Roy Estel Hughes 15


78748 US   Jan 2007  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Radiohead, Nils Frahm, Peter Hammill, Peter Broderick, John Lennon, E.L.P., E.S.T., Michael Franti and Spearhead, Alessandro Cortini, Metric, Daft Punk, The Doors, Wendy Carlos, Keith Jarrett, Steve Winwood, Bjork, Karl Stockhausen, Terry Riley, Tori Amos, Bauhaus, Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, Drab Majesty, Shannon Wright, Tom Waits, Mono, Peter Gabriel, Oceansize, Yes, Genesis, Big Thief, The Swans, Thor Harris/Shearwater/Thor and Friends, Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Beethoven, Bach, Phillip Glass, Brian Eno, Haushka, Pink Floyd, Laurie Spiegel, Bill Evans... etc. A more manageable list might be things I do NOT like....

This is my 15th year doing FAWM. That amounts to 210 songs if I were to meet the goal of 14 somethings every year... A couple of the years I believe I missed the goal of 14, but other years I more than made up for it. Not that I'm counting... ok, i'm counting...

I just want to express that this time of year is always tremendously inspiring and I think it easily trickles out of February and fuels me for much of the rest of the year, in one way or another. I look forward to this every year!

As always, Thanks to Burr Settles, for creating an inviting and inspiring site for artists the world over to share their quickly created inventions!

Last year, strangely, was a banner year for me in terms of live public performance. Despite the regularly shifting pandemic landscape, I managed to perform live over 30 times, including a completely new live score I composed for the silent movie Nosferatu, which I performed live at a public park on Halloween Eve of course! Had a friend/fellow marimba player come help me out as I had written some live Marimba parts in addition to my modular synth noodlings..
Some of the performances were to small audiences, sometimes large. Mostly these were live modular synth/other synth performances, but i am now regularly including acoustic piano in my modular excursions recorded at home because i can, and because Piano is and always will be my first Love!

Oh, and I have had an ongoing residency for about 2 years so far, where i create roughly an hour of original electronic music per month at On that site I'm using my stage name for modular stuff ("Teslator") and there's a link to the back catalog on soundcloud for all of my past performances. Some of my shows have been broadcast on radio stations as far away as Hong Kong and Madrid!
Prepare to be overwhelmed with sound if you dare... its a lot of music.

I have 2 other personas on Fawm:
@nictesla(anything mainly electronic, might also include modular and some piano) and @teslator (modular synth).

I don't know how much of anything i'm going to create this year, but i guess we'll see!

Good luck/sending positive vibes to all of you fawmers out there, especially newbies!

Welcome all! Lets write some great music!


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  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Aw thanks for all your listening, Roy, I'm glad we found each other, surprised it took all these years since we've both been doing FAWM. Also impressed by your eclectic mix of influences. And also learned from you that one can have more than one handle on FAWM? Wow, that's awesome! Also finally catching up on listening this week, glad I"m not alone.

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comments on "Let's Sit. . . " Roy! I know, in retrospect, embarrassed to have written a song about vacationing while a whole country is fleeing for their lives. But in my defense - I didn't listen to the news not once, haha. But - back to reality now, waaaah.

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words in regard to Jelly Man Jive.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Skyscraper! It would be impossible to organise this during FAWM. Im a big fan of recording / writing rough sketches and do the magic afterwards. Good things take time and go better with less pressure. Finishing our song before FAWM has been tough though! We were done Sunday!

  • @caterwauler Feb 2022

    Happy to see you again, Roy! Thank you for listening and for your lovely comment. Looking forward to hearing your beautiful music.
    Hope you have a wonderful FAWM!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Hey Roy! Hope all is well. Looking forward to what you have to offer this FAWM!