Fresh Spotless Youth 20


Portland, US   Feb 2012

Artist Bio

Influences:   I'm kind of a sporadic music listener. The vast universe of music available on Spotify intimidates me, so I listen to podcasts. When I do listen, it's indie pop/rock stuff, like Destroyer and Phoebe Bridgers. I also think Jacques Brel was a genius who could have performed music in any genre in any era and made it great

“Making something groovy always seems to be the beginning of our conversation, until we realize how not groovy we are.” -DB

I will collaborate with anyone who can tolerate my louche approach to music making.


Songs (20)

#1 Your Car's Extended Warranty (A Love Song) 54
Feb 2022
#2 Mostly All the Time 22
Feb 2022
#3 Tell everyone on this train I love them 20
Feb 2022
#4 What if Banksy Were a Flying Squirrel? 21
Feb 2022
#5 The Pantheon of No Sh#t Sherlock 10
Feb 2022
#6 I Can't Do it Wrong (Bösendorfer) 9
Feb 2022
#7 Miss Daddy Please 17
Feb 2022
#8 Ardent Patriots and Hardened Cynics All Say the Same Thing 9
Feb 2022
#9 Sharon Tate in Pig's Blood 4
Feb 2022
#10 They've Done Their Share of Kissing 12
Feb 2022
#11 Home 8
Feb 2022
#12 Sharon Tate in Pig's Blood @majormajormajormajor  12
Feb 2022
#13 You Mean Well (Daddy) 12
Feb 2022
#14 Explore the Latest Trend of Office Desks in Brisbane 5
Feb 2022
#15 The Cookie Jar 12
Feb 2022
#16 Almost Happy Almost All the Time (Thanks Netflix!) 5
Feb 2022
#17 Winning the War on the Metric System 3
Feb 2022
#18 The Smoking Gun in My Hand Isn't Mine 2
Feb 2022
#19 The Haystack to Needle Ratio Is Weirdly Out of Whack 1
Feb 2022
#20 Johnny Paycheck at the Lincoln County Fair 4
Mar 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @odilongreen  Mar 2022

    Why do you have 5 songs that are locked but somehow have comments?!? I want to listen to them too!

  • @vomvorton  Mar 2022

    124bpm apparently!

    This zip file has the drums, bass and synths separate if you wanna really get into it :)

  • @w1n  Mar 2022

    Thank you for the kind comment on 23:59. You had a indirect hand it in actually, your 2021 song Just You Wait See, has been important inspiration for how it ended up, I still catch myself humming on it every now and then, I've even considered making a cover version of it.

  • @cowboydick Mar 2022

    I love your last three song locked titles ... please write songs to match! You come up with the best stuff .... I've been doing the one-word title thing for years, and I kind of like it, but it means picking the right loaded word. Pleased that you like "Pabst," Except for the last verse, I only added four lines to the lyrics that didn't come directly from actual beer ads ("may all your dreams be wet" is one). Did you ever realize how much those ads are loaded with double-entendre?

  • @vomvorton  Mar 2022

    Looks like it alternates between Dm Am and F Am! If I'm reading my own MIDI right...

  • @chariotbaldwin Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments regarding my 4th song Atomic. I plan to have it recorded (one day when I have savings again LOL) and I'm proud of it too. That documentary story moved me so much, that I'm relieved that I have some writing skill to put myself in someone else's shoes and tell their story.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    thanks for your comments on side effects. he is describing the side effects of the drugs prescribed tp cure him. if he wasnt sick, he wouldnt have been given the drugs,

  • @jessicagraae  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind comments about my Thrift Store Jesus song!

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    The 50/90 is fifty songs in ninety days?? Have you done the 50/90 before and completed it? Trying to write 50 songs would certainly put the emphasis on quantity versus quality. (I hope you have an archive of all the songs you've written -- maybe it's time for a "greatest FAWM hits" collection of your top 20 that racked up the most listens!)

  • @odilongreen  Feb 2022

    I would be honored and delighted to do a track this summer (I assume you mean 50/90?) with you. I look forward to it!

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    But Justin Trudeau ISN'T real.
    He's actually an animatronic robot constructed by Disney Imagineers.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot fo your comment on "Fit right in". Yes, this is a heartfelt tune. FAWM is a lovely place for unicorns full of rainbows and sweets. The final version will be a bit different, cause I'm rather on the punchy punk side and Kate's voice is rather soarin, but I think that a good tune deserves some real good vocals and not a producer kid on a 10€ mic xD

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    Hey, FSY ... I've got two more to throw onto the pile before I finish ... I've sharpened up the lyrics and the tunes and just have to put them on tape. One is the four-chord vamp (from the FAWM challenge) and the other is a silly one with lyrics cobbled together from two dozen beer advertising slogans ("less filling, tastes great"). My voice is kind of raw today after a frustrating battle with "Davenport" last night -- the posted version is stitched together from five different takes out of the fifteen or sixteen attempted. What great fun this has been! Thanks for hauling me into it, my friend. --CD

  • @ferry0123 Feb 2022

    I like it that you like it, I do. Thanks for the compliment!

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    Hey, Ray -
    I just tagged you inside this trail to see if you want to help write lyrics about your life for Rod's music Providence....I'm not sure those tags really get messages to people, so I'm leaving this cryptic message here. I like the way you describe your louche approach to music making.

  • @lenigmusx1  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind words on “ au crépuscule est la sagesse”. I really appreciate it. I will be back to check out more of your music now that I finished 15!

  • @heid Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for thinking of me and for commenting on "wanderer..."!
    I've been lurking on your page since fawm started, expect some reviews from me soon!

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    so you aren t going to be my arrogant rock star? probably too late to get a substitute. maybe i can do something with it myself

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    FSY -- it's been a blast. I've appreciated the motivation to exercise my latent songwriting chops. By next year, I hope to have figured out how to use Garage Band (or some similar program) more to my advantage. Wish I could get more people to listen -- I've been commenting on other writers' songs but ....
    PS -- I am desperate to hear your track #15. What lovely title! Unlock, please!

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    You did indeed get that right! Glad the meaning came through. I'll record it myself if nobody else is forthcoming, but still a bunch of collaborations to finish this week so I thought I'd throw it open.

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Thanks for saying nice things to theory of mind!

  • @bitshred  Feb 2022

    Hey! I see you stopped by. I've not been participating this year. February is running away from me. I have a new girlfriend, kind of been spending a lot of time with her. She's to blame.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    faith is a belief in beating the odds...surviving a losing battle, david defeating goliath or a cat noving a cow,

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    Hey, you're the word guy on this one- I guess your original title suits me fine. Glad you like it! The absurdity of people screaming "withal!" is exactly what came to mind and the reason I just had to throw it together. I almost went for a Jello Biafra warble but I didn't feel like I could sell it as well as the general punk sneer.

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022


  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your comment on Guard and Guide. Not only had I never considered that, it would be fantastic. I do have some connections in the local theater community, and I'm going to look into it. Post pandemic has been tough, but it's time to start performing again in some capacity.

    Also, I will soon be finished with a punk rendition of the Tate song if you're interested

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    indeed it would - hay bass man hay drummer hay rhythm come on just let me play lead and sing! oooooo like fresh spotless youth or my new band The Jumping Junipers

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    I envy the eclectic nature of your songs' subjects -- AND the unity provided by your approach to the vocals and the laid-back arrangements. You're an inspiration ... you'll be at 14 before you know it as well. Go, go, go!

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    What happened to "Sharon Tate"? The track is now locked ... I'm pleased to have been the first to comment yesterday (which means I got to hear it!), but it's certainly worth sharing with other listeners, FSY.

  • @ttg105  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the generous comments! That drum track is from an online drum machine ( I removed all the hi-hats and cymbals to get that basic sound.

  • @blindkiwi  Feb 2022

    Shane McGowan definitely works for me too. Thank you.

  • @mckillop  Feb 2022

    Hi Ray;
    I'm glad you liked "The Kids are Alright".
    Nice to get validation from a parent in the situation.
    Thanks for listening!
    Bob McK

  • @artie  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks so much for your thoughtful and feel-good comment on "Valentines." I'm fortunate to live in a household where my partner and I share the same eye-roll as Feb 14 rolls around.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @rayboneor nothing wrong with a bit of pettiness lol. Thank you for the feedback.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    They say they put us on the map, well I am the fucking map, and they're nowhere to be found. that is a great line. i know you have softened your touch lately, but when i wrote this lyric with you in mind, i was thinking of those shredding rock and rill songs you were writing a couple of years ago. if you want to go ahead with it, make any lyrical changes you want, you have never written a lyric that i havent liked. for the music, forget about form and just make some noise. your innate sense of melody will pull you through. and sing it with all the snottiness you can muster. but if you dont want to do it, let me know

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    And thanks for your encouragement and perceptive comments about my songs. Most appreciated, and I must say I'm rather stunned and gratified to be taken seriously. I've got three or four songs in progress that I need to finish ... two of them need more instrumental chops than I possess and one has a "club hit" vibe that just doesn't work with solo piano and vocal. If I can figure out how to do more intricate arrangements with Garage Band, I'll go that route for the backing tracks .... (Is that considered cheating, by the way? I want to play by the rules.)

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    What happens to the songs posted here? Are they archived, or deleted in March? Just curious ... but I'm having a blast. I'll have no trouble coming up with 14 -- or 15 or 16. If you want some lyrics, I'd be up for trying a collaboration . Let me know!

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    Yeah, you're right about those years, where the boredom also seems to get lost when viewed through the lens of memory. Apart from that, I feel like certain phrases carry their own emotional weight- some is cultural and broadly shared, but a lot is personal, which makes it feel like a minor miracle when art connects that way, even if it's us creating the meaning entirely on our end. I'm sure that falls under the umbrella of the pantheon as well.

  • @jonmeta  Feb 2022

    > So, you have family in Colorado; were raised in Maracay; live in Spain?
    … yes, & educated in Great Britain and raised my kids there. I am someone who freezes when asked, “So, where are you from?”

    I understand the pride of being several generations on the same land, and part of me is jealous of those who are, like your mother. My mom’s family is the same in Colorado: she proudly had a “Settler” license plate for awhile. But to be fair, Anglos in NM and southern Colorado are only the Third-Oldest Timers, after the First Nations and the descendants of Spaniards.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    The most earnest-i-est earnest! Haha

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    ‘Imagine’ some dude singing it in earnest?!?! Oh… we were earnest! Probably like a million percent earnest! Or more!! Super earnest! ;)


  • @speed0doyle Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on KnuckleButts Approval. I’m glad you found it funny! And indeed, who wouldn’t want that stamp X-D

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    I can't believe you have so many NSFW songs; they're all so sweet

  • @abudabard12514  Feb 2022

    Thanks for sayin' such nice things about my tunes!

  • @blindkiwi  Feb 2022

    Thanks Danny, you call it charging, I call it playing way too damn fast without a steady beat track to keep me in line :)

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    WHAT? No song for today? You piker [insert laughing-my-ass-off emoji] ....

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    FSYouth ... at least you weren't listening to "I'm Henry the 8th" ....

    Have you checked out the FAWM random-title generator? It's a blast. I'm already writing a song where the lyrics are simply one random title after another, pulled directly from the site. (I will try to give it a body-part title or make it a one-note tune ....) I say hell! Wednesday for outlaws! Suspicious and psychotic innocence! Thin boys paid! An introduction to divide! Shining for yesterday! the possibilities are truly endless.

  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    Love the lyrics. Banksy deserves to be a flying squirrel.

  • @ttg105  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the "Sad Banana" comment. That instrument is just a bass put through a light effect. I figured it would add texture if I wrapped it
    around the main fuzz bass riff. And, yes, TG Studios is lots of fun!

  • @ceilidh  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind comments on "Ramblin' Rovers". Mars Rocks!!!

  • @frozenlonesome  Feb 2022

    @rayboneor glad you liked Starman is here. Start at track 1 The Emerald Planet. All the songs are in-line with the Attack From Space narrative except for Sentient Space Dust.

  • @blindkiwi  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments and thanks again for the Beths. Just finished watching their 'Live in Auckland' concert. Fantastic!

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    No don’t worry. No offence taken. I had an image in my head and it’s not there yet. You picked up on the same disconnect I have been working on. Might be two songs of my beyond Narnia concept smashed together at the moment.

    And I loved your song. Put a huge smile n my face. Especially the delicate way you express the squirrel basically farting rainbows lol

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @rayboneor I agree. Thank you for those comments. The first verse and chorus were the start a couple of months ago and hard to follow with the dreaded second verse syndrome kicking in. This is a definite WIP as the rest has not come easily and I am not feeling happy yet. I need to return to Narnia lolol

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    chris cornell was no rock and roller eiither but he could play the part . i sent the lyric to your facebook.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    thanks for yur comments on john donne. are you up for a collab? i wrote a sarcastic rock and roll lyric with you iin mind. t he hook goes "im the last of the arrogant rock and rollers who gave the finger t o fame." if you are int erested, il send t he lyric to your facebook messager

  • @ferry0123 Feb 2022

    Thanks once again! A shot of happiness, I like that. I'll have more of those in the making, that's a promise.

  • @musuko Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment, really appreciate it. :)

  • @imaginary1 Feb 2022

    Gday Danny!
    Nice to hear from you again.
    You’re right about the lyrics, I think I will follow that echo and the bunnymen “random words that sound cool” vibe with it.
    It’s funny you mention the jazzmaster, cos I do have one and it is on the track...! I have a jazzmaster and telecaster but the jazzmaster has been neglected for years as I play in a band called bananagun and it doesn’t suit the vibe as much as the Tele. However, I feel it just does a thing which I’ve been thinking lately is maybe it is kinda neutral?, in a good way. It’s not adding as much immediate character as other guitars so it can take more distortion and not sound too “rock” and it can be more understated in character as a clean guitar and not paint itself into a corner vibewise.
    I think this is why it’s so synonymous with indie bands as t doesn’t scream 60s or AC/DC and you can’t put your finger on it. When I play my Tele it immediately feels like a classic vibe and I think George Harrison or 60s groups, but the jazzmaster feels open and transformable, like it could range from Television to Sonic Youth, MBV and everything inbetween. Like you can craft your own sound too... if that’s your thing.
    But at the end of the day a guitar is a guitar and it’s just a tool, you write fantastic songs and i don’t think a guitar will make them better...! But it might open another doorway to some different songs and vibes...!
    Anyways, hope that helps your decision! The J mascis squires are cheap and great, I played a friend and it’s easily as good as mine.

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Thanks! Nature truly is a strong beautiful force.

  • @ferry0123 Feb 2022

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Danny. Good to hear what the song did to you.

  • @midwayfair  Feb 2022

    Woo! I was really trying to think Levon with the drums on that recording, I'm so happy someone picked up on The Band influence! (I'm still new at the drums so any time I get something right on them I'm thrilled.)

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment! It's definitely liberating to realize that one sucks. :D

  • @seanbrennan  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for giving my tune, "Lavender Gardens," a listen!

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    Just in the notes, I reckon, since my contribution comes from times past! I would say just post it, since I'm Extremely Tired and busy tomorrow and waiting around for things just isn't very FAWM, is it? I'm sure I can find something else to Rock Up!

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    There is no bad time for apple pie.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    To be fair the lyric was from senior Mr coops who has snow at his house! Bit like me listening to the beach Boys in the winter when I was a kid :-)

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    I'm so glad you enjoyed my guerilla collab! Didn't quite match the grace and wit of the original, but I'm happy to play for laughs. Cheers!

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    I know, right? Trash to treasure- We can hope! Thanks for listening to Square One.

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022

    Thank you for trying to listen to my Zong. I finally figured out the uploading. It's up there now.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    thanks for comments on gerrie. it does have a van morrison feel, but i believe i only went into conniptions at the end.

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the Spotify listen! I'm glad you dug it.

    Oh, and happy new FAWM!

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Happy happy nearly fawm to you matey

  • @robynmackenzie  Jan 2022

    I sure hope so!

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Thanks for the welcome! Happy FAWMing!

  • @jeustan  Jan 2022

    Hello and Happy New FAWM!

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    So happy you're here again! I am a huge fan of your music, and very much look forward to anything and everything you grace us with this FAWM season!

  • @wolfkier Jan 2022

    Hi Danny! Great to see you're here again this year, my friend!
    Thanks for so many years of happy reciprocated listening.
    Looking forward to your delicacies this FabFeb! Bring it!

  • @downburst  Jan 2022

    Definitely still doing this! It's amazing how much money and effort you can spend on a recording project and feel like you have next to nothing to show for it.

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    Good point! I'd forgotten that was an instrumental that you took on, rather than a planned collab.

  • @downburst  Jan 2022


  • @jonmeta  Jan 2022

    Danny, you make FAWM a better place. Good to see you here again.

  • @kvnwoodruff  Jan 2022

    "14 songish things" is an accurate representation of my experience as well. But it's maybe my favorite month of the year! Maybe not for my family!

  • @bitshred  Jan 2022

    Is FSY back for another year? Can't wait to hear you bring it.

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Bonjour mon ami! Looking forward to hearing some of ya tunes!

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    I've added that little invitation to my profile for a few years now and yet nobody ever does it. Tear my songs to pieces for fun! I welcome it!

    Good to see you too, I very much look forward to more of your wonderful music. Built for Love was one of the best songs I heard last year.