Tara Craig 20


WA US   Feb 2008


Artist Bio

Influences:   Joni Mitchell, Ani DiFranco, Patty Griffin, Brandi Carlile, Bon Iver, Gregory Alan Isakov, Darlingside, The Weepies, S.Carey, Rhodes, Lord Huron, Frightened Rabbit, Sleeping At Last, Tall Heights, Jimmy Eat World, Death Cab For Cutie, Tegan and Sara, the great FAWMers of yesterday and today.


I participated in FAWM for the first time in 2008 and after experiencing the energy, passion, and encouragement of this incredible online songwriting community I was hooked! I've participated each year since with varying degrees of commitment and "success".

After a year of not playing or writing much, I'm excited for the musical jumpstart FAWM brings. Early last March I packed up my music studio, converted the room back to a bedroom and put my house on the market. My wife and I sold our home in Portland, OR and moved to Friday Harbor, WA on San Juan Island in May. We moved into our new house in September and I finally finished setting up my new home studio space a few weeks ago. I'm so ready to break it in!!

This year my expectations are to get my creative juices flowing, have fun and savor the month long songwriting retreat/hysteria that is FAWM.

I'm always interested in collaborations.

Constructive feedback is always welcome.

songs, let's do this.

Planning on giving 50/90 a go this year.

Songs (20)

#1 Too much baggage (skirmish) 16
Feb 2022
#2 The Ocean's Symphony (skirmish) @andygetch  11
Feb 2022
#3 Cleaning by B and T (skirmish) 8
Feb 2022
#4 Dust @kahlo2013  24
Feb 2022
#5 First Weekend @spectralsea 8
Feb 2022
#6 Sage of the Mountain @bithprod  14
Feb 2022
#7 Pink Flowers 5
Feb 2022
#8 All I Can Be @kahlo2013  14
Feb 2022
#9 The Train Goes to Chinatown 7
Feb 2022
#10 The Dirt Hill (skirmish) 4
Feb 2022
#11 Take Off Your Armor (skirmish) 3
Feb 2022
#12 Let You In @kahlo2013  9
Feb 2022
#13 The Mad Hatter (skirmish) 8
Feb 2022
#14 Under a Waning Moon @kahlo2013  10
Feb 2022
#15 Pink Flowers (DEMO) 5
Feb 2022
#16 Not a Race (Skirmish) 2
Feb 2022
#17 Drop Dead, Gorgeous @bithprod  10
Feb 2022
#18 Front Page News 11
Feb 2022
#19 Homecoming 2
Feb 2022
#20 Grasping At Straws @bithprod  2
Mar 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Dear Tara,

    Thank you again for checking out some of my lyrics, your kind comments, and your amazing music. I really appreciate and treasure the collaborations and how you bring lyrics to life with your beautiful musical sensibility and emotional sensitivity. Would be happy to work with you and support pulling together songs we have done together in some type of album. That would be awesome. Hope to see you on 50/90! Liz

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    The crazy thing is - 800 is only about 7.5 percent of what is out there- and since I tend to listen/read work from the same people, I probably have commented on work by < 5 % of FAWMers. Crazy! And yeah, with work I tend to sleep very little in Feb and I am so tired. And my family has been totally ignored. Karen is an enabler and during FAWM does everything around the house. Will sleep tonight!

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Emailed you the address to the SoundCloud version, add me as a collab and I will update or you can add it yourself.

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Absolutely, it's just a sketch and not in any way "finished". :) I sometimes tend to choose (internal) rhymes over reason. But yeah, I would ideally like to review the changes first, on the small chance that I've had some really profound reason for writing something specific. ;)

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    Hey Tara!
    Of course I remember you very well and recognized you on FAWM! Very happy to hear from you and now that we have some time on our hands I can start listening to my friends music so I'm looking forward to hearing yours. Hope all's been well in life and I heard about your move to the San Juans which is where my brother lives! He's on Lopez.:0)

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    My good friends live on Orcas Island. I haven't been there in too many years, but it is oh, so beautiful. Enjoy your time there.

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Thank you for yet another great song!

    I just finished writing something you might like, although I realize time is running out and you probably have enough on your plate. I just feel that this particular lyric needs your sensitive touch. I think you'll understand why once you read it. If you don't have time, or don't connect with it at all, that's of course totally ok. (It doesn't have to be a FAWM song either.) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/91gs29fk5y0p2hx011kad/Grasping-At-Straws.docx?dl=0&rlkey=37z2ew0ei2gh5fejshpq9is11

  • @fiddlerblick80 Feb 2022

    Such a complement coming from you, my dear. Thank you for listening.

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Thank you, Tara! You're always welcome to write music for any of my lyrics. I'm a great fan of your work. <3

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    I went back and forth between
    “ B
    walking all night
    after being with you
    the waning moon fades
    guiding me in
    what I must do… ”

    walking all night
    after being with you
    the waning moon fades
    helping me know
    what I must do… “

    And I think I like the latter better … and also “suggesting” in verse 2 / I also went back and forth on other 3 syllable words there… so as always your lyrical tweaks are welcome!

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    I would love that, Tara, thank you!

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    Fawm is always a bit chaotic. Today at my house was also a bit chaotic. None of it your fault! No need to apologise. There will be more skirmishes, I gotta just remind myself I can't do them all anyway.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    If kahlo is okay with multiple collabs on her lyric I am not at all offended if you also want to do a version!

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    I would be honored and feel free to name me as collaborator, then I will add music. Not gonna change a word though :)

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    I love your influences! They remind me that I need to get my Death Cab for Cutie records back out to enjoy :) Thank you for the kind comments on my collabs, Tara!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comments! I'm glad you enjoyed my songs :)

    "Dust" will be turned into a full production later this year. Thanks for your offer but I'm already in touch with a vocalist.

    I loved to work with @chrismyth02 on "Under", he captured this spirit so well!

    You're right my muse is into heavy music this year. Last year has been more pop music and now I'm deep into post grunge and prog metal, and funnily also bluesy ballads. Doesn't make sense after all xD

    If you're interested to join a project someday soon just hit me up. Or spam in the comments of a FAWM track. I never know what my muse will cook but maybe I write a song someday that you enjoy and suits your voice type :-)
    I'll listen later!

  • @the3queens Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words! That would be a dream having this play on hold and it really made me giggle thinking people would hear this while waiting. The irony. Maybe it would piss them off more.

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    Wow Tara. Thank you so much for listening to my songs and the kind words about them as well. Really means a lot to me. Thank you.

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks for dropping by "under" and leaving some feedback! Glad you enjoyed it.

  • @skibum1066  Feb 2022

    I like your take on Kahlo's "Dust". A lot different than Tcelliot's.

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Just wow! You sprinkled magic on my simple little tale. <3

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    Re: Ode To A Dying Car - I can't add you as collab to this one as I have already added @majormajormajormajor (Tim), because it was a response to his song, and leads on from it.
    However, I don't mind if you create music and vocals for it, then post it up as a new version (adding me as collab). Is that ok ?
    I wouldn't normally do double versions of songs, but the original collab is not a normal collab arrangement :)
    Please don't alter the lyrics without chatting to me first, but I am always happy to edit if the melody requires it :)

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    I look forward to seeing what you may select :)

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Those songs are marked off for you in my liner notes and I removed the needs-music, open for collaboration notes on them.

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Thanks and please do! Just think of it as part of life.

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Thank you! I am putting it in the liner notes!

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    I'd love to collaborate on something please Tara :) If you are up for it. I'm a lyricist who can compose a little bit :)

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Awesome! Thanks!

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Tara, you know I would love that. Feel free to tweak there were a few word choices I was going back and forth on …

  • @auditasum  Feb 2022

    Raising baby souls and learning how to grow/evolve plants are some of the jobs Michael Newton claims (in his books) exist on the other side. Cushy, right??

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Oh, that's wonderful. Please do! :)

  • @fionna  Feb 2022

    Woohoo! Thanks for your interest in collab. I’ll keep you in mind!

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Glad to see you here!! Looking forward to your wonderful music, Tara!

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Hey Tara! I’m open to work on something together! Hopefully we can make some time for it feel free to reach me here or on Instagram since that’s probably something I’ll check much more often. Jorgevallentinemusic on there

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hey Tara, I hope that all is well and, yes. Lets. Do. This.