rdlinder 14


Antelope, US   Jan 2009


Artist Bio

Influences:   Todd Rundgren, Beatles

I wrote about 50 songs in the years 1971-1976, then nothing until 2001, and since 2001 have written only three or four songs. However, I did rework and write an entire rock opera in 2001.

I completed FAWM in 2014, and am going to try again this year with this set of ideas:

FAWM 2017 Song Ideas

Create fourteen songs supposedly from the 99 - Ninety-Nine Years in the Life of I Mall collection, as described in Chapter 33 - September 2052 of "Only Golden Years Could Be So Heavy," the third novel in the Golden Fingers Trilogy, written by me.

1960 - I is Nobody
1967 - Clarinet Player II
1970 - Betty Stone
1978 - Happenstance
1980 - Australian Adventure
* 1985 - P.I.E.
1990 - I Go To Extremes
1993 - Kansas
2000 - Music
2004 - Houseful of Dogs
* 2010 - Teenage Dream
2013 - The Wire
2020 - The Future
2026 - Arthur is Born

I failed miserably in this quest and only did two songs.

For 2022 I'm heading in a different direction and instead adding 14 songs to a different rock opera that I wrote in 2001.

Report of the Guards - Matthew 28:11-15
On The Mountain - Matthew 28: 16-17
Shaken - Matthew 28:1-4
Who Will Roll Away The Stone? - Mark 16:1-4
At the Right Side of God - Mark 16:19
Carrying The Spices - Luke 24:1
Fear - John 20:19
Put Your Faith In Jesus - John 20:30-31
Breakfast of Fish - John 21:9-14
Jesus and His Favorite - John 21:20-25
You Are My Chosen - Acts 1:2
God’s Kingdom - Acts 1:3
The Holy Spirit - Acts 1:4 & Acts 1:6-8

That's only 13, but I'm hoping inspiration will come up with a 14th title.


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  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Hey Roger - recognized your name when I saw your latest song posted! MIkeB ('TheReealMikeB') from the various Todd places...