sheamiejay 14


Hamilton CA   Jan 2016  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Neil Young, Sonny Greenwich, Great Lake Swimmers, Wintersleep, Sixto Rodriguez

I'm happiest when I'm writing or performing.

Check out my latest release here:


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  • @aniya Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Cool is Overrated!

  • @timlaborie Feb 2022

    Regarding your soundboard comment: "I’ll be headed out your way for a tour this summer. We should connect."
    Are you talking Nova Scotia? Yes, let me know!

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022

    Thanks for realizing the love object in unfaithful is a musical instrument. Not quite the pawnshop scenario. More like Mama has a new guitar.

  • @timlaborie Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Hello Moon. I was worried that the wrist cutting lines might be interpreted as a "cry for help" but that was just what came out while writing and the song is really about the power of the moon. I am a summer/fall resident in Cape Breton, NS so I feel like I am part Canadian and love some of the bands you list as influencers. I going to start following you.

  • @rwhosings  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! And, I feel like I'm not really a music teacher if I don't give at least one lesson during FAWM....jk

  • @clioem Feb 2022

    Thank you so much! I've had a wild few days but here I am back finally!

  • @abudabard12514  Feb 2022

    Hey Hey Sheamie Jay
    Thanks for all you had to say
    about my song, it made my day
    you're the man by the way

  • @schlimminycricket Feb 2022

    thanks for the comment. you knew all along, it was a secret between you and your driver

  • @theodamus  Feb 2022

    Hey thank you so much for the lovely comment! Starting off with some weirdness can only bode well :) look forward to hearing your stuff too!

  • @ductapeguy  Jan 2022

    Yay. Another FAWM. Up for another collab this year?