Jess 1


Lincolnshi UK   Mar 2015

Artist Bio

Influences:   Hum, Glifted, Thee Speaking Canaries, Dis-, Town Portal, Craw, Panel Donor, Shiner, XTC, Wooden Stars, Shotgun & Jaybird, Superchunk, P.W. Long, Cows, My Bloody Valentine, Polvo, His Name Is Alive, Helmet, and all the other heavy indie rawk / weird time sig 90s stuff / oddball sleaze rock

I'm Jess (she/her), 21 yrs old, and this is my eighth year in the FAWM community (seventh year participating). I love you guys...

Shoutout to the playas: @stickyfingers @silvermediapro @carljungmallcop @yashenka @spiffyflinger @doyoulikeveggies @wata @fmicale

My way of saying thanks for feedback is to comment on yer tunes! And let me be clear - I only consider myself a songwriter, NOT a musician (and especially not a guitarist). I'm just here to make the sloppy indie rock that I always do.

I am not a furry, sorry.


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  • @beyondthelimes  Feb 2022

    Jess! Thank you so much for liking my song and the encouragement. I usually am more thoughtful when lyric writing, but I was eager to get something up, so just let words and ideas quickly in -- free-associated, It made me realize I'm much better doing that! I just have a sideways brain that naturally makes interesting connections. You're no slouch when it comes to lyrics, I think. When I first saw the title, "Air Force City", I had one of those, "Damn, wish I'd wrote that title" thoughts!

  • @theodamus  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for coming to listen, and your lovely comment! Writing while walking is lovely, but there's always the risk you invented something impossible hahaha it's a bit of a gamble :D

  • @spiffyflinger Jan 2022

    roadeg was described by NME as “television’s supreme critic and avowed hater of AJR.” When she was doing a DJ stint on the Light Programme, she once had to play Sober Up, but took it off halfway through and said, “That’s enough of that rubbish.”

  • @stickyfingers Jan 2022

    we SHOULD collab this year, bogguher >:)

  • @yashenka Jan 2022


  • @carljungmallcop Jan 2022

    Compassion will cure more than condemnation.

    Lucky numbers: 25, 9, 10, 52, 48, 51

  • @silvermediapro  Jan 2022

    LMAO most definitely not, I'll be satisfied with 20 this year

  • @silvermediapro  Jan 2022

    JESS! happy fawming! :D