Terror At Space Camp 15


New York US   Jan 2021

Artist Bio

Hi. I'm Niveous.

I had grand plans. I had big ideas for this year's FAWM. Then came the January and omicron surge of the great global bastard which subsequently took my father. Now, I'm going to lean hard on music to help me get through. My music was already weird and dark but this February, oh boy, this is gonna be a doozy.

UPDATE: The plan is to record all the songs over President's Day Weekend. Lyrics get written during week one. Music demos in week two. So, there won't be a ton of updates at first.

Also, these songs won't have normal song titles. The idea is you'll listen to the tunes and you can call them anything you want. You can come to a consensus on what you call them if you want but there are no real titles.

Update 2/22: 10 songs recorded in one of the wildest weekends of my life. Will release the fruits of that joyous labor soon.

Liner notes:
Altogether these songs make up an album. Its title is "To Be Determined" but you can call it whatever you want. The songs may have titles but you can call them whatever you want. If you find a connection to the songs here, customize them in your collection with your own titles.

This album was written for February Album Writing Month (FAWM) in the days after losing my father to the great global bastard. It's an album built on grief and a search for catharsis. The recording on the other hand was a sign that the light at the end of the tunnel does exist. It was recorded over Presidents Day Weekend 2022. The musicians came into this cold. It was recorded in a live setting with no overdubs. Whatever connection the musicians made to the music in the moment, I tried to capture. Some of the recordings are raw and still have some edges. A few got a mix to them but mostly it was a WYSIWYG affair.

A huge thank you to the musicians who decided to give up their time, come to the Witchhouse and gave their voices, creativity and energy to these songs. It not only helped me make these tunes come to fruition, it also helped restore some of my faith in humanity.

E. Niveous Rayside (Terror At Space Camp)- guitar, bass
Elana Low- vocals, harmonium
Eric Novak- bass
Jay Ackley- drums, production
Jeannie Skelly- guitar
Mallory Feuer- vocals, drums
Mama Pills- vocals, piano
Margo Goldstein- guitar, vocals
Matt Seneca- vocals, drums
R. Brookes McKenzie- vocals, omnichord, drums

Pronouns: He/Him

Songs (15)

#1 (imposter) 2
Feb 2022
#2 (tattoo) 2
Feb 2022
#3 (wreck) 7
Feb 2022
#4 (preoccupation) 2
Feb 2022
#5 (lucid) 6
Feb 2022
#6 (distances) 6
Feb 2022
#7 (michelle) 2
Feb 2022
#8 (city) 5
Feb 2022
#9 (sheen) 3
Feb 2022
#10 (crash) 9
Feb 2022
#11 (routine) -unreleased 1
Feb 2022
#12 (chemical) -unreleased 1
Feb 2022
#13 (cross) -unreleased 1
Feb 2022
#14 (coventry) -unreleased 1
Feb 2022
#15 (goodbye) -unreleased 2
Feb 2022


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  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Oh goodness I’m so sorry for your loss. I had a FAWM like that a few years back after losing my oldest brother in January. That is so terrible, but it is good to have this timely catharsis and expression. Very well done and I will be listening more in the coming days.

  • @jessi14 Feb 2022

    Hey, very sorry to hear about your loss ... I hope music can help you breathe through this....

  • @dorit Feb 2022

    Niv! Finally connecting on the Fawm boards. One day at a time. Hope this minute, hour, day, etc is good and better.

  • @johnnycashpoint Feb 2022

    Can't wait to hear! In his memory xxj$

  • @heuristicsinc  Jan 2022

    Niv, nice to see you. Sorry to hear about your father. I was there too in 2010. Let me know if you need anything.

  • @balancelost  Jan 2022

    Sup my dude. Good luck!

  • @mosley  Jan 2022

    Hey Niv, Just read your bio and I am so sorry for your loss

  • @mosley  Jan 2022

    Hey Niveous! Happy FAWMing! Looking forward to hearing what you come up with this year!

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    Hey Niv. Sorry for your loss, I hope FAWM can give you an outlet and some creative support. I'll be listening!

  • @thedutchwidows  Jan 2022

    Cheers Niveous. I’m working my way up to Nur Ein!

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022

    Heya, Niv. Glad you're here. I hope music can be a balm.

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    Hey Niveous, just wanted to make contact after seeing your post in the grief thread. I feel like I want to say a mix between “So sorry for your loss”, and “What a total fuck of a thing to happen”… maybe somewhere between those two sentences are the right words. Or maybe - as I found when my Dad died two years ago - there are no right words, but any word is better than saying nothing. Maybe the idea of something sucking comes from a cross of Sorry and Fuck? Whatever. It Sucks. And I’m here.

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! (and of course, condolences, and hope music is one small thing that helps see you thru!)

  • @sailingmagpie  Jan 2022

    Greetings and salutations. Onboard for this year?