Sean 8


Kalamazoo US   Jan 2013

Artist Bio

Influences:   Chris Cornell, Shane MacGowan, Blake Morgan, Franz Schubert

I'm Sean, and I'm a violist and a music teacher. I look like this:

Most of the time when I am making music, it sounds like this:

I love classical music, but FAWM is where I go to explore genres that I am not trained in. I have minimal piano and guitar skills, and my voice is... well, I try hard, bless my heart... I try to just put ideas out into the universe, however unrefined they are.

This will be my 10th year in the FAWM community, and my 8th as an active participant! (I took 2018 and 2020 off.) Since 2019, I have written primarily as the dweebier half of @lavishdude with my buddy @deadhead.

Happy to collab, but even ten years in, my recording setup is minimal. If you can work with mono tracks from a Blue Snowball, I'm happy to serve as a session violist.

Let's seize the month! FAWM 2022 is going to mean a lot to a lot of people. Your best is good enough.


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Great, and thanks again, but please kindly remind me when I get though yours and leave a "been good to know you" note, which I'll surely do, about the @lavishdude rerouting. Soundcloud isn't really the place anyway, As the WK100 collection continues towards completion, sometime during 5090 I hope, all the latest mixes towards that end will appear here:

    you're welcome at any time to dip in and out at any time you like between now and 5090, and if you catch something shocking and awful and in need of change, feel free to email me a "got your back". All ears hear all things. :)

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Sean, for your thoughtful comments on One week Every Year and Full Throttle ahead. I appreciate you taking the time to check out my page. You are very kind!

  • @caseewilson  Mar 2022

    Thanks for dropping by to listen to Black Sun and Ghosts!! I'm working my way through your list now :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Thanks, my friend. Your comments win the internet every time! :)
    If they have a charm school over in Kalamazoo Michigan, I bet they'd give you an honorary degree!
    I'll be back....

  • @davidsnyder Mar 2022

    Thanks for you kind comments Sean! This week is catchup for me, and I will be responding more thoroughly and listening to more of YOU! :) Bear with me. I will get there!! :)

  • @chrisshepard Mar 2022

    Cajons are fabulous! I love playing a cajon! I used an acoustic for the main part of Drone and an electric right in front my amp for the feedback and that's it! I had already written some self-involve drivel and was messing around and decided to throw out the boring song and drone on!

  • @amelea Mar 2022

    So cool to hear I was able to give a room visual! Thanks for taking the time to check out Yellow Blueprint :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for listening to "She's contemplating". I had real trouble playing on click! I'm surprised that the hand independence on guitar works so much better than on piano. Even after all these years on piano I still can't play a sinple arpeggio on the left hand and a melody on the right.
    I'm happy that @wacha will record the final version. It will sound a lot better xD

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    I'm glad you enjoyed "Take The Black". In this demo everything exept vocals and acoustic guitar is MIDI. Yes, the library says it's Uillean pipes, but we will hopefully record this with two Marktsack (= German medieval bagpipes). The tuning of these instruments is different compared to the Uillean.

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    I don't know about a table but I do have plans to build a website where you would indeed click on the element and the relevant song would load and play.

  • @ianuarius Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for the comments! :)

  • @heliosonorous Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on my track, appreciate the listen!

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for the comments on my two tracks and for recommending me in the forum! I'm really glad you liked them.

  • @srcoops  Mar 2022

    >Thank you for your nice comments on Song of the Day. I go back a long way so have a lot of music in my memory. Whistle and hum but no other musical talents.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    You're welcome! I enjoyed my listen. Cool that you two formed a band! I'm contented with my FAWM but the real fun will be afterwards when I summon my collabs and re-record these songs with real instruments. I hope that two projects will find their missing pieces cause they are too good to end in the pile of songs I can't finish by myself. Musically I am very happy to extend my variety of styles and knowledge.

    How about you?

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    Wow glad I’ve come to check you out ( belatedly sorry) a violinist. Cool!!!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Wireweaver's Theme"! I'd had so much on my plate since putting this up I had forgotten all about the snaking meter. :D

  • @nuno  Feb 2022

    Thanks for you kind and insightful words on 'We See You' - I always find it interesting that people can accurately see influences in my music even when I don't think they are obviously there. I saw Genesis live a few months ago, so maybe some of it rubbed off!

  • @thefourthkings Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtfull comment on "they call me jolene". :)
    I will indeed polish it a bit and make the lyrics fix (and not resay a verse 3 times)

  • @sp4cek4a3n Feb 2022

    Thanks for the lovely comment on "This is the Season!"

    I didn't expect anybody to notice, but the bass drum is indeed a half-note duplet over the 6/8 ride! So much fun to play with meter, and so rewarding when somebody notices!

    (off to check out your tunes)

  • @bractune  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your awesome review of my tune. It helped me out a lot!

  • @stephenwordsmith  Feb 2022

    Thank you - sincerely - for your comment on 'An Announcement'. Everything you alluded to was quite deliberate - and quite difficult, compared to my usual fare - and I feel that the other comments, while kind, didn't suggest any of this effort paid off. So, this has given me some reassurance to keep trying. Thanks again.

  • @chandra83  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments! <3

  • @wearedinosaurs  Feb 2022

    Hey! No worries, first days of FAWM everyone is cought up in getting there first songs out :) Lo-Fi is great, for me it would be great if you can send me something you recorded. An idea, melody of some sorts for me to build a track around. That would be more interesting to me than the other way around. If that's cool for you of course

  • @chrisshepard Feb 2022

    Oh, I miss...just you wait! On Take Me Home, I tune to Drop D and capo on the 4th fret. Beyond that, I just have a nice warm guitar that I just put in front of a mic and hope for the best! :)

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Many, many thanks for the listen and your kind and encouraging words...

  • @stuartbenbow  Feb 2022

    Hi Sean, thanks for the feedback. Nope, not autobiographical. Honestly, I was mostly focused on throwing as many body parts into it as I could without breaking the flow.

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your that kind and generous words on both versions of "One-way-street"! I was so happy to read your wonderful comments...

  • @trebled  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful comments on my song, “Head First Into Heartache”. Really appreciate what you said! :-)

  • @wearedinosaurs  Feb 2022

    Hey thanks for your excellently specific comment :) Prince! I would not have thought of that yet now I can't let it go :))
    Happy Fawm! Maybe we can do a collab? Would love to work with some viola sounds!

  • @davidsnyder Feb 2022

    Hey thanks for your awesome comment on my song Sean! I love and play classical too so I am going to check you out!! :)

  • @musicbykatie  Feb 2022

    Yes, i did mean my actual first guitar. well, technically my second, but my first full size one and the first instrument i ever wrote songs on. <3 thanks for listening!!

  • @wobbiewobbit  Feb 2022

    thank you! have a great FAWM

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    THX for the kind and most eloquent words on The Butterfly Dance.

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Hi from Milwaukee, Sean!

    Looking forward to hearing the viola on some stuff! Maybe we can collab on something : )

    - Jorge

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing, Sean! Nice to see someone else who spells that name right (it's my middle name): the Irish way & not the Welsh way ;)

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @opossum  Jan 2022

    Hey Sean! Every move you make, every step you take... :D

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM to you too! Thanks for stopping by my profile and saying hello! :D

  • @downburst  Jan 2022

    Hey Sean!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    I am glad to make you smile! Have a great FAWM!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Did I know you were in Kalamazoo?! Probably (since you were already watchlisted), but I had forgotten... Hey there from Mattawan! We should collaborate on something. Have a great FAWM!