Colin Kinlund 14


Livermore US   Jan 2019

Artist Bio

Influences:   The Beatles, Daft Punk, Tame Impala, Chvrches, Neil Young, James Taylor, Ray Lynch, Ben Patton, Andrew Bird, Above & Beyond, Bran Van 3000, The Mountain Goats, Shape-Note / Sacred Harp

Hi! I’m Colin, sometimes also making music under the moniker rubberbandage. This is my 4th year doing FAWM, though last year I ended up having to stop halfway through. Hoping to collaborate, do some group challenges, and do a better job recording this year!


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  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the camper comment. It’s funny, when I finally got the home studio like I like it.... we start traveling :) I haven’t done FAWM for a couple of years. This year I decided to pack some stuff and give it a try.
    Hopefully I’ll have it fine tuned by next year.

    You said you wanted to do a better job recording. I think you attained your goal. That Hope Brings Rain was mixed beautifully.

  • @shallowcarrot Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on my song 'When the Fog Lifts.' I just saw it after uploading my demo. Unfortunately I went a different way than a gentle bluesy vibe. Hope you still like it :P

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Thanks Colin. Actually a lot of them are not collabs but I'm switching over accounts for next year to @Beacon, so I want people to start following me there.

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    I'm so happy with the song, Colin, you took it to another level! I feel so proud of being part of that collaboration. Thank you so much for putting the lyric into music!

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Hi, Colin! Regarding the palindromic song, feel free to publish it when you think is ready and add me as a collaborator. I'm super excited to hear it! :)

    Oh, and today @vegansongs asked to add music too. I don't know what's the proper etiquette when multiple people want to add music to lyrics, I hope that's OK with you!

  • @shallowcarrot Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on my songs! Really appreciate them. And regarding the note on your soundboard, I agree, we both seem to have written songs with contrasting vibes about climate change on the same day :P

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Hi, Colin! Thanks for the comment on my palindromic song! I love your idea, having a palindromic melody would be the perfect! I know JS Bach wrote a few songs like that!

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'The Perfect Take'!

  • @raspberry33  Feb 2022

    I love the variety of your posts so far. So many good tunes - especially "She Thinks I'm Funny", "The Only Thing I'd Want to Bring" and "My Aching Knees". If it's OK with you, I'd like to perform that one at an open mic someday, with proper credit to you, of course! You have enough good stuff to release a CD - hope that's in your future plans.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Hi Colin, I am glad you liked my "Nerd" song. I am surprised nobody picked up on the fact my narrator is claiming he is not a nerd, but it appears he's a Trekkie and even quotes Spock - which surely undermines his supposed lack of nerdiness :-)

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Hafta say, the knees, the knees....I now have a bionic wife with one knee made in Switzerland, appropriate since she originally damaged it knees, well, physiotherapist gets cross if I dont' exercise properly, but they don't creak and pop, at least, that's everything else does! Getting really old is a crock, especially for those who get hit while still a youthful 60....Ref the folk songs, thank you. I found Cecil Sharpe's collection at an impressionable stage. Doom, gloom and sex almost all the way. Inevitably my favourite was/is The Trees They Do Grow High.

  • @owl  Feb 2022

    Thanks! No vocoder there, just a bunch of harmonies, I guess my voice just has that decaying android sound to it :)

  • @seppo Feb 2022

    Kala U bass is cool. I probably need ukebass :)