Static Captain 3


(Ironically, The Name Of My Hometown Is Optional)   Jan 2008

Artist Bio

Influences:   Psychedelic Rock, Kraut Rock, Space Rock, Stoner Rock, Rock Rock.


I'm an old man that likes to rock. Due to some hard-rocking circumstances I don't know how much I will contribute to Fawm '22, but will post and comment when I'm able.


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  • @sync  Feb 2022

    Thx for your comment! Yeah, I assumed tower, but really, depending on the epoch, could be a cliff or mountain top... But I like lyrics that are ambiguous and not "on the nose", when we can use our imagination from our life experiences to color the meaning of lyrics. You allow that here and I'm sure that had a bearing on my reaction.

  • @ericdistad  Feb 2022

    He's back! Woot! Rock it Captain! (In other words, good to see you back! Have a great FAWM!)