sierain 18


FI   Jan 2012

Artist Bio

Influences:   Metal thingies.

I'm going to cheat.

It's my 10-year FAWM anniversary (even if I've only "won" three times), so I'll be revisiting some of my previous tracks this year. I guess this will be more of a recording/mixing challenge for me. I don't have any functional project files or other assets from ten years ago, so I'll have to do most of the stuff from scratch and will probably alter the material anyway (and try to figure out what on earth I was thinking back then).

I doubt it will be all just rehashing old stuff: If I get some ideas, I'll make them happen and I probably can't resist a good skirmish, either!


Songs (18)

#1 The Castle of Aaargh 5
Feb 2022
#2 My Ears! 4
Feb 2022
#3 Emergency 7
Feb 2022
#4 General Default 4
Feb 2022
#5 Strange Skies 6
Feb 2022
#6 Beer Goblins 4
Feb 2022
#7 Bombardment 2
Feb 2022
#8 Light 1
Feb 2022
#9 Ghost 2
Feb 2022
#10 Clocktower 2
Feb 2022
#11 Wellness Technique 2
Feb 2022
#12 Fall 4
Feb 2022
#13 Cult from Japan 4
Feb 2022
#14 Desperate Anthem @ananas  1
Feb 2022
#15 War Zone 2
Mar 2022
#16 Slug Wars 3
Mar 2022
#17 Leviathan 2
Mar 2022
#18 Cat Theme 5
Mar 2022


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  • @kaminokai  Mar 2022

    @sierain I'd love a WAV or AIFF of the Leviathan, though, if you were willing to send the individual tracks, that would be awesome. I really think it's an amazing track. You can contact me at [email protected]

  • @emplate  Mar 2022

    Thank you for the comment on Kajon laulu! I'm so very honoured that you listened through my whole concept album, really means a lot. And it's definitely nice to hear that the theme can even draw in listeners, who might not be that into black metal.

    I'd say if you get an inspiration for a full album, go with it, as I felt this approach really fed the creativity. But on the other hand, it shouldn't be forced either, so I believe it's best just to go with intuition :)

  • @emplate  Mar 2022

    Nice to hear that you enjoyed the adventures of Florida Man!

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Also thanks for the comment on "Florida Man"! You know when you sometimes get an idea on your head that you just absolutely need to go through with? Yeah, this wasn't one of those but I'm glad I did anyway.

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "The Trepid Dark Uoon Thy Face"! It's not unheard of, just last year I wrote another 11-minute slab. And this year my longest song was 12 minutes and then some, but it's synthwave, er... slotchore. Anyways, you see my point about the lyrics, they just craved to become doom.

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Ziltoid is sitting right behind me in my studio. :-D

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks for commenting on "Under" glad you enjoyed it; had so much fun working with Nadine's great arrangement.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for commenting "Under". I don't listen much to Tool but after I wrote it down it's been the first bandname coming into my mind. We will work on the track anyway. I don't want the final version to have plugin guitars, but I'm glad you enjoyed :)

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Cheers for the comment on Ukkoslinnun sulat! Yeah. I never tried this kind of story based writing before, but decided to give it a go, since I had an inspiration! At least for now it feels like the story also really inspires the composition part and gives ideas what to do next music-wise.