ryuu 10


Black Fore DE   Jan 2011


Artist Bio

Influences:   classical music from Perotinus to music composed today, Heavy Metal (Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, Nightwish [with Tarja Turunen], Van Canto, Dream Theater, Dimmu Borgir), some Goth music, people who have seen Earth from outer space, and my friends the incredible Singvoegel

FAWMer since 2011. My pronouns are they/them.

New album "etudes for cpu" here: https://emergent.bandcamp.com/album/etudes-for-cpu

Classically-trained mezzo-soprano, musicologist by training, guitar dabbler, maker of weird electronic sounds (#supercollider), composer. Genres? What's that?

Willing to infodump on music theory if you tag me.

I'm committing to #no-apologies-no-excuses this year - you're welcome to remind me of that if you catch me self-deprecating or making excuses for imperfect demos. I'm feeling self-conscious about a lot of things, but FAWM is not the place for that :)

re: comments - please don't be offended if I don't post a "thank you" on your soundboard. I just can't keep up with it, and I certainly don't expect you to do the same for me. Also, not commenting on my songs is OK if you can't quite figure out what to say.

2022-02-22 I wish I could be more active... but I guess I'm limited at the moment. Work is busy as hell, and I have had a bout of debilitating migraine in the last week. I hope I can put at least some of my many ideas into music in the coming days.


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  • @meadows  Feb 2022

    Thanks ryuu for your kind words on "The Mouse Just Ate My Peanut Butter". The title is what I came up with in the very second I needed to save the song and is a reminiscence of an encounter with mice on our attic. We prepared a live trap back then with peanut butter and the mice just loved it (we could rescue 5 of them). :)

  • @sentense Feb 2022

    Mal sehen was geht dieses Jahr - bin jedenfalls auch auf deine Sachen gespannt :-)

  • @wurzelfrau Jan 2022

    Freue mich, dich zu hören <3

  • @meadows  Jan 2022

    Hey Ryuu! Happy FAWMing! Freue mich schon auf Deine Werke und die vielleicht entstehenden "weird electronic sounds". :)

  • @tageule  Jan 2022

    Ryuu! Freu mich auf deine Songs! Vor allem die "weird electronic sounds", die machen Farben in meinem Hirn... Ich wünsch dir ganz viel Spaß.

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Have a great FAWM!

  • @sirius Jan 2022

    Mrrrr eow *purrrrr* =^.^=

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Hope you have a great FAWM!

  • @dukemeyer  Jan 2022

    Mein Soloalbum gips bei mir ... als Textheft mit CD. (Version zum Download folgt noch.) Hier sind ein paar Audio-Trailer: https://soundcloud.com/duke-meyer
    Das kommende Buch heißt: "Küss die Hand, gnä' Sau! - Eine neue Sicht auf alte Gottheiten des europäischen Nordens" :-)

  • @dukemeyer  Jan 2022

    Mal gucken, ob ich überhaupt zu was komme hier, dieses Jahr! (Ich hab anspruchsvolle Arbeit am Hals, die nicht warten oder aussetzen kann ...) Danke für deinen lieben Gruß - bin selber gespannt auf deine klingenden Lebenszeichen! :-)

  • @chroes  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! Ich freue mich extrem, neue Songs von dir zu hören. Falls du Bock hast, bin jederzeit gern bereit für ne Collab!

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    Das re: kommt sehr gut an bei mir. Ich sehe dass genau so.
    Leg dich voll rein. Freu mich schon.
    edit: mesopelagial kommt sehr gut an

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    Glad to see you back for another year!

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    SSA?? Can't wait!

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Hey! Not sure the forum at-ing is working yet, so I'll type it again here: I think you are absolutely right about SSA(A) writing being underserved. The close harmonies you depend on when writing for adult SA range voices make for blends unheard anywhere else, really. Look forward to hearing what you come up with, for sure!