quru 2


Tampere FI   Jan 2016


Artist Bio

Influences:   Alessandro Cortini, Hainbach, Björk, Massive Attack, Sarah Belle Reid, a beautiful burning world, The Flashbulb


Well I guess here we go again. I wasn't going to participate but Football Manager 2019 refused to launch today so I opened Reaper instead.

This year will be whatever. Probably noisier, more experimental, something like that. I've been super into granular synthesis, old-school tape-style techniques and so on, so that's probably what'll come out. Modular synth too.


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  • @circle  Feb 2022

    interesting! I am listening to that now and it's odd, but fascinating. I would argue that this recording is not just talking, because it's replayed constantly to create effect (and therefore art, and music, and song). although maybe I'm just trying to defend my earlier position. either way, the audio created is really cool

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Hi, there! Happy FAWM!

    I made this song inspired by your Konsepti: https://fawm.org/songs/126724/