Steven Wesley Guiles 17


91773 US   Jan 2008  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Jesus, Buddha, Simon and Garfunkel, Elliot Smith, Jon Foreman, Foster the People, BLM, deadmau5, Pavement, Bon Iver, Paul Westerberg, Joseph Arthur, King David, Sesame Street, Arcade Fire, U2, the Replacements, Miyazaki, Stephen King, Orson Scott Card, Wilco, Sufjan Stevens, M.Ward, radiohead, Japandroids, The Innocence Mission, Mr. Rogers, and YOU.


This year has been nuts. A lot of things going on in my personal life, my dad has been in the hospital since January 6. My kids just got Covid. So, yeah, life is a little cchaotic.

On the plus side, I still have my health, I funded my Kickstarter in December and am working on releasing my new album, Transistions.

And I am at the VERY LEAST going to take a shot at FAWM this year.

Steven Wesley Guiles aka Applehead aka Mr. Gee
FAWMER from 2008-Present

Collab with GSlade -
Album of Fortnite Songs with Mama Katie.
2008 - 22
2009 - 21
2010 - 19
2011 - 23
2012 - 24
2013 - 28 (minecraft songs)
2014 - 21
2015 - 31 (ten 10 second songs)
2016 - 25
2017 - 25
2018 - 32
2019 - 32
2020 - 27
2021 -23 +1 fourtracktape song.(as of 2/26)
2022 - 17 (this year was nuts and I'm not sure how I managed to do it)
Local SoCal Musical Allies Squadron: @johnq, @billysea, my friend Brandon (@bru2), bro-in-law Michael (@michaelmtn), James (@jamesstaubes), @joshlevitre, @rustyp, @cynthiawolff

he/him/or "hey you"


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @dancrook Mar 2022

    just sitting catching up on songs. enjoying this is what I thought I'd come around to. love your creativity and vocal style.

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    I don’t know that I ever saw your shirt design. Link please

  • @scottlake Feb 2022


  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    No worries! I want to thank you for introducing me to Inktober. I’ve found lots of enjoyment drawing. In fact I can now claim to be a paid graphic artist! I have made $12.25 selling two of these shorts on tee spring.

    One was my pastor being a bro buying one and the other came from me posting in the live sound subreddit today. I had to pull my post though because after it was live for an hour or so and getting way more upvotes than I expected, people had snagged a screenshot and were selling knockoffs on other sites!

    I don’t know how to market it without that happening.

    Here’s to the next time we can hang for a few hours!

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Steven, fancy musicing these lyrics with your indie stylee?

    Bachelor’s Button
    Lyrics copyright 2022 Scott Lake

    I can’t live here anymore
    In three days they change out the lock on the door.
    9 years I’ve lived in this room on my own.
    4 years with a dog. 5 all alone.

    Security deposit was steep way back when
    If it’s not spotless I lose it and then
    have nothing for room and board at the inn
    Jesus and Mary. A Nomad. Bedouin

    Pre Chorus

    Grab a few boxes from the alley below.
    Hope to find some that aren’t wet from the snow.
    I’m not in the mood for this, how low can I go?

    So I sweep and vacuum and pack
    Take out the trash to the bin at the back
    Pull my dresser away from the wall
    There’s that button not lost after all!

    Just one choice, just one big mistake
    How many kicks to the groin does it take?
    To drive a man down where he’s not been before
    To turn into a wall, what once was a door?

    So I sweep and vacuum and pack
    Take out the trash to the bin at the back
    Pull my dresser away from the wall
    There’s that button. Not lost after all!

    Locked the last box in the trunk of the car
    Here’s Mrs. Chen, something blue in her hand.
    “For good luck. Good luck near and afar.
    A Bachelor’s Button from Chen’s Flower Stand.”

    Post Chorus
    I swept and I vacuumed and spot shined the place.
    Deposit in pocket and smile on my face.
    Bachelor’s button pinned to my lapel,
    On to my next place, my next place to dwell.

  • @emkeev Feb 2022

    hey thanks for the encouraging and funny comment :) Maybe I'll blast you something over DM on Twitter........

  • @charliecheney  Feb 2022

    Hadn't thought of Bruce Coburn as an influence on that song, but yeah, thank you, a huge compliment! I've been a fan of his since the 80s.

    If I'm dead honest, I've been listening to a ton of Steely Dan lately, because Sarah recently discovered them. Such monster riffy intelligent blues jams.

    Did I tell you I moved to Paso Robles? I'm only a few hours north of you now. Let's get together.

  • @santadharma Feb 2022

    Oh noooo just saw all the stuff you’re going through. You ok? Sending love.

  • @jsini  Feb 2022

    Okay... oops...dessert is also an image that works, too. - suzanne

  • @leepat  Feb 2022

    got it. replied :)

  • @klyma Feb 2022

    Digging the variety of styles and sounds you explore in your songs.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Sent you a potential starter for the Black Market... No worries either way, but let me know. :)

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    Hope things get smoothed out for you soon… looking forward to checking out your music…

  • @erelpi10 Feb 2022

    Hello :) It's that time again

  • @jacobeverettwallace  Feb 2022

    SWG! Hope you're hanging in there dude. Looking forward to some classic SWG rock. Happy FAWM!

  • @danvaillancourt  Jan 2022

    Another year Mr. Applehead. Feel free to let me know if you are interested in another collab this year. I always have ideas. ;)

  • @jwhanberry  Jan 2022

    On your marks.....Get set.....Watch out, here it comes!

    Have a fantastic FAWM my friend.

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    Hello, fellow stone sufferer! I’m sorry you’ve been through that experience too. But on to more pleasant topics: have a terrific and productive FAWM! I look forward to hearing your output (and hope everyone in your family gets better quick)!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Hey! Hope you can make one or two songs this year in the midst of all the swirling everything going on.

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Steven! Thank you so much for your comment on my song "Step One" in the "This is me" thread, I really appreciate it!

    I'm looking forward to more of your songs this year! Have a great FAWM!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Lets. Do. This.

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM 2022!!

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    Steve, I will be in Simi Valley next week Jan 24-28. Is that near you? Pre FAWM duet?

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022

    Wii wont moor Ess Double-You Gee four awl two here!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Hey there! You've been on my mind a lot and I hope things are going well. I hope you are able to find time to FAWM, and I also wanted to check in to see if you wanted to 4-track (non-video version). Looking forward to more wonderful music from you, Steve. All the best to you and your family! <3

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to your '22 FAWM
    Hopefully things are still moving in the right direction and you'll be here all month!