rangermike 4


Barrie CA   Jan 2020

Artist Bio

Influences:   Cassandra, Paul, Alexander, Chris , Garn, Barry, Diane, ABBA, Enya, Celtic, Nana,

Actually a retired forester but have been part of a jam/writer group for a couple of years now. Fawm is a very welcome diversion since our local group hasn't been together for a while, thanks to the worldly germ. Don't know if I'll write much but I certainly look forward to hearing from some of the 2,164 FAWMers out there. I can even spell FAWM now - that's progress!


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  • @crutherford  Feb 2022

    I'm not going to check out your most recent song until you record the track.
    I am patiently waiting. :)

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your lovely words on Temporal Drifter :)

  • @theresaj Feb 2022

    Hi Mike, thank you for the kind message! I appreciate the support and encouragement you've given me. It means a lot. It's a slow start this year but I'm hoping to find the motivation.

  • @moonraccoon  Feb 2022

    Hey Mike, I like the gutsy lyric, looking forward to when you set it to music :)

  • @rangermike  Feb 2022

    OK so this is a sound pedal of some kind but it looks more like a stapler - since I don't have a sound pedal however, I will do a song with or about a stapler. That should be interesting/weird.

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Have a great FAWM!