Q the Mediocre 14


44107 US   Feb 2013

Artist Bio

Influences:   Too many to list. Not that I *sound* like any of them...

I am.


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  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Hey! Thanks so much for letting me know the music for "Dosvidanja" is up. I am soooo happy which way you took it and how it turned out. Great sound and melody, and I enjoyed your lovely accent very much as well! A truly awesome vocal delivery and such a tasty arrangement, I am so happy about what you created here!
    May I ask you for a favour? I would love to keep this song forever, in order to be able to listen to it whenever I like and also after it will have disappeared from this site, at the latest in one year. Could you, please, be so kind or to make it downloadable or to send me an mp3-file on my email address, which is
    [email protected]
    ? I would love to safe it in my private archives and I am excited at showing it to some friends of mine who will surely like it as much as I do...
    Once again, thank you soooooooooo much!

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind and wise words... And I am looking so forward to an eventual song for "Dosvidanja"... Please, feel free to alter the words any way you like and let me know if/when you like me to add you as collaborator...
    Once again, thanks a lot for giving it a try,
    kind regards,

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Rob can you email me an MP3 copy of this please?

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    If you open the song, click edit and then scroll down to collaborator box and add @geoff61

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your comment on "Dosvidanja"! I was very happy to read it! Music-/genre-wise, all roads are open... Being a set of lyrics in German and dealing with a girl of obviously Russian origin ("dosvidanja" is not German, but the Russian word for "goodbye"), the primarily intended music-genre on my mind was kind of "German Schlager" in the style, for example, of Helene Fischer or Udo Jürgens and with a folkloric Russian touch like addition of some balalaika-parts or whatever... However, that was only me and that was on my mind while writing it, as you asked, but I do not like and do not want to put chains on a musician´s creativity and specify which way to go musically. So, just in the case you are considering to put this (or any other) set of lyrics to music, please, just follow the way wherever your inspiration takes you and I would be looking very forward to the result whatever genre of music it may be...

  • @robcrusade Feb 2022

    Do you have any qualifications? Genre preference, era, anything specific?

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Thanks, you can indeed take on I Wouldn't Take You Back Now