Chris 1


US   Feb 2015

Artist Bio

Influences:   mmmmmm

bio pending... (...)

winner in 2016, 2017
participant in 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021


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  • @silvermediapro  Jan 2022

    now *that* would be a feat for the ages, i tell you h'wat!

  • @carljungmallcop Jan 2022

    Care and attention to the key relationships in your life will pay off.

    Lucky numbers: 18, 25, 2, 17, 56, 31

  • @roadreg Jan 2022

    We ARE gonna collab this year, bogguher.

  • @silvermediapro  Jan 2022

    whoa, is that legendary singer-songwriter & youtuber christopher tom? happy fawming my dude! :D