richaaaay 15


New Hampshire US   Feb 2021

Artist Bio

Hang'n out in the hills of Vermont & New Hampshire playing guitar and crafting music. Just trying to have fun and get better.


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @moonraccoon  Apr 2022

    Thanks for stopping by Landscape. I decided this year to do try conversating inside the comments section, tagging the commenters. It should make for a more satisfying read of my backup archives, b/c otherwise half of the conversation is lost.

  • @mikeb  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listens and comments on 'Running Out of Time' and 'Tired of the Blues'!

  • @feb21sundari Mar 2022

    Hi, thank you for your comments on my songs. Have a nice time. Hope we ll hear us next feb.

  • @wobbiewobbit  Mar 2022

    aww once or twice :) ;)
    thank you

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    Hey Richaaaay!! Thanks for dropping by for a listen to No Intention. Bill is a master of word and a sage. This piece really got me to stretch and enjoy my creativity. Thanks so much for your comments. :0)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for listening and commenting on my songs! I'm happy you enjoyed :D
    The guitar on "She's contemplating" has been recorded with my smartphone, the other stuff (vocals, arrangement, eq) on my DAW. It was very hard to synchronise the files. I had no idea if I play the right chords in time cause I did not hear the backing. Hope my guitar playing is getting better in the next months and years so I can invest in some recording gear. But right now I dont have the space and I'm not good enough to be part of a final version.

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    Rich, I'm genuinely humbled and delighted that you like my tunes. Thank you loads for all the time you've spent with them. :-)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I didn’t bother tagging #tit4tat as you have already commented on quite a few of my songs. Beautiful work!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Mar 2022

    Ha! Honestly, I've already got an appointment with myself to listen through to as much of your output as possible over the next few days, and am definitely looking forward to that!

  • @owl  Mar 2022

    That’s so cool, thank you for telling me! It came out great!

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    Thanks man. Actually the next song "the worlds most simplest man" is same song with vox and horns :)

  • @radiobenedetto  Mar 2022

    Hi Rich! Thx for sticking it through the whole concept album! Your one of the few and I’m very grateful for your thoughtful feedback. Sorry for the radio silence. Work got crazy just as fawm was ending so I am behind in my listening. You’ve been so prolific this year! looking fwd to diving into your stuff over the coming days!

  • @tjeff  Mar 2022

    I love the stuff you are doing with Serene! If there's any interest, I would love to collab with the 2 of you and add some relaxed accompaniment-style trumpet (I'm a decent jazz player) - I think it would be an interesting addition to your duet pieces. If you like them as duet-only I totally understand. Just wanted to chime in with my thoughts - I really dig those tunes!

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    On it later today. Planning to listen to loads of your over the next week :)

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    I'm down! I've meant to comment back on yours by now but with song posting over, I've had to catch up on schoolwork that I've been neglecting :D but I'm good for it!

  • @mishykatz  Mar 2022

    Thank you for the nice comment on Living a Dream!! Much appreciated

  • @kristi  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Rich! Yes, you & Serene turned I Love Every Minute into a winner! It's always a pleasure collabing w/you! I appreciate all of your supportive comments on my stuff too! A great FAWM!!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    nope, throw a dart! :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    I'm glad you enjoyed "Take The Black". This song has been - and will be - the project with the most work. In this version, everything exept for vocals and acoustic guitar are programmed and it took me 5 days to write down the sheets and program. I plan going bonkers with half FAWM to re-record this song with real instruments in the next months. This will be epic in any sense!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your kind words on my singing, Rich. I still don't feel confident enough to toy with the idea of a real recording. Disregarding everybody's fear of hearing their own voice, I don't have proper microphones, did heavy autotuning and I am not able to hold lengthy notes or control vibrato. If you ask me about my strengths, I'd say compostion, arrangement and production. If you ask me about my weaknesses I'd say instrumental playing and singing. I have no idea what will happen to "Love lasts forever" and "Pedal to metal" cause many people want to hear me perform those, but I'm not ready for this yet.

  • @pvk2020 Mar 2022

    Your comment is totally correct. The guitar is too quiet especially on a hand held device.

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    You and @Serene123 are a wonderful collaboration. Glad #tit4tat sent me your way. Feel free to review any of mine that take your fancy. :) @richaaaay

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    Thanks Rich. That is lovely of you to say! Going to do some more catch up listening this month so will be commenting again soon. Have really enjoyed what I have heard of yours so far :)

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thank you, Rich. You are so kind. Thanks for your support and all your wonderful comments on my posts. I do love Caped Crusader. I also love Shangri-La so much. I find myself singing this around the house or while I am not sleeping in the middle of the night -trying to sooth myself to sleep. I am so fortunate to work with you! Hope to see you for 50/90 :)

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks for coming to check out "Thinkabout" I definitely got 90's vibe from the track and brought that into my vocal, happy you liked it.

  • @actualjulian  Feb 2022

    I love getting comments and listens from YOU! Thanks so much. Congratulations on finishing! May the FAWM be with you always <3

  • @oswlek Feb 2022

    BTW, speaking of tempo, you should see the "Tiny Grass" project. It isn't just a slow down, it's a signature change from 4/4 to 6/8, and the tempo changes all throughout the bridge. The tempo track in Cubase looks ridiculous, you'd think it sounded like a complete mess!

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    Yes, and I didn’t want say the same old, it’s beautiful, great collab, etc. I thought it deserved more, but I was stumped.

    Although I should know that no ever gets tired of hearing how great they are.

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    Now my poor song is in one comment limbo! Maybe another one of my watchers will give it some love. I’m watching you, too snow shovel hit man! Til next year…

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    Thanks for all your fun and thoughtful comments this year--you often gave me a good laugh! I look forward to hearing you again next February.

  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Happy Fawm. Have a good year creating

  • @oswlek Feb 2022

    Man, you know how to give a compliment, Rich. Would you mind writing my eulogy for me? LOL

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Ha, thanks for your positive words about that most recent one - I'm not convincing anybody, least of all myself, that I'm a sex/drugs/rock'n'roll kind of guy, but I had to give it a try. I was definitely helped out by the fake guitars though, which are pretty easy to program, and a lot of fun.

  • @monty  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the nice comments on "It's Not Too Late" and congratulations on a successful FAWM.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Thank you for all the thoughtful comments! I appreciated each one.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    And thx for listening, i enjoyed mine as well. Love your guitar playing!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Yup love her voice and her easy modern lyrics, i always listen to all of her offerings!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Anything between 29 and 33.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Yup 2 more. Don't know how I missed your collab. I have serene on my watch list am big fan. Always play her on my podcast

  • @n24  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your lovely comment! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your work this FAWM and really appreciated your very informed feedback :)

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    I wish I could aim your snow shovel at the cause of my static invasion, but I really don't know which way to point. Thanks for the kind words.

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Hey cool :)

    my faves this year are all hearted... but I'll take all and any listens and comments :)

  • @sunfire Feb 2022

    Hey, Rich! Thanks for commenting on Invisible Course. Glad you liked it!

  • @oswlek Feb 2022

    I'll check out the rest of your stuff on March, though I have a medical thing so it may not be right away.

  • @oswlek Feb 2022

    I got one on the way, but no promises about what shape it'll be in. With a week I'd be really optimistic, with two days it may be more of a rough sketch.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Your comment on "Disco blues" means a lot to me cause you're a damn good blues man (or hit man?). Feel free to try some disco blues. It's fun!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Haha, no he’s sadly not actually on the track. The boy can sing though, so maybe one day…

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Thank you dude, that comment really hit me in the feels x

  • @nateger  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words! I'm playing a little nylon string guitar. And cool you're in NH. Greetings from MA!

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Hi, @richaaaay Thank you for your comments on @paulharrison's version of Somethin' Better. @metalfoot also did his version and I like them both.
    Thank you again for your marvelous performance on Hit Man! Nobody could have done it better!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "Fit right in". This will be an awesome track when done. Kate sings soo much better than me xD

  • @princesssavania Feb 2022

    awww shucks <3 Thanks for all your super kind comments on my songs!! I so appreciate it. Hope you're having a great FAWM!

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Rich, for your ongoing support and you well-wishes!

  • @rshakesp  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment- I recorded this back in the Uk - but I’m so pleased with my mobile rig - I’ve carried on using it - essentially a combination of pro tools, a mural dsp (also using that as a media interface to the Mac) and ozone 9 for mastering - I have decent mics and a few good virtual instruments for the strings and horns.

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    If we can create an earworm we are very happy!

  • @hev  Feb 2022

    Hey! Thanks for all your comments on my songs - much appreciated.

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    No, it's very much not annoying - I'm grateful that anyone would take the time to ponder my issues! My interface has two inputs, and I've tried combinations of two mics and one mic plus the pick-up. It was definitely better, but I just couldn't capture the lightness or space I was after. I tried two mics and the pick-up into my 4-track, as I can run the interface as a stand-alone mic pre-amp (so two condensers with phantom power), plus the pick-up direct. That was probably the best I've managed, but it still sounded wrong somehow (plus had all the EQ and hiss limitations of the 4-track).

    I think I may be at the stage in the old saying where this bad workman has realised that perhaps it's really not the tools... I think I'll have to practice after FAWM is done.

    Thanks for the thought - it is much appreciated, particularly given the end of month madness!

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    I meant to mention, Rich, that I loved your “interestingly unpredictable” comment. I like when that happens!

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Hey Rich. I sent you an email regarding When Will I Trust Love Again. Thanks for your comments. Paul

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on my collab with Tams, 'We Don't Have a Clue'!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Haha, plenty in the pipeline! Was away over the weekend :)

  • @kristi  Feb 2022

    Rich....thanks for your comments on my lyric, "A Wish". Interesting. Something to think about. I hadn't given the bridge that much's so new and

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    Thank you! I spend so long today trying record different tracks (started with my banojolele) and never got it right. I finally just recorded one track, playing and singing at the same time. I've been so close to it all day, I'm not sure what it sounds like. Thanks for the kind comment.

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    His crimes, not mine. I haven't been caught yet. It's amazing what you can do with a snow shovel.

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    Straight to the technicals! I have a bunch of SM57s and a few SM58s, an SE2200a condenser mic that my son left behind when he went to uni (he took all the good ones with him!), some old thin condensers (a Samson C02 and couple of small Behringers), a cheap condenser mic that someone on FAWM recommended a year or so ago (cost £20 and is surprisingly OK), and a bunch of old drum mics (again, my son's).

    I've tried various mic placements in different combinations, but it just never sounds very good... Just sounds boxy somehow.

    I do a bit of EQ-ing, but try not to overdo it, mostly just take out problematic frequencies. If I'm in Logic (rather than my 4-track) there'll be a bit of compression and a bit reverb.

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    Hey @richaaaay - good ear! Yes, that was a double-tracked acoustic recorded via its pick-up. I've really struggled getting a good acoustic sound with mics - don't know if it's my mics, or more likely my lack of technique. I always make acoustics sound like tennis rackets somehow... :(

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for commenting on "Pedal to metal". It's been my first attempt on some rock'n'roll / rockabilly. Just happened during my lunch break. Let's see if it happens!

  • @papaooo  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on my songs, neighbor!

  • @sunfire Feb 2022

    There are many moons out there, indeed. Lol Thanks for commenting on mine.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Tempt Me"! The drum programming is not as hard as it sounds (literally and metaphorically); I'd encourage anyone to at least mess around with it; all I'm doing on my tracks is kick drum and snare, and you know what *that's* supposed to sound like :-).

    Here's a totally free kit you can try out from Spitfire Audio's LABS series (no vested interest, just a company I think makes cool stuff):

  • @mckillop  Feb 2022

    Hi Rich, thanks for your kind comments on my songs, "Take a Deep Breath" and "Ogunquit"!

  • @oswlek Feb 2022

    True story, lol. Thanks for sharing, Rich. Made my day.

  • @oswlek Feb 2022

    Damn, Rich, you are a busy guy! Is there anyone on FAWM you aren't in the middle of a collab with? Are we doing something I forgot about? LOL

    Thanks so much for the share, Andrea and I really appreciate it.

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the recommendation on Caped Crusader. That is very kind :)

  • @roddy  Feb 2022

    You've left some great comments on my tunes. Thanks, it's very much appreciated.

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    I can't thank you enough for your very kind and thoughtful comments on Caped Crusader. I am so happy that you like it as much as I do. That means a lot!

  • @oswlek Feb 2022

    Wow, Rich. That is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about one of my songs. You are too kind.

  • @seppo Feb 2022

    I planned to add classic Tarzan scream there but I would have been too much :)

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Same to you, friend! The song with Serene is gorgeous. The song directly after that was one of my favorites by you:) You shredded the guitar! Well done. Created lots of good music in a short amount of time...celebrate.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022
    I listened today! Some great music by you, Rich! Stellar.

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Happy Saturday! I just sent you an email. I'm just mentioning in case it goes to your junk folder. Paul

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    dude...just sayin, if you're ever bored, prepared guitar is a lot of fun lol

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for spending time listening to my twiddlings, and for your fabulous comments. I'm really humbled and I appreciate it loads! :-)

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out At Your Command, I'm thrilled with how it came out and glad you liked it.

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your informative comments on Sticky Fingers. I was hoping the lyrics made clear the psychological disorder. I am glad the bridge is effective.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thankd for your comment! Speaking of brasses I wondered if you did the avatar challenge. It's not easy to write a song with a tuba. Just wondering...

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments. I'm a bare-fingers guy for finger-style stuff. I mainly use picks for more strummy things or some leads. No worries for snagging Kristi's lyrics :o) . I didn't really have a style in mind when I expressed interest but (like many of hers) it seemed like it would be fun to work with. I'm soon going to post a new collab with her, btw. Anyway, I enjoy your singing and playing. If you're looking for something else to play with, I think I've posted a couple of lyrics only; if either spurs anything, holler. I'd love to hear what you would do.

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    You’re nuts. You could have spent that time writing music!

    But I’m impressed that you tried, you were definitely on the right track.

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Hey! Thanks for being nice abut A Boxer. I am quite proud of it, but due to my eccentricities I only ever really feel pride vicariously; so when other people tell me that I'm allowed to feel it, I get the green light. So what you say is very useful!

    I don't feel bad about posting one started in the 20s of January, because the whole reason I started it was because I was so excited for FAWM, and... well, technically I was still working on it in early Feb, so that FAWM adjacent, right? Right?

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    No, the numbers are in groups of 4 without regard to word length. If you used actual word lengths, it would be easier to figure out “a” and “the”. I made some mistakes encoding and singing, but not that many. Anyway, the answer’s at the bottom of the lyrics.

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    You’re the man, rich! My solo work is crap lol but thanks for saying nice stuff about it! We do need to hang sometime! We can learn from and teach each other some cool new tricks!

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Thanks for giving "Valentine" a listen @richaaaay & for your kind comments :)

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Richaaaay, Thank you for your praise of Friendship Hurts If You Do It Right. I was so pleased with what Colleen did with these lyrics. Her music and vocal really captured what I had in mind, and that is a true gift to a lyricist. PS. I am still on a high from your vocal in Hit Man. You nailed it!

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    I'll put you out of your misery. Enigma has been decrypted. It's not quite what you thought...

  • @oaksnprairie  Feb 2022

    No cookies for the cat, but maybe some for you.

  • @hbusse  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for listening and for the generous comments on my tunes!

  • @oswlek Feb 2022

    Sorry! I have half a dozen in the hopper, but the one I'm working on now ballooned from a single day 1+1 to a much larger project. The end is on sight, but it'll be at least another couple days, I think.

  • @sunfire Feb 2022

    Thanks for commenting on Cleanse. Yeah, I've probably scared a few off with "Cleanse" and the Valentine write. lol Okay, warmer terrain is a coming.

  • @kcc  Feb 2022

    Richaaaay... Thanks for you comments on Into the Well! Far from reality for me but not others... I have it inside I just have to learn how to get it out!
    Tx, again!


  • @kcc  Feb 2022

    Richaaaay! Loved your work on Stiletto Assassin! Sweeeet! You and cts killed it!
