RB Marty 0


Westmount CA   Jan 2017

Artist Bio

Influences:   any well thought out composition or song

This year I am hoping to meet new friends and collaborate more. Made it last year all 14. I am nearly deaf now from years under the headphones, so I am going to try and do it more recorded with video and unmixed.
I love making something from nothing. I love telling stories. I don't love my voice.. lol so if you want to help in that area please .. please do.

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).


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  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Hey Marty, glad to see you! ?yes of course I'd love to do some more collaboration. You have good ideas.

    "Genius," huh? Well thank you. Some days I definitely feel morev geniusy than others.