richardmasters 20


Sheffield UK   Jan 2011  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Laika and the Cosmonauts, Jake Thackray, Anais Mitchell, Connie Converse, Fiona Apple, the Kinks, Joni Mitchell, Dory Previn, Grinderman, Jonathon Strange, Mr. Norrell, Tom Waits, Deadwood, Jaques Brel, C.K. Chesterton, Sidney Lummet, Martin Carthy, The Residents, Dylan, Jeeves and Wooster

I studied Business and Witchcraft at University, got a job as a clown and was promptly fired.


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @octaviankelp Mar 2022

    Hey Richard, thanks for all your nice comments. I feel so lame to check the comments only now, I would have loved to do a collaboration with you. If you're still up to it next February (or sooner) you can count me in!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Mar 2022

    What ho, indeed :-). Pleased to find another P.G. devotee here in the crowd...

  • @crutherford  Mar 2022

    Richard - I've finished listening to your creations and there are so many stunners. If you want me to assist you in making this album - I'm game. But fair warning - I'm a self proclaimed terrible side guy. :) Please do keep in touch. I feel we are kindred spirits in the musical realm. xoc

  • @paulotteson  Mar 2022

    Hey @richardmasters - Thanks for all the kind words this past FAWM. Looking forward to catching up on my listening. Congrats on all your new tunes!

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    Hey, Richard - Welcome to skirmishing, it is the best thing ever, especially if you're new. The prompt is WINDOW.
    Don't worry if you're late, no one cares. And you can tag your song with these things
    Tags: #SS022622K #superskirmish #window
    That'll help other people find it.
    And you can also copy your link and put it back on this page as a new comment:
    Because some people look there
    (These are all things I learned this weekend. Fawm is a little like a dream about a castle with a lot of rooms and staircases, hard to sort out exactly where you are but amazing) Happy Skirmishing and Fawming.

  • @crutherford  Feb 2022

    yo richard. you are a delight. i double dog dare you to join in on a skirmish with me before this thing is through.. have ya got a couple more in you? if so - 3pm est today? i believe it's 8pm for you... if not, no sweat. but i'd love to hear what you would concoct in the hour..

  • @cheslain  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment. The mellotron is a plugin called Tapeworm. I find it adequately convincing. A real one would be sweet though.

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Sorry I’ve dropped you an email back :) Also I’ve got loads of your songs to catch up on which I intend to do as soon as I have some more spare time… definitely a March album listening month for me!!

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Sorry I was at work so only just seen your message :) I’ve asked the other person if they would mind you doing a version too, if you’re still up for it, as I know you said you’d already worked on a few ideas! I shall let you know what they say

  • @songmistress Feb 2022

    Aww, thank you for your lovely comment on Progress.

  • @kvnwoodruff  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! I took your advice and added a solo at the end. I did the best I could as a drummer :)

  • @tsunamidaily Feb 2022

    more sent.

  • @tsunamidaily Feb 2022

    did you get the preview to our collab in your mail?

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind words about my piece "Returning Home from Market".

  • @plushbaby  Feb 2022

    Funny you should say that, this was going to be part of a trilogy of songs, but that has kind of fallen by the wayside... there is still time! Have a great rest of FAWM, love your stuff!

  • @tsunamidaily Feb 2022

    got your suggestions. will get on it.

  • @dasbinky  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments! And you’ve got Laika & The Cosmonauts listed FIRST in your influences list??? Insta-follow. All hail surf rock! (Sadly, I’ve lost the chops to pull it off properly.)

  • @tsunamidaily Feb 2022

    hey there. we were paired in the random collab challenge.
    do you have a phrase or concept you would like realized in lyrics? drop me a note and let me know.
    hope to hear from you.

  • @arkka  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment!

  • @nuerdetjuligen  Feb 2022

    Hello Richard! Good to see you! I"m starting late, but hopefully starting. Excited to check out your work!

  • @dh3 Feb 2022

    Thanks for recommending Connie Converse - I listen to "I have considered the lilies" a lot, but have yet to go further than that. I shall branch out!

  • @dh3 Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your comments on my songs! It's very encouraging to hear. I'm loving your work too.

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    I’m good thanks, hope you are too! That’s would be fab, I’ll have a think over next few days and try ping you something :)

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Excited to see what you have in store for us this year :) was great fun teaming up last time around!

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Thank you for giving my piece Disintegration a listen and for leaving such a nice comment. I really appreciate it. :)