find the built-in mic is often too sensitive and frequently picks up movement, the rubbing of fabric, impact against the cable, etc. The recordings with the Iphone headphones were complete rubbish and I had to re-record with just normal headphones.

    Other issues: How far you are from the phone when you are recording; ambient noises where you are recording (AC, ceiling fan, loud TV, etc); age of your phone and software version.

    Anyway, I don't know if any of that helps, but good luck! :)