Mel Ciriaco 15


Brugge BE   Jan 2016  

Artist Bio

FAWM 2022

Okay, I'm going to try to finish it this time, I swear.

Just moved house and my studio space is completely different. The majority of my stuff is still in cardboard boxes. I don't know what I'm doing this year. Maybe instrumentals, like a score to a movie that hasn't been made. Yeah, that would work.

I'm also currently scoring a horror game for an indie game company near Seattle. Oh, I had a screening for my rescored Metropolis at Worldcon in December. And I won the Nerdcore VPC as the Producer half of my team, "Deshko". Won a Beat Battle, too. God, I've been quite busy.


For this FAWM, I've decided to make a score to a film/story that hasn't been written. This is because YOU will decide where the story will go and how it will eventually end. After each song, I will give you options for your "Choose Your Own Adventure" story. Write your option in the comment section. I will wait about 8 hours or so, calculate the numbers, then create the next song that fits this option. After each song is posted, I start the process all over again until FAWM and the story is over.

Are you ready for an adventure?


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    You're progressing too quickly! I feel like I can't have a quick listen with your stuff, I need to really sit down and ingest it... so I may wait until March, so make sure you come back as my opinion is VERY IMPORTANT.

  • @donna  Feb 2022

    Wonderful to see you here, Mel. (-:
    You've been busy indeed, and well done! ;)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Yes! A for me then lol.

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    I had your song playing and it stopped after 20 seconds, now it won't play and all and I can't even download it! Is it FAWM hosted as I've skimread about there being issues - I'll just have to come back later and hope it works then!

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Am glad to here more

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    Yo! Sweary nerd! Lovely to see you here!

  • @vadellgabriel  Jan 2022

    Yo Ryako! Good to see ya! Maybe we can do a collab for the event!

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are returning this year. I always love your creations. Have a wonderful FAWM.

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    I am hoping you are doing FAWM??

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022
