resonut123 18


48045 US   Jan 2013  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Chris Whitley, Arto Lindsay, John Hiatt, Greg Brown, Bob Marley, Howlin' Wolf, Bill Laswell, Brian Eno, Sufjan Stevens and Many More!

A well seasoned Multi-instrumentalist and Singer-Songwriter.
2018 Detroit Blues Society Solo Winner.

My 10th FAWM!

My FAWM 2014-2022 songs are on bandcamp:


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    You too. I started and couldn’t stop. I found it pushed me into a good creative space. Did nothing since tho. The Covid got me lol

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    Thank you. I appreciate your feedback :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed :)

  • @danvaillancourt  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the wonderful comments and listens this year. SO glad to hear your tunes for another year! Your first concert sounds AWESOME! My parents used to drop me off at concerts too before I could drive, none quite as iconic as yours though.

    Yes, I'm pretty sure that circa-late-90s was the end of an era that had been going to the previous 20-25 years. The early 2000s were a cool (but quite different) scene around the country too for singer-songwriters.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on my collab with Tammy, 'Tired of the Blues'!

  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Happy Fawm. Have a good year creating

  • @doglatin  Feb 2022

    Thanks, yep Prine was definitely percolating, when I was writing that.

  • @philmcmill  Feb 2022

    Congrats on making 14+ songs! Also, thanks for all your nice comments on a bunch of my songs!

  • @doglatin  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the commentary. Didn't think I'd get past 4, but I'm up to 8. Will wonders never cease.

  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Just posted another sax collab with @dock is who I got the backing track from. I just couldn't resist. I directly recorded into my ZOOM R8. I love to play

  • @doglatin  Feb 2022

    I knew that using "Ventura" in a song title would most likely produce some comments relating to that other Ventura song, the famous one. And I should have known it would be you to bring it up, ha ha. No, I didn't take the Ventura, or the Northwestern, but the handy M5 north to Pontiac Trail, to the Sturt compound.

  • @doglatin  Feb 2022

    Perhaps you are correct in your interpretation about the subject of my Ventura song. Restoration courtesy of Mr. "Lord of the Strings" Sturt!

  • @doglatin  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening and commenting on Springwells. Of course, double tracking vocals is often a last ditch effort to redeem a lousy lead vocal. Not always. But in this case, definitely!

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    Thanks! I will have a rummage in my son's bedroom and see if I can find a wooden tambourine to try. He's a drummer/percussionist currently away at college, and he has a stash of percussion stuff in there he's not using... I suspect there's going to be more to getting that sound than just the tambourine, but thanks for pointing me in a good direction to try!

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the tambourine tip. I have a similar(ish) mic, so I wonder whether the secret is in the wood of the tambourine? I only have a plastic one (that I 'borrowed' from my son when he wasn't looking) and it's a drum-kit one with a hi-hat mount, so quite heavy. I might see if can find a wooden one in his room...

    Without getting too nerdy about it, does that light airy recorded sound sound faithful to the actual sound, or did you play with the eq?

    Sorry, going deep on the tambourine techniques!

  • @sph  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments!

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Of course the song is absolutely yours, it will just be interesting to hear

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments on Ring the Bell Clint.

  • @spikedirection  Feb 2022

    Hey bud, the Fawm section of the show is on tonight from 11pm UTC, which i believe is 5pm from you. ;-D

  • @stuartbenbow  Feb 2022

    Hi Clint, thanks for giving my tune a listen. Glad you liked it. :)

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the advice on putting up images. I used to have a website, but my server took it down because I hadn't put anything up on it for over a year. Pity they didn't warn me. I had a lot of material I hadn't backed up there.

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    Sweet "alternative instruments"...
    PS - How do you put photos on a forum submission? Does it have to be hosted on a website somewhere and you simply add a URL?

  • @regis  Jan 2022

    Sweet CBG! Here’s to some 3-string goodness in February!

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    I think the $20 guitar is a frank en build from probably GFS parts

  • @sph  Jan 2022

    Clint, there's another german bassplayer who's an absolut expert for Karn-like music (he also excels in Hellborg / Claypool styles). Check him out: /

    I saw that you list Chris Whitley as an influence. Another player I unfortunately have not seen - a friend told me of his mesmerizing stage presence. And Dirt Floor is a great album

  • @sph  Jan 2022

    Wow, you saw Mick Karn! That is awesome. I only heard David Torn once solo as a support act for the Trilok Gurtu band. At least I won a Polytown CD at the concert ;-)

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Have a great FAWM Clint!!

  • @resonut123 Jan 2022

    Looking forward to using my New Old Red Phone Microphone for the 1st time during FAWM!

  • @philmcmill  Jan 2022

    Hey Clint! Glad to see you back! Looking forward to see what you come up with - good luck.

  • @danvaillancourt  Jan 2022

    Hi Clint! Looking forward to another year! Can't wait to hear some of your new tunes. I am a little (a lot) envious of your cassette tape profile pic! Happy FAWMing!

  • @doglatin  Jan 2022


  • @downburst  Jan 2022

    Hi Clint, hope things are going good with you. See you artound this place.