Whppnsfpshthsbttn? 15


Rochester UK   Jan 2010


Artist Bio

Ambient electronic and abstract noise. This year I am working with Nikki Price and creating short animations and film snippets for each track. We are also collaborating on some of the soundmaking.


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  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    Very kind of you to stop by and comment on my song, "Bossa Teresa." Hope your FAWM was everything you dreamed it to be!

  • @engebretsen  Feb 2022

    Thx for comments! The last week I had a real dropout of FAWM, but comments are much appreciated!

  • @atam94  Feb 2022

    thanks for the kind words on my song! Sorry it took a few days to get back and reply, hope you're having a great FAWM!