silvermachine 14


Los Weirdo MP   Jan 2018

Artist Bio

Since I was last here two years ago I have rather moved on and now inhabit territory where some may be reluctant to follow.
I've had to change my picture, because the temporary one of a genial old bloke smiling does not reflect the maniac now at the controls.

I still don't understand why people equate making music with trying to sound exactly like stuff that's been made before.

Songs (14)

#1 Dead Crooner On A Futuristic Turntable 21
Feb 2022
#2 Girl With Big Scissors 16
Feb 2022
#3 Secret Museum of the World 10
Feb 2022
#4 Ozzy Bit The Head Off A Jazz Singer 15
Feb 2022
#5 Woman Expands To Fill The Space That You Made 11
Feb 2022
#6 Cola That Brings Your Ancestors Back From The Dead 9
Feb 2022
#7 I Name This Child Renegade Beetroot 15
Feb 2022
#8 Queen of The Superheterodyne 7
Feb 2022
#9 The Golden Age of Drivel 7
Feb 2022
#10 All The Young Druids 8
Feb 2022
#11 Moths And The Ghosts That Fly In Them 7
Feb 2022
#12 Pet Man B 7
Feb 2022
#13 Rock n Roll Kills More 6
Feb 2022
#14 The Golden Helmet of Membrino 5
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    Hey, just to let you know i'll be playing your song Cola That Brings Your Ancestors Back From the Dead (Fizzo Poppo Supa Cooler) on my show on next month (April 2022) so please feel free to tune in, and to tell everyone you know to do the same. The show is on at various different times of day throughout the month so there will be plenty of opportunities for people to listen in at a time that suits them.

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    I will be producing one, but stuff just got in the way. It is on my list...

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    Came to listen to the tracks I'd not heard yet and the links are dead? Noooooo!

  • @amelea Feb 2022

    The Cars !! Honestly thank you for the compliments. I'm glad it's impossible to turn off mwahaha

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    You won! Well done!

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    The super collab is finally up!

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the wonderful comments you left about my music. I truly appreciate them. Oh, and I'm so glad to see you back here again this year.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Thanx for the comment on the "Severed Ear" tune.
    That guy in the picture is John Paul Getty III, who actually had his ear cut off by kidnappers. They sent it to his grandfather in the mail in order to force him to pay ransom.
    It's actually a really crazy story.
    Head on down to the "Kidnapping" section here;

  • @ayehahmur  Feb 2022

    David Scott! That's fantastic praise indeed. Terrifically talented writer. I understand he's a lecturer now here in Glasgow. Thanks so much for that!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    HAHAHA....Nope. No ELP! decidedly not. Oooohhh...yuck. I like a lot of things from that era, but not that.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Yeah thanks! It has been a lot of work, which is just on pause for February. I’m doing the work myself so I can afford it, but with some help from very nice people. So, what is your initial spark typically? A sound? A character or setting? I can imagine that from there it’s just following your idea with a completely open mind. Always a challenge but certainly worth it. I laughed out loud about creating convention if you have to…AND the BS notion that anyone creates individual and unique because they can’t do standard stuff…..what rubbish, but it serves them well I guess.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey there! It's really nice to see you back and hear your music! I hope that all is well with you. I've listened to all but one of yours but haven't commented yet. Wild and wonderful creations....You did know that some did a silvermachine challenge last year, right? Hahahaha...I was going to, but just couldn't get it done like it should be--probably too conventional in the head last year. Anyway, thanks for the listen and I will be stopping by when I can give the proper time and attention. Cheers!

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Yeah, sorry about the Tiny Trees song; I thought most people wouldn't know what the heck I was talking about, but I had to follow where my subconscious mind told me to go. At least I make myself laugh.

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Thank u for the listens! Can confirm cohabitation is indeed hard.

  • @spikedirection  Feb 2022

    sorry about that dude, it's hard for me to judge my end, but i think it must be something the broadcasting software is doing, i usually play the version of your files i get direct from you. I dont know masses about this kind of stuff, but leave it with me, i'll see wht can be done.

  • @samplebandit  Feb 2022

    hello again! thanks for your comment on my #4 track :)!!

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Gotta say, your guitar on "Jazz Apostates" is one of the best things I've heard during this (or any) FAWM.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on Fluff... much appreciated.

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022


    I'll email you the details shortly.

  • @samplebandit  Feb 2022

    thanks for your comment on my halftime tune! means a lot coming from you actually. i feel like there's no way someone can come up with the bangers on your page without an extensive knowledge of music. no wonder i had you watchlisted for years!

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure what empanadas are either.
    Some kind of Mexican food? They just kept mentioning them, though, and I became obsessed with the sound.
    Empanadas. Empanadas. Empanadas.
    It's a fun word.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments on Girl with Puppy-Saving Heart. Much appreciated.

  • @sph  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your nice words for my first tune. First idea was showing how different children and adults experience "crises"

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the great comments as always!

    I was wondering, I'm planning out a big multi-part multi-collab like the Who's "A Quick One" but themed around a bunch of weirdos going on to Northern Canada for a gold rush.

    I was wondering if you wanted to contribute a piece to it? There is a 20-30 second part in the song that could use some classic Silver Machine drums and guitar madness to simulate the sound of a bus flying off a cliff and rolling down a hill.

    Thought I'd see if you're interested!

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    great... glad you got it ok.
    Looking forward to hearing how this all turns out. : )

  • @leepat  Feb 2022

    exactly, delightful guitar soloing is overrated anyways :) thx for listening!

  • @thefuneralcrasher  Feb 2022

    Hi SM…yeah, that’s me. I miss your brilliance on the uk swforum

  • @persaab Feb 2022

    Im jealous about your profile pic. Thank you for your nice comments.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Outstanding to have you back sir.

  • @sph  Feb 2022

    Nice to see you're back

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    That picture is great! but I think she's using that espresso machine wrong.

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    LOL, what the fuck is that picture :D
    Thank you for your ear listens silvermachiiiine! Yes, sadly, I recorded something much punchier and more sadistic earlier with the American fellow (I forget his name too), what can I say, he needs me.

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I went back to playing bass pretty much full time. And decided to drag my first love (recorder) out from under the patio. ;-)

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Yay! You're back!

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    Oh awesome! The mighty Silver Machine runs again.

  • @spikedirection  Feb 2022

    Hail the conquering hero! can't wait to have my ears massacred once again!! :-D

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Yassssss! Now it’s REALLY Fawm :D

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Silvermachine rises from the ashes!!

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Absolutely... hail the king!

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    I'll third that.

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    I concur

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    Ah, Silvermachine.
    You are still awesome.