sueawesome 10


EasternSea US   Feb 2009

Artist Bio

Influences:   whatever plants itself in the depths of my soul

****please see changes below about collabs as of 2022*****

2 0 2 2

I’m trying


the backdrop on me:
I'm not a musician, and I don't sing. I'm an artist of paint and words...probably inspired by you. I tend to reach states of euphoria when exploring forests and chasing sunsets.

I've been absolutely humbled and amazed at what the musicians here on fawm have come up with when breathing life into my lyrics. I've somehow stumbled into the graces of some talented musicians since starting fawm, that have made amazing demos out of the abstract stories in my head. It has encouraged me to keep pushing the limits in my writing and in my creativity pursuits. thank you for that know who you are.

to all of you.. you’re the best for even taking the time to read my garbage. I owe you at least one star in the sky.

{{I’m doing things a little differently than past years.

if we’ve not collab’d in the past and there’s a lyric of mine that you’re interested in putting music to, let me know first and feel free to let me know of a song of yours that might give me an idea of the treatment you’re thinking. there may be some lyrics that I write that I’m not expecting anyone to want to put music (it’s probably better that way) and/or I’m just more comfortable with past fawm friends only doing (I don’t always know until I know, sorry). so please don’t be offended if I have to pass on your offer. I’m normally so much more open about it but something has shifted and I don’t know what or why. I hope that makes sense because it kind of doesn’t to me, lol. it’s still better to come say hi so I get to meet you and hear your music because you might be right for another lyric of mine or in the very least I’ll get to know some new music (one of the best parts about fawm). please see remaining info about collabs below.

for those I’ve already worked with .. do your usual thing of letting me know what you’re interested in and we’ll go from there.}}

past collab info:
if any of my lyrics resonate with you and you want to put them to music...please let me know - and come say hi. : ) If a demo ends up being made, go ahead and post it and link me as the collab. If a demo has already been done by another musician, don't let that hold you back from doing your own. I know some may not agree with that. I feel like one musicians effort to create a song does not diminish the efforts of another with the same lyrics. that would be like saying I shouldn’t paint the stars because Van Gogh already did. Or, only Monet should have painted his love, Camille. But then we wouldn’t have the works that his buddies, Renoir and Manet, did of her.

As for making them available to the general public in any form (including YouTube videos)...that's discussed on an individual it stays here on FAWM unless otherwise discussed. : ).

Also.. I'm no writing expert by any means.. but I get sad if my work is rearranged or changed, especially the meaning or certain words I’m stupidly emotionally attached to. I understand that in order to fit the technicalities of music.. sometimes changing is what's if something isn't working.. let me know - lets work it together.

now I owe you brownies

(copyright on all lyrics)
p.s. I can be found on ig sometimes...

Songs (10)

#1 torrent 4
Feb 2022
#2 the yellow clearing 4
Feb 2022
#3 transformations of mystery 4
Feb 2022
#4 charlotte on the desk 4
Feb 2022
#5 the lost 3
Feb 2022
#6 charlotte on the desk @metalfoot  4
Feb 2022
#7 gentle secrets 2
Feb 2022
#8 the lost @max  4
Feb 2022
#9 the war song 2
Feb 2022
#10 peace chant 4
Mar 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @majordanby  Feb 2022

    Hi sue, it’s my usual nonsense writing. I used the melody of a Radiohead or Thom Yorke (not sure which, not a huge fan). The wishing well line was the first line, and the rest means nothing. I have struggled with the guitar recently, hence my poor effort this year. Karl

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    Sueeeeeee.,, I read on someone's wall that you had a car accident, yikes - hope you're ok. As always, I'm really enjoying your lyrics but I always struggle with what to say. (if it means anything, you're the only lyric-only person I follow, heh). I will try and leave some individual lyric comments this weekend :)

  • @max  Feb 2022

    Thanks, will do so in a minute. Me so happy!!!!!!!!!!

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    I look forward to it :) Also you are not alone with being misinterpreted. Happens to the best of us. Imagine how Springsteen feels about how Born In the USA was interpreted and by who.

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    I meant to give the highest compliments to your skilled use of words which I greatly admire and feel unworthy of attempting to put to music. Apologies for my misinterpretation and hope that you are okay.

  • @max  Feb 2022

    I came here and saw your songs locked, then I saw the comments below. Hope you are fine. Take care Sue, wishing you a speedy recovery.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I emailed you what I tried for Charlotte. Hope you're doing better!

  • @pumpkinhead Feb 2022

    Car accident my God! I am glad you are ok. I did not have anything in mind except "Awesome Peace" but also My sweet Lord by George Harrison or Give Peace a chance or just simply Cat Stevens. Go easy my friend and have fun and I hope you get back in one piece from the accident. <3

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    car accident buddies? (I'm OK too but my car... hmm... not so much)

  • @pumpkinhead Feb 2022

    Dear Sue. The music I had in mind did not turn out the way I thought and other things got in the way. Sorry. I would love a text on Peace (Awesome Peace) from you if you get a feel for it. It would be nice to work from a text and see what happens.

  • @danvaillancourt  Feb 2022

    You are so sweet Sue. Thank you for your kind words. ;)

  • @pumpkinhead Feb 2022

    Hi there Sue. How do you feel about writing peace chant lyrics? I have a song cooking and would love your words on it. Might have some music to send you later this week. :)

  • @natrin  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing :)

  • @pumpkinhead Jan 2022

    Hi Sue. You are awesome and I am just getting ready to start recording new songs tomorrow. It will be so much fun! If I need some words I know where to look. Peace sister <3

  • @popmythology  Jan 2022

    I personally thought you sounded *great* in the song (honest to goodness truth).

  • @corinnelucy  Jan 2022

    This year there will be Corinne hope I can make music for some of your lyrics again this year!!

  • @max  Jan 2022

    Hey there stardust chaser!
    Ready Steady ...........FAWM!

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    have an amazing FAWM and welcome back

  • @iwilleatyou Jan 2022

    Oh for fucks sake haha! It took me a minute to figure what the hell you were talking about!
    So dinner didn't call. That's not me in the image SUE. C'MON! That's not even the color lipstick I wear!

  • @tinear  Jan 2022

    LOL ah, I get what you mean now!

  • @danvaillancourt  Jan 2022

    Hi! I am so glad to see that you are back this year! Can't wait.

  • @piney Jan 2022

    Wishing you a beautiful FAWM! :)

  • @oldlostjohn Jan 2022

    Hi Sue, I'm here. Good to know you are too.

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    Have a wonderful FAWM! I look forward to witnessing your lyrical magic.

  • @theresaj Jan 2022

    Hi Sue! I’m happy to see you here again. Have a great FAWM. I’ll be visiting often.

  • @tinear  Jan 2022

    Hi Sue, saw your mention in the Twin Avatar thread - - but you have me a bit confused as we're not the same avatar ???
    Happy to collab anyway.
    Have a rocking FAWM

  • @popmythology  Jan 2022

    Hi, Sue, thanks for stopping by and leaving your nice note! I've been away from FAWM for a couple of years, but am back this year in a limited capacity. It's very good to see you're still active on FAWM and hope you have a good one! By the way, I just stopped by your Soundcloud page and listened to that song "helios." Is that you singing on it?

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    I always love hearing from you and always value your feedback! You are such a wonderful artist and I'm glad you are back!! :)

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    You were still on my watchlist! No idea what happened there. But at any rate, all is connected again now!

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    Hey beautiful lady! Bless you, I have just dusted off my microphone and notepads and got a bit excited about writing again :D But not about performing, I fear I’ll never enjoy that bit waaaaa! Hoping to put something together for sure! Looking forward to seeing your own tapestries! <3

  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    Woo! Awesome Sue Is Awesome!

    Haha, I never try to guess. My lowest number was 1, in a year that I expected to do more (I think that was 2018), and I think my highest was 50, in a year where I expected to do hardly anything (that may have been last year, but I could be wrong).

    I hope things are ok with you!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Hey there! I hope you are doing well and I look forward to what you write-- and if something strikes my fancy perhaps I will approach you about a collab. I know my wife is urging me to take it a little easier this year than last (because >100 in FAWM is kinda nuts) but yeah.

    Looking forward to your beautiful words again!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Generally well here, holding on to hope, including more light. Some days for me are still all about putting one foot forward, then the other. Thanks for the reply :).

  • @blueone  Jan 2022

    Hey hey - hoping to see you back again this year

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022

    Checking in...

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hello Sue, I hope that all is well and I look forward to reading your lyrics.

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    Suuuuue, it's yooooou!