shallowcarrot 9


Delhi IN   Jan 2021

Artist Bio

Influences:   Indian Ocean, Green Day, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, System of a Down, Agam, The Lumineers, Bob Dylan, Adam Neely (Sungazer), Rob Scallon, Shubh Saran, Jacob Collier, Rachel K Collier, Mary Spender, Sarah Longfield, Aditi Ramesh, Mali (Maalavika Manoj), Dodie, Raveena, Plini, Dream Theater, Shankar Mahadevan, Shubha Mudgal, Shantanu Moitra, Ravi Shankar, and more


I'm a singer by training, a self taught multi-instrumentalist, and an aspiring music producer from New Delhi - India. My musical training has been in the North Indian Classical (Hindustani) framework, and I try to incorporate its elements and philosophies into my productions.

Songwriting - especially lyric writing - is not my strongest skill, and I am trying to improve.

I have been participating in FAWM from 2021.

2021: 1.5 songs completed

2022: lets see if we can improve last year's number by ten fold


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  • @ambroise Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments and your answers ! dholak sounded familiar. I googleimaged it and I believe I've seen one in Red Baraat's singer's hands.

    Hope I'll hear more music from you soon enough !

  • @papaooo  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments.

    And, did get that it was about guitars, yes?

  • @redlady8029 Feb 2022

    Thank you for commenting on Forehead kisses.

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    That's ok about the Alzheimer's thing i only thought of that because my mother in-law had it before she died a few years ago but i hope the hard drive approach gives you some ideas. keep up the good work mate.

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    Sure i would love to hear you put music to War Criminals Calling War Criminals “War Criminals” mate can't wait to hear it.

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on my lyric War Criminals Calling War Criminals “War Criminals” and you are right so why don't you do the music i had a listen to a few of your song and they are good.

  • @dianaviney Feb 2022

    Thanks for your supportive comment on Dream state. Looking forward to listening to your songs.

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind and encouraging words about my piece "A Doomed Love". I appreciate them.

  • @feb21sundari Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment, I also find your song ideas very exciting.

  • @highmountain Feb 2022

    Howdy! Thanks for your comment on "I Went to a Graveyard"! Swell to see another kind of Indian around here - of the genuine, original sort, not the one who was misidentified out of geographical confusion. But I like them too... Jeeeee-haw!

  • @rubberbandage  Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening! It’s a good contrast to your light and uplifting song about blue skies :-)

  • @p3t3h4rv3y Feb 2022

    Hi, re:sky blue, I look forward to hearing the song with music :) I have 3 more to do this week! If I get stuck I will reach out for some help :) Keep up the good work

  • @ambroise Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on "Surtout reste naturel".
    Your advise was good and Johnny added a perfect bass to the song.

  • @shallowcarrot Feb 2022

    @jayjay, absolutely! I'll just finish off a couple of WIP ideas, and then I can collab.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Thank you @shallowcarrot just let me know if you ever want to do another one together :)

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Thanks you for your comment! I tried creepy and apparently managed to do that. :D

  • @yewnorker Feb 2022

    Thank you for seeing the possibilities in All The Same. I appreciate your kind words.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @shallowcarrot pleasure is all mine. You saw the possibilities

  • @shallowcarrot Feb 2022

    @jayjay thanks to you for the opportunity :)

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @shallowcarrot really liked what you did with it. Thank you for the collab. Brought it to life.

  • @kingwoodkowboy  Feb 2022

    Howdy shallowcarrot and thanks pard, for reviewing That Lonesome Whistle Blowin’.

  • @jcameron Feb 2022

    Thanks in turn for your comment on the brain song. Technically of course it's a Roland stage piano emulating an organ. Not being an actual mad scientist or Donald Knuth I don't have a pipe organ in my house :)

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind comments. I am currently a one finger piano plinker so at the mercy of collabs with musicians. Maybe one day lol

  • @grayland  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind comments on The Gunfighter!!! It is most appreciated!!!

  • @apauls  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Nose for Trouble." Looking forward to seeing what you're working on!

  • @lcad  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment and well wishes. All the best to you too :)

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on my lyrics Beautiful People Do Ugly Things. I appreciate it :)

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! (I play some instruments and pretend to sing!)