songmistress 13


Loughborou UK   Jan 2022  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Carole King Annie Lennox Marillion Lorenna McKennitt Leonard Cohen

My name is Autumn. I write emotionally intense, proggy folk or folky prog songs. I’m a classically trained contralto vocalist and multi instrumentalist, but my main instrument, other than voice, is the piano. I live in Loughborough, UK, with my husband, two sons and my cat Rincewind.


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  • @andygriff  Feb 2022

    Booooo! Can't wait to hear what you come up with

  • @songmistress Feb 2022

    Awww, thanks for the welcome! I didn’t see these messages at first and felt like Billy-no-mates. I hope it’s a fun, productive month for us all.

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Jan 2022

    Well hello there! Welcome to FAWM. I am sure you will write some LOVELY songs.

  • @melaniepegge Jan 2022

    Found you boo!

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    Welcome, and happy FAWMing!

  • @celineellis  Jan 2022

    Hey Autumn!! welcome to FAWM! explore the forums and get involved in the community - its so supportive!

  • @tukayandryan  Jan 2022

    Welcome to the FAWM family! It is a brilliant community. Hope you have a great first year!

  • @nedgreenough  Jan 2022

    Glad to see another prog fan! Can't wait to hear your stuff. Happy FAWMing!

  • @philkmills  Jan 2022

    Welcome! Good cat name. :)

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Welcome to FAWM!! :)