sentense 2


Mörlenbach DE   Jul 2009  

Artist Bio

Influences:   everything between The Who, David Bowie, Genesis, Marillion, James Horner, Mike Oldfield, Die Ärzte, Die toten Hosen, Clannad, Queen, John Williams, Ennio Morricone, Rio Reiser, Kate Bush, Blondie, U2, and so on and on.

Living in Germany near Mannheim

Sven Scholz is my name. Playing drums & percussions in the band Singvøgel with @karan and @dukemeyer ( ), which released it's last album in 2014 with 12 former FAWM-tracks on it. And one track of them was written by me!!! Wooohoooo!!!!!! My first composition that made it on a CD :-D (You can listen here: )

Sadly i am short in time as every year because i'm working during the week. I'm here since many years now and never made the 14 yet. And i don't think i will make it this year.

Nevertheless, i'm here for the fun and the music, and as always i will try to get as far as i can :-)

Open for collabs if you need some percussion. Or some ideas for arrangement. I very sadly have to announce that because a technical issue with my e-drums i have to withdraw the offer for drums. I can only offer Percussion (Cajon, Djembe, Darabuka or similar stuff) this year :-(


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  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Hey, Danke für watchlisten … würd mich freuen, was von Dir zu hören :-)

  • @grenzgaengerin Feb 2022

    Hey Du, happy Fawming :D

  • @wurzelfrau Feb 2022

    Sven, hoffe ein bisschen was von dir zu hören, happy FAWMing! <3

  • @heavyhedonist Jan 2022

    I'm here to listen to whatever you can do.

  • @tageule  Jan 2022

    Hi Sven, schade, dass du wieder so wenig Zeit hast, ich hoffe du kommst trotzdem ein bisschen zum Musizieren. Du hast schon so schöne Sachen gemacht. Aber: no pressure, natürlich.

  • @hornesgiftshop  Jan 2022

    Hello Sven - good to see you - this is Jon Horne. Have a great February.

  • @ryuu  Jan 2022

    heyho! Ich hoffe, die Arbeit lässt dich zwischendrin mal atmen!