quoththellama 7


Scranton US   Feb 2022


Artist Bio

Influences:   Little bit of everything

Just a singer/songwriter getting lost in the musical sauce


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  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Thank you for the comment on 'Orchid' Alyssa! I look forward to singing with you!

  • @princesssavania Feb 2022

    Thank youuu! That’s my my favorite lyric of Yee Haw Agenda too lololol I was nervous I’d turn this site into FAWMersOnly.com… I’ll log out now… ‍️

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    That would be so awesome!!! I’d love that :D

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks! Both versions are lovely!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    You're welcome. I'm just a bit puzzled cause you got different songs with the same name. I'll check.

  • @james10 Feb 2022

    I totally agree with you about jeff9 regarding It's The Water.
    He really is awesome and I am very happy we collaborated on this song

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks for those kind words, Alyssa, about our simple little homespun number, "It's the Water". You warmed my heart.

  • @princesssavania Feb 2022

    Lol! I love that

  • @princesssavania Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out Pleaser! I’m glad I’m you liked it ️ Question: are you actually from Scranton or are you a fan of The Office??

  • @donna  Feb 2022

    Good to see you here, Quoth. (-:

  • @steviej Feb 2022

    OI OI, hope you haven't been creeping out in the night even though you know you shouldn't be