anosci 4

Artist Bio

Influences:   music

I make things.

I prefer if you keep my name in all lower case (sci, not Sci), but it's ok if you forget, or didn't know.

this year, FAWM 2022: I got a little bit done. More than I would have otherwise, which is enough for me.
More or less gone til next year.

a brief history:
FAWM 2013 was great
FAWM 2014 was a bust
FAWM 2015 was at least half decent
FAWM 2016 was a rough time in my life.
FAWM 2017 existed, i think?
FAWM 2018 was slow, but had some fun experiments
FAWM 2019 i didnt really plan to do anything, but did something anyway. mostly experimental stuff.
FAWM2020 i made three songs. life got in the way, as it does.
FAWM2021: banger.
FAWM2022: busy and burnout

tags I follow:
#prog / #prog-rock
#funk / #disco
#hip-hop / #triphop / #glitch-hop
#trap / #bass


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  • @chriddof Feb 2022

    Again, thank you for the comment. I love Detroit techno, so maybe that was a subconscious thing.

  • @chriddof Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! I'm glad that I've managed to rejoin this year, even if I did start pretty late.

  • @jessespillane  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments :) They made my day. I switched up hosting as to not use dropbox (which was probably dubious use of hosting).

    Going over some unwritten bandwidth limit was probably my own issue. I was listening via my phone that day trying to figure out if I liked the mix or not, haha.

  • @samplebandit  Feb 2022

    hi! replying to your comment on gangsta check:
    YES! I have two distorted reality packs, a couple guitar packs, and both their symphony of voices and vocal planet compilations. they're some of the best samples I've ever heard, hands down

  • @aeye Feb 2022

    That’s a HUGE compliment thank you!

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    Hope you're about this year!