SBS 15


US   Jan 2018  

Artist Bio

Influences:   The first musical influence I remember was Elvis. Then everybody after that. Then I circled around and discovered those who came before Elvis.

I love music. It's all about the ear.


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  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    :) thanks for all your help.
    Playing again next week? :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    :) and it didn't even have any bollywood roller dancing! Just wait till this next one is done!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Thank you.
    Come play? We might need some bollywood roller dancing music@! :)

  • @leakyplusme2 Mar 2022

    Then do it.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for listening and commenting. Ha, when I came up with that lick I did not expect Garry to hit the wah pedal and go disco! Funny idea and I enjoyed it very much!

  • @quoththellama Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out Drag Me Down! I'm so glad you liked it :)

  • @mattwdunn  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the feedback

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    ok, just be careful not to strain yourself! :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thanks twice, Kathy...
    Nope, def not that film :)
    And I'm sure both characters in Love That Much could do with some serious therapy from a phychiatrist with a script book full of happy BEFORE they get to any of that Bollywood Roller Dancing business... LOL...
    Wishing you a wonderful final week of FAWM, my friend.

  • @droberts  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to Fever! I appreciate you taking the time to hear it and provide feedback

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments on Last Time I went to Cuba- Collaborating with Bill White- He really set the tone with his powerful lyrics.

  • @trebled  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your very kind comments on my songs! :-)

  • @lyricslinger  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on my 'Not Your Hero' lyrics

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Yay! I passed the Kathy test! :) Thank you again, my friend.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    RE- Cat’s in the Cradle... I think my song shares more in common with that song in the style of delivery, rather than in the melody. I had no idea Harry Chaplin wrote it. I had heard it by a group whose name escapes me. It was a big hit about 20 years ago.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thanks Kathy 2 hours later I may have addressed both the vocal level and your other issue! I appreciate your kindness and time! Hugs, my friend.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the input, I lifted the vocal a little (maybe a little too much LOL) better now?

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    If you remember which song my "Part of me just left" reminds you of, please let me know. Unconscious plagiarism is a common thing when you listened to as much music as I did in the 1970s. ️

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    my 10 years younger sister is also named karen....but unlike jerry, i have only had one grlfriend with that 3 years older sister is kathy, and she has changed the spelling of her name several tumes.

  • @lissielou79  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment. X

  • @lissielou79  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment. X

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Certainly different than Adele but her version is very intimate and personal

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on my rock'n'roll song. First time I wrote something like this. It just happened... Guess I'm in a good mood today?!

  • @ianuarius Feb 2022

    Thank you.

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Thanks - and you *really* need to watch that sore elbow. I overdid things last year playing guitar and was in agony for most of fifty/ninety. So I bought a set of dumbbells and have been doing curls every few days. Now I'm playing more guitar than ever and haven't had a single twinge.

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind comment! I will share anything here, just to get to 14 of course. :D

  • @ohljazz  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on my first FAWM song!

  • @pauloramos Feb 2022

    Hey thanks for your comment on my song, Really kind of you and I really appreciate the nice words. All the best for FAWM for this year! :)

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    You'll appreciate this. My youngest sister lives in the PNW. She's a care flight nurse/COVID ICU floor--she just arrived to your city, Vegas, to get away from it all! It's been a tough couple of years for her, so she's going to have some FUN!! When I read your comment about a lack of sunshine, I wanted to share that :) Thanks for your encouraging words.

  • @svwulfe Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out Anxious Future! And yeah! Definitely don't toss out your shoddy recordings or bad takes. They can make for good backing soundscapes when tweaked. Or if you're in to making noise music at all, which, sometimes I'm just in the mood for chaos... distort them to the moon and back! :D

  • @nikopee Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment! It's just like you said!

  • @redlady8029 Feb 2022

    Thanks for your commenting on Available for you.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment!

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Many, many thanks for the listen and your kind and encouraging words...

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    I teased Bill out of his cave to sing and a great job he did

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Hey there! Thanks for listening. Much appreciated.

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hey @sbs2018! Thanks - I'm really pleased with the whole thing! And yeah, as @nadine said, love the Depeche Mode vibes in your contribution a lot!

    We have a rescue cat - called Tilly - she's useless - hasn't rescued anyone since we got her! :D

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Nice Depeche Mode vibes in your exquisite corpse part!

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    @sbs2018 - our Exquisite Corpse is ready & published :)

    Love your dance vibe - was fun to work with

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Re drums on Waiting....No! No! Stop! That Way Lies Madness! Go back in to listen again but gossake don't start fiddling! You'll never stop! Leave it till after FAWM! Spend the time on creating new! Plenty of time to clean up after...Believe me, revisiting and "I'll just'll only take a moment" is a TRAP. and one into which I was forever falling!

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    I would like to thank you very much for your kind comment on "One-way-street"...

  • @redlady8029 Feb 2022

    Thanks for your review of Chasing Love.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    You're welcome!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Haha great! Follow your heart and create a new genre or sound. Music is full of surprises when you dive deep. Good luck!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Reading your profile I wonder what kind of music you did before you went into EDM. Or did your passion for music production and songwriting start with it? I'm curious.
    EDM was my first love but were divorced and I go my own way. Whatever it will be...

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on "Skyscraper". indeed, we had plenty of fun together and it's been a very strong group!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Hah! That's quite the drumkit! Sure you can handle all that awesomeness?

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    Tha k you for your very kind words on "Mulholland Runaway"!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I just mailed you my prompt. Good luck!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks! I'll mail you when I'm done. Happy FAWM!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Cool you're right after me in our exquisite corpse. So psyched to do this haha! Can you please make your mail visible or send me one? Thanks!

  • @katestantonsings  Jan 2022

    I’m also a fan of Steven Pressfield’s books! They’re so worn out from all the years I’ve felt discouraged and picked them back up to read. I hope you have a wonderful FAWM! I enjoyed your music and comments during 50/90. :)

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    You are so going to in corporate those drums in some fashion into a song, right?

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    Oh gosh, what cute puddys!!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    What's shakin' in Vegas, friend? Hope all is well and happy FAWMing. Looking forward to more music to groove by! Make it so!

  • @wolfkier Jan 2022


  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022