Jimm McIver 4


Seattle US   Jan 2019

Artist Bio

Influences:   MacLen, Robyn Hitchcock, Queen, Big Star

Seattle singer-songwriter and unreliable narrator.


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  • @charliecheney  Feb 2022

    Whenever I see your internet name I think to myself, is that Tbird from St John Songfest in 2006? What the hell has she been up to? And then I click it to see and I go oh wait, it's Jiiiiiiiimmmmmmm.

    Hi Jimm! Greetings from the Southlands. I really should come visit now that I can arrive two if by land, one if by sea. Love. <3

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    Hi icon-twin!

  • @erbaer  Jan 2022

    Glad you could make it! Happy FAWM!

  • @enzo  Jan 2022

    you joined in 2019??? You’re a veteran!!!

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    You're here! And you have rock hands and everything!!