teslator 1


Austin, Tx US   Jan 2019


Artist Bio

Influences:   Anything electronic, especially modular synth stuff. Plus all other kinds of music. Plus, anything remotely interesting to me. Plus life. Plus afterlife. Plus minus.

I have a modular synth, which keeps growing... what's up with that? Maybe i'll post some pics of it, it looks rather daunting. It is a true joy to explore!

I have had an ongoing residency on sharedfrequencies.com with the same name "Teslator", where I produce about an hour's worth of new electronic music per month. I've been doing that for nearly 2 years, and there's a link to all my past shows that they archive for me on soundcloud. I also did videos with them for a while, and those shows also have youtube links i think.

It's definitely a challenge to produce an hour of new music per month that i feel good about, but i like challanges, and it's paying off. I performed live as "Teslator" over 30 times last year, to great success. And some of my sharedfrequencies.com shows have been rebroadcast on radio stations as far away as Hong Kong and Madrid. So I guess I'm doing something right!

I have alter egos here on Fawm. I am also @roy and @nictesla. I will have tracks in all 3 accounts, I am pretty sure.

Now, Go Forth and Multiply! (your song output, of course!).

I look forward to everyone's oscillations!
