siebass 15


20910 US   Jan 2017  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Green Day, Foo Fighters, Lit, Weezer, Blink 182, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tool, etc.

Pronounced like seabass, the fish (SEE-bahs)

Specialty: Bass guitar, classical guitar, rock guitar (and now, some drums)

Hometown: Washington, DC

First Concert: Foo Fighters 1996, Age: 12

Favorite Concert: Foo Fighters 2011, Age: 28 (some things never change)

Weapon(s) of Choice: Fender Deluxe Active Precision Bass + Acoustic 600w head+nyc cube amp;
Fender Modern Player Telecaster + Quilter 101 head plus 12in Raven Cab + Boss Blues Driver;
Roland Rhythm Traveller Drum kit - converted with mesh and triggers to electronic drums

soundcloud: Siebass; siebassmusic

Josh was born and raised in DC, and likes to hang out with his friends and climb things in his spare time, which is a vanishing commodity since having a child in 2017 and 2019. He plays guitar, drums, bass, and provides some vocals in The Vico Cycle, a DC area band. He also used to run an open mic 3rd Fridays of the month in Silver Spring. He is weird. Normal is boring anyway.

2017: The first year, really gungho, lots of crazy stuff done. Mostly worked with Audacity as my "DAW". Win.

2018: Second year, partly on the road, switched to FL studio and more electronic stuff, but still a win

2019: Feeling pretty uninspired and busy this year. I got my one song done for the open mic (Money from the sparks), but not sure how much more is doing this time; just not in the right headspace this year I think. Anything I do this year is more "eat your vegetables" songwriting to improve my craft, but it's feeling like more of chore, so less is more this year? Maybe? Dunno. Reading the forums may make me more inspired. We'll see. Primarily worked in Reaper as my DAW this year. Posthumous win in March, I think? Can't remember.

2020: 3 month old to go with the 2 year old; but at least I'm on leave. We'll see what we do this year. Time to get to work. Testing out Logic Pro X on my gradual progression of DAWs this year. This was the year of the COLLAB. I think I only did 2 or 3 on my own for 2020. Crawled across the finish in March with one last collab for a late win.

ALSO, got my first ever album done in 2020, so it wasn't all bad! Check it here if ya' like my stuff:

2021: Year of the Metal Ox, maybe some metal ox tunes for cowcore this year, who knows? Finally learned Logic Pro X last year, definitely going to be using that again this year. Depressed much of the time, writing lots of down songs, but some of those songs are great. We'll see what we get this year. Excited to prep my tracking space, got a real DIY vocal booth too for clean vocals, so should be a good year for music. Let's GOOOOOOO!

2021 Update: Well, it's about 3 weeks in, and work has taken over weekends/evenings for the last week and change of FAWM. Gonna have to post just lyrics and finish up in March this year it seems, sadly. Not the first time work > hobby, but still frustrating and disappointing. Gonna post my lyrics, and hopefully finish in March along with some post-feb collabs.

2022: Our basement flooded when I changed the faucet upstairs and a pipe broke off of the wall! Emergency plumber told us it was a matter of time, as the pipe had rotted out. All the gear is ok, but much tracking space is inaccessible, as is my beefy mac mini for recording, so this year will be a spacial as well as technological challenge, as I'll be working mainly on my 2015 macbook air again (Goodbye, CPU-Intensive Izotope plugins) and tracking in the bedroom.

In 2022, I really want to do a theme album, or themed FAWM challenge. This year, I'm planning to do an "A Side/B Side" challenge, where I use mainly the same lyrics and progression, but make an A Side version of a song, and a very tonally/temporally different B Side version of the same song. Might not technically count as a win with 7A's and 7B's, but it's still what I want to do this year, so I'm gonna. I'll probably post it up as an A-side/B-side challenge as well for folks, b/c I had great fun with an A-side/B-side pair I did in the fall.

2/28/2022 Update: Welp, I failed to do a whole album of a-sides and b-sides, but at least I did one pairing:

A -Side:

I still had fun just doing whatever (pantsers, in nanowrimo lingo), so that counts for something. Uploading a bunch of unfinished or almost finished works on the last day here at the end.

I think this is the year that I tentatively say with fear of a bruised ego, "I am open to constructive criticism on the quality of my mixes/arrangements/production" in addition to all other normal types of feedback.

Almost always open to collabs, assuming work is not eating my life, just hit me up. Have a great FAWM, everyone!


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  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thanks for another listen and the kind words on "Freedom". Appreciate it! :)

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the explanation on Mommy. Moms can feel like the outsider too. The end just felt very drastic, but I guess that is what it feels like sometimes.

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you for listening and for your kind words on "Doors and Corners". They're appreciated.

  • @leka Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening! Google translate gives hilarious translations.

  • @chrismyth02 Mar 2022

    Glad you liked Thinkabout, appreciate you leaving a comment!

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    I really appreciate you stopping over for an extended stay, Siebass. Next time I'll try to have some coffee and snacks ready for you. :)

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment on Caped Crusader. I really appreciate it. :)

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments on Tonight I'm getting Lit and In a Perfect Family. I truly appreciate your feedback. Two very different types of lyrics even though they both have loss some darkness involved.

  • @mikeb  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on 'Tired of the Blues'!

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening and for the kind words on "A Tribute". I hadn't heard of Tenacious D before, but I watched their "Tribute" and laughed. I've always liked Jack Black. Very talented guy.

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    Hey Siebass!
    Thanks so much for stopping by for a listen to ghosts in the window. Man those skirmishes can just pop your brain sometimes. Glad you liked it!

  • @gindark  Mar 2022

    Thanks for commenting on The Butterfly House, it is really appreciate it!

  • @feb21sundari Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment on 6.80. The brushes are 2 pieces of sandpaper :-)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    I took another listen on "After the lights go out". I'd work with use more and a longer reverb on the vocals. Ballad type HDIR on send channel, length around 1/2 or 1 bar, and cut out the very high frequencies to avoid that 80s sound. And kill a certain part of the mid range with mid-range Q, where your "ng" nasality is to avoid overstressing. If you want this song to sound in a small club / tight ambience, you can work with predelay. I wouldn't change anything on vocal EQ and compression, that's good to go. But I think that you need some more takes and cut a best of if you find more time.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Wow, thanks a lot for your comments! The blues and jazz stuff is completely new to me (I started with electro and went alt. rock) and I am super glad that you enjoyed :) Singing "Pedal to metal" has been a lot of fun, though I wouldn't call myself a singer. The worse I feel the darker my sense of humour. I love the keys @deadhead recorded for our "Good Morning Blues", it inspired me to go full production. And I will turn "How are you" into a full production after FAWM, cause I loved @lmr vocal and lyrics. He really feels it. And these weird chord progression just happened when I felt sad.

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Sorry for not answering straight away. I was going to, but then my computer crashed. I spent all day trying to recover potentially lost files and simply forgot all about our song. My sound card still doesn't work properly, and everything is a complete mess. I could try to re-sing it, but how about just posting it as it is for now, and we can add better vocals when we find a singer?

  • @jorh  Feb 2022


    I’ve come up with an initial lyric and scratch vocal for the shredtime track :) I’ve pinged you an email, let me know what you think

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    You're not the only one working like this :) If I could record everything by myself, I'd prefer that pace. But unfortunately I'm a lousy instrumentalist with too much noise in my head. Honestly, I did not want to be involved in 20 projects, but my muse has been hyperactive and I just failed to stop her. At least I prevented her to join more skirmishes and challengesa. Guess I'll have a very busy year with mixing and production... but I'm very happy with the songs I wrote. So I hope I find people to make them happen. Someday I learn to play instruments. Hopefully...

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Major props, that you're able to mix and produce quality stuff during FAWM. I was completely done last year, so I decided to upload sketches and do the producer work afterwords. So I just mixed one song. I am not sure about licensing. If people took it too seriously, the Pachebel decendants would be the richest family of the world by all these songs stealing the chord progression lol

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Well, ideally we'd find a far better vocalist and then have a pretty much finished track on our hands. Do you know anyone with decent pipes?

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Great that you like ked my Skirmish song about Delius

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "Fit right in". Oh yes, this song will be a great one when finished. We are running out of time, so we decided to do the full production in some months when things are a bit calmer and do real quality stuff. I loved David's piano and Kate is definately a better singer than I ever will xD

  • @musicbymichelle  Feb 2022

    Wow, sounds great! You went all out on this one. Thanks!

  • @musicbymichelle  Feb 2022

    Any momentum on the lyrics I sent you?

  • @mandolinda  Feb 2022

    Riding the route buses in Barbados can be an adventure. Sometimes loud music, sometimes people talk to folks out the windows, sometimes crowding and consequent moaning, sometimes just a nice quiet ride. One day , the driver drove th3 bus through a drive through fast food to get his lunch. But I had fun with the loops, thanks for the listen.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting! Right now all instruments on "Under" are VST; so I hope we'll get some real ones soon. It's been a pleasure to hear @chrismyth02 scream :D I'm glad you enjoyed!

  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Floating away :-)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words on "Diplomacy". I've written the riffs and soli on my acoustic guitar but as beginner I am not able to play at 163 BPM! I Was in the right mood / attitude to sing this song but I don't feel enough vocalist to finish. So psyched to work on a real instrumental and vocals this year. This will rock!
    P.S. I guess you'll enjoy "Under" if you haven't listened yet.

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    ~Love the genre you decided for it~

  • @popmythology  Feb 2022

    Oh, my gosh, if you like sci-fi and get a chance, do watch that film. It's crazy and there's no way the trailer can reveal what it's really about!! :D

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I'm OK, wife's OK. Driver in the other vehicle (who pulled out from a side street right in front of us on the highway) seems to be OK too. But the Tan Van... is not OK.

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    Hi, incase you wanted another option; just posted this...
    though I might want to re-edit again so let me know

  • @musicbymichelle  Feb 2022

    Doesn't look like your email is working. I'll just post it here for you instead

    So last week I was cruising along the highway going super fast and then out of nowhere traffic came to a screeching halt. At first I was super annoyed by this and thought how could this be happening to me, I was going to be late to work. Finally settled into that there was nothing I could do about it. Then after 90 minutes of waiting I finally got moving and I had to pass the wreckage of the accident and I knew deep in my soul that the driver couldn't have survived it. This was very sobering. I was about 10 cars back from the site of impact, seconds away from this potentially being me.
    So I thought I'd write a song about it. And here it goes. Can't wait to hear what you come up with. I'm open to anything.

    V1:Trying to get back from where I was
    Moving as fast as time would allow
    When all at once out of nowhere
    A sea of red brakes me to slow down

    I sit and wait patiently at first
    But then my patience slowly wears out
    Don't they know I've got somewhere to be
    Don't have the time to sit here right now

    Slow down, take your time enjoy the view
    Slow down, take a breath, try something new
    It may take a while longer to get down this narrow road
    But in the end you know you'll be making it back home

    Minutes turn to hours and I am stuck
    With only my thoughts as company
    Have to be okay with where I am
    And give up where I thought I would be


    I edge my way forward, make it to the other side
    As I face the wreckage, I'm grateful to be alive
    So I'll...

    Slow down, take my time enjoy the view
    Slow down, take a breath, try something new
    It may take a while longer to get down this narrow road
    But in the end I know I'll be making it back home

  • @musicbymichelle  Feb 2022

    I have lyrics for a song but haven't figured out music for it. I would love to hear what you come up with if that's okay with you. If you leave me your email I'll send you the lyrics tonight.

  • @musicbymichelle  Feb 2022

    Hey there! We've been selected to collab together. Do you prefer music or lyrics? I can do either.

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    @siebass cool~ Good Luck~ have fun with it;
    I'm hearing more hearts repeating after most of the end hearts... if you wanted to add some in voice if that sounds right... trying not to re-read too much now I been re-editing the hell out of my other ones... Seems as though I challenged you; I'm so excited to see what you come up with!! xoxo

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    @siebass Hi, Think these lyrics you'll be able to work with... tell me what you think, thanks :)

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    @siebass , Bonjour! We got grouped together for the Random Collab' I'm stoked about it :) Hope you're/will be as well :) I have a few ideas about some songs. Lyrics. First let me ask you what type of genre would you like best to do? And second- Would you like the lyrics to be 1*funny, 2*serious, 3*about love? Though I mean some will intertwine with all or some as in funny won't have some serious or serious won't have some love lolz,,, ugh ,, have a few ideas going... want to narrow it down what you'd like to work with :)~

  • @sjbatavia  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to working with you on the 4 video challenge.

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    Hi, Happy FAWMing 2022!!

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Yeah, IT'lers who make music are the best people! Let's unite!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    *cts tosses up the peace sign*
    What's up, my friend. Happy FAWMing and all the best to you. I'll be around.