Rachelle Wells 0


Arizona US   Jan 2007

Artist Bio

Influences:   Sia, MS MR, Fiona Apple, Marina and the Diamonds, Rilo Kiley, AURORA, Meg Myers, Tori Amos, Lisa Loeb

Hello all! Thanks for dropping by to see me. Last year was the first time since I started doing FAWM 15 or so years ago where I did not make any music. Life happens, as they say.

I'm not sure if or what I'll do for '22. I'd love if I could write just one song. That's as big as my goals are this year! Maybe I can churn out some lyrics and send them out into the world to see whether any of you fine folk take a fancy and want to do something with them.

I turned 34 this year, which might qualify me for the "mid-30s" designator, I don't know. It's hard to believe I made it to this age. I still have a lot to learn about life and I'll be learning until the day I die, but I do feel like I've finally gained a LITTLE wisdom.

Usually my songs have been about pain, because I've been in emotional and mental pain my whole life. I really thought I'd always be like that, but it's amazing what a talented therapist and intensive therapy can do.

I'm truly happy, for basically the first time ever. I see hope and light in my future. So maybe my songs (if i write any) will be perky and cheerful. Who knows! Either way, I love this place and I love you all.

Happy FAWMing everyone!

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).


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  • @katestantonsings  Jan 2022

    Hi Rachelle! With those influences and your heartfelt Artist Bio, I am watchlisting! Have a beautiful FAWM 22. Looking forward to listening.

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Ahhh so good to see you here, and as i discovered 5 years ago, life is one long journey of learning and its all for a reason and the great news is your merely 34 and already on that wisdom path. Music is amazing for emotional development and with that , would sooooo love to collab this year if we get a chance. x

  • @nicetrip  Jan 2022

    Hey, I hope you are doing well and going to rock the FAWM 2022!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Hope you'll be around this year!