Cameron Seebach 4


San Diego US   Feb 2013

Artist Bio

Influences:   80's synthpop, harmonica blues

It is so great to see you all here once more in 2022! Much merriment and music awaits us.

Hi, I'm spirulence, and I make 80's inspired synthpop with a heavy dose of silly. I'm here for the entertaining games and maybe some collabs this year. I've taken the challenge of releasing one fairly polished piece on Spotify every month this year, and I'm super excited to take a few of the FAWM songs and stuff them in the queue!


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  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    My hard left turn in the Baltimore corpse was a matter of desperation, available time, and an "aha!" when I got the "we're sorry" phone thing at the end of thedutchwidows' section. I grabbed the A from the tones, and the rest just kinda happened.
    Also, the bass part in my section is just my acoustic guitar made an octave down with studio trickery.

  • @angelinapowersuit Feb 2022

    Hi there and thanks so much for your comment on “No One Else to Blame.” “Sweet and depressing” it’s like you know so well already ;-).

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I invite you to hear what I did with Foremost. :)

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Hi, Cameron! Thanks for your comment on my fuzzy song!

    I've been experimenting with more aggressive panning after I saw Burr do a song where he hard panned drums (!) as a homage to the Beatles. It's fun to break the rules!

  • @arthurrossi Jan 2022

    Hey! It is great to see you here... Have an amazing and creative February!

  • @klaus Jan 2022

    Thanks Mr. Spiru and I am back and around. Have a great Fawm.

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the call back to my Burger Stuffer Supreme! And to this day, your Ham Sandwich Quantum Party releases genuinely have an ongoing place in my music listening rotation.

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    Hey! Yeah those collabs were fun, and it's been a while hasn't it? Definitely hit me up if you have any ideas this year, I'll keep it in mind also!

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    Hi Cameron. You are very kind. ;-)
    Great to see you here again. :-)
    I wasn't planning another mashup this year, but who knows what might happen. ;-)

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    All the best for FAWM!!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hey Cameron, I'm looking forward to hearing what you come up with!