(Samuel) 4


20901 US   Feb 2008


Artist Bio

Influences:   being & love & nothingness

So I have been writing songs, and didn't realize it was FAWM, but now I remember, so here are my songs.
No vocals on any of these... I don't know if they will have them ever.
--Samuel, 2022 (can you believe it?)

[ i write them with headphones so i encourage headphone listening ]

my relevant releases are all on Bandcamp, for FREE, if you'd like to download them. My stuff is also on Spotify, https://open.spotify.com/artist/14kYSqTypFxxYhhPrAaq1k

• my last release was 2015, featuring some FAWM and 5090 tracks - https://samuel.bandcamp.com/album/trident-emblem-meat-on-bone-cyclone-blowfish-goat
• during FAWM '13,'14 and 50/90 ('13) I wrote a triple EP featuring three sets of 8 songs each - https://samuel.bandcamp.com/album/the-ampersand-eps-triple-ep
• Also have a 24 track LP from 50/90 - https://samuel.bandcamp.com/album/fmyl
• Also released a Space-Themed album with FAWM and other misc songs I wrote between 2007-2011 - https://samuel.bandcamp.com/album/space-makes-you-fall-in-love

Also, my stuff is on Spotify/AmazonMusic/etc

I post demos and pix and art [maybe?] and things on my Tumblr.

also, I have an instagram [AmericanSamuel]

