Tasia Russell [ Tah-sha ] 1


Columbus, US   Jan 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   Science Fiction, Fantasy, RPG, LARPing, SCA, Science, Ballet, Weather

I discovered Filking in Michigan in the mid 1980s. Attended WorldCon in CA in 1993. Moved to Ohio in 1994, due to answering an internet personal. I'm still with the same person. I have two cats, or should I say they have us?

I tend to live in the Filk rooms at SF/Fantasy cons these days. Other than that, I prefer RPG and LARPs to virtual games.


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  • @tasia Feb 2022

    Thank you @tseaver. I have changed the tag on my 1st Song to hopefully get some instrumental musical help.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    Welcome Tasia! I'm Deirdre from the zoom filks.

  • @tseaver  Feb 2022

    I'd be glad to look at lyrics and find something to collaborate on. The most straightforward / usual way to do this at FAWM is for you to post them first as "lyrics only" songs, and then have invite instrumental collaborators, e.g. using a tag like #needs-collab or #needs-music. You can also troll for collaborators in this forum: https://fawm.org/forums/collaboration/

    If you've asked for collaborators to check with you first, that usually happens out-of-band (i.e. via e-mail).

    Once the collaborator finishes recording, she then posts her version of the song, naming you as collaborator: you then get a two-for-one effect (you get credit for both versions).

  • @mhorning Feb 2022

    We believe in you Tasia.

  • @tawny249  Feb 2022

    I sent you a message on Facebook, just FYI. I'm probably the only Gabrielle messaging you, lol. :)

  • @tasia Feb 2022

    I'm still feeling lost here. I've got the start of a theme for 14+ songs and mostly have one written but I think I need some help with it and have no clue where to go to get the help.
    Actually, I've generated a list of 28 ideas for songs then the theme for this month and came up with the 15+ for the possible album.

  • @tawny249  Jan 2022

    Hello! Do I know you under another name? I am apparently in the same locale and a filker, so I'd be a little surprised if not, but who knows. Either way, welcome! Have an awesome FAWM!

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    Welcome, and happy FAWMing!

  • @tasia Jan 2022

    I keep starting over with my instruments due to epileptic seizures and MS cog fog.