stewartscissor 7


Cambridge UK   Feb 2011  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Rock and roll. That's where I'm coming from.

Lead singer and bassist with Cambridge-based psychpop/new-wave four-piece The Scissors. Also play bass and backing vocals for Jacqui and Geoff and Goddammit Jeremiah (@helenseviltwin, @expendablefriend and @orinoco in various combinations)
Been FAWMing for a good few years now...


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  • @stewartscissor Feb 2022

    Well, having set aside a proper couple of days to do some FAWMing, my audio interface goes kaput. So that might be it from me this year! FFS.

  • @stewartscissor Jan 2022

    I just spent ten minutes trying to find where to change my profile pic, and it turns out - you can't! So this year I am a clarinet.