Stephan Kleinert 16


Kasbach-Ohlenberg DE   Jan 2015  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Massive Attack, Kraftwerk, OMD, Talk Talk, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, my work at the animal sanctuary, the news, the people around me, the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain, the trees, the birds, the clouds...

Some of you might or might not remember me as head & producer of now defunct alt-pop outfit Botany Bay.

For over 40 years I thought that it was my purpose in life to be an artist. Only after our last album sold a whopping 26 copies (and cost a five figure sum to record), I finally realized that the purpose thing had not really worked out… and I started falling down a deep and dark hole.

But then something miraculous happened. You know it's strange, they say when one door closes, another one always opens.

It's even more strange that it's true.

In my case, horses started to appear in my life. By sheer accident, I was given the opportunity to learn how to ride, and how to handle and care for those beautiful, beautiful beings.

After a quite astonishing chain of events, I'm now doing volunatry work as an animal caretaker at a local animal sanctuary, and I have learned that the gratitude of one single horse (or any other animal really!) means more to me than all the applause in the world.

It's mainly thanks to this work that I am much better now, making cautious steps into music again. It won't be like it was before... and I'm curious where it might lead, and looking forward to hearing from you :)


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  • @unici Feb 2022

    First of all: shame on me and my apologies I didn't comment on any song before. I won't trouble you with my excuses here, but want to say I'm sorry.
    I am always amazed by what you produce. When you create something - and it doesn't matter if it's writing or music or pictures - there's always a magic in it.
    When I read your thoughts I sense a magical presence between the lines and I can feel a sparkle arising from the space between them. When I listen to your music I always sense a depth and space filled with that magical presence between the notes. And when I look at your pictures they seem all very special and are touching and again it's magic. I don't know how else to describe it.
    You are such an amazing artist and you know this. As life has it's own timing I know that we sometimes forget. I wish that as the sparkles arise in your creations and infuse them that this knowing rises within you and infuses and carries you as it has in the past. Meanwhile running with horses is always a great idea.
    Big hugs!! :-*

  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Wieder mal ein Dankeschön fürs hin - und zuhören.
    Ich hoffe Mark H. sitzt auf seiner Wolke und lächelt wohlwollend :-)

  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Danke für Deinen lieben Kommentar. Die Aufnahme ist kein Meisterwerk, darin bin ich noch nicht gut. Es war mir wichtig, die Stimmung zu ändern und nicht im Entsetzen zu enden. Und es freut mich, wenn das rüberkommt :-)

  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Ich habe gerade Deinen Nachruf auf Mark Hollies gelesen. Ich entdeckte ihn leider erst vor ca. 1 Monat als ich zum ersten Mal „Colors of Spring“ hörte. Diese Musik ist so überirdisch schön, dass ich es kaum fassen konnte. Ich bedaure es sehr, dass er so früh starb. „Spirit of Eden“ kenne ich noch nicht - was ich aber bald ändern werde.

  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Dankeschön :-)

  • @howthenightcame Feb 2022

    oh, I'm glad you like that quote!! the horses are in the background of the story, which is equal parts funny, violent, and sad. there is also the father-son relationship, so...

  • @unici Feb 2022

    Hellooo :-)
    I am sooo happy that you are back!!! Life always knows how to show us the way. There are no accidents and I love that you followed your horse friends' invitation to opening up your heart. This will bring your music and yourself even more alive in a way you couldn't imagine and it wouldn't be possible without all the darkness in your life. You were never wrong about your purpose, there was just a part of you missing and I can see it flowing in. Like music needs all the tones high and low and the bass line gives a song depth and space, deep dark places in our lives make them complete and whole. Your horse friends are leading you the way. :-*

  • @chroes  Feb 2022

    Totally get how working with one's own vocals feels... vulnerable. I constanty try to bury my vocals for that same reason. We'll simply both work on this - while feeling vulnerable, I guess.

  • @dukemeyer  Feb 2022

    Danke für deinen ausführlichen und einfühlsamen Kommentar zu "Bil"! Ich hätte selbst länger dran gefrickelt - nur nicht hier in FAWM-typischer Eile. ;-)

  • @axl  Feb 2022

    Hey Stephan, ich finde die Geschichte in deiner Bio toll. Wünsche dir alles Gute!

    PS: Antworten in den Song Comments erscheinen nicht auf den Homepages der Adressaten. Das „Soundboard“ ist der richtige Ort für sowas.

  • @dukemeyer  Feb 2022

    Heya, ganz lieben Dank für deinen ausführlichen schönen Kommentar zu meinem Anflug, äh, dem "Flieger"-Song!

  • @ryuu  Jan 2022

    Ich wünsche Dir einen tollen, inspirierenden FAWM!

  • @stephubik  Jan 2022


  • @chroes  Jan 2022

    Hello, toll, dass du wieder dabei bist! Freue mich sehr auf dieses FAWM und wünsche dir alles Gute!

  • @torsten  Jan 2022

    Hallo Stephan, willkommen beim FAWM 2022 und herzliche Grüße in den Westerwald.

    Schöne und berührende Geschichte, was Du da oben schreibst. Dazu fällt mir natürlich gleich das Lied "My lovely horse" von meinem Lieblingsmusiker ein, der seit ein paar Jahren mit seiner Freundin zusammen einen Pferde-Rettungshof betreibt.