Brad Spreadsheet 14


Cb5 UK   Jan 2010  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Mike Oldfield, REM, Japanse Programmers

**Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to listen and comment on the songs - we really appreciate it**

**Especially as we're really behind this year! We'll catch up and have a proper listen to some of your songs shortly - bear with us/...**

"The whole effect is quite weird to be honest; the sort of thing you'd listen to if you were indeed hiding from some cows up a tree. It might scare the cows away, or they might be very, very interested. Like me." - Rhodri Pickles Ramone, R*E*P*E*A*T Fanzine

Three in three years. The difficult third (consecutive) FAWM. When in doubt, write songs about cats.
