Richard Provan 4


Whitehorse CA   Jan 2017

Artist Bio

Influences:   Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Steve Earle, David Bowie, Counting Crows, Decembrists.

I am so happy to be here! Definitely a winter highlight.

Happy 2022! May you all take care of yourselves and each other, and here's to all of us thriving in the new year.

I just moved into a new house with a DEDICATED STUDIO SPACE!!! Can you tell I'm a little excited? It's large, with concrete walls and some acoustic treatment. I'm looking forward to seeing how the room sounds for recording and mixing.

I'd be happy to add mouth harp or mandolin to your song. Let me know.

I'm happy to receive constructive criticism on my songs.

Pronouns: he/him/they/them

Songs (4)


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  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Hey Richard! I still got no news on "Pedal to metal". If I get at least a guitarist and vocalist, I make it happen - If not I postpone. I'll keep you posted!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Thanks! I'm happy with how that one basically magically came together, one of those I could never replicate. I was about to scrap it until I accidentally stopped one pedal with a 4-5ish second bit with already 4 or 5 layers on it then clicked it back on at the "wrong" time LOL. I quickly pushed record before I could mess anything else up I was in a tangled mess of wires having almost every pad on my e-kit running through a different pedal. Its a real mess in there now that will probably take me hours to straighten back out :D

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Hi Richard. Yes, it IS hard to believe it's been six years we've been FAWMing. My first year, though, I was quite inactive and didn't participate much in anything. It wasn't till my third year, really, that I figured out the more you put into FAWM, the more you get out of it. ha ha ha! Guess I'm a slow learner. I had forgotten that your daughter's name is Audrey, but once you said it, I remembered. It's a great name, right? Ha ha After watching the biography of Audrey Hepburn, I like it even more now. She was a lovely soul. Looking forward to hearing more songs from you this FAWM. :)

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    Aww... thanks for taking the time to listen to my song, "Planet and Moon". Glad to hear you think that acoustic guitar sounds nice and full as well as sitting well in the mix. I think I may have the distances of the mics set up well for my small recording area.

    And thank you for the compliment about my voice. Really means a lot as I'm still a somewhat self conscious about my singing.

    thank you.

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    I HAVE tried stereo micing acoustic guitar, but for me, it often seems like a solution looking for a problem - I don't usually end up wanting a guitar sound that big. Plus the room I'm recording in is a small bedroom and doesn't sound great. I've been trying to really simplify, make sure I like the way the guitar sounds, try to get one mic in a good spot, and call it good.

    I've played a bunch with lumbeat, love the interface, and although I haven't used it yet this FAWM, I think I'll be picking up the rock drum version as well.

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to "Rose Colored Glasses." I agree with you on the vocal mix - I bounced drums, acoustic guitar, and vocals to one track so I could overdub the bass and electric guitars, and lost control of vocal level. Lesson learned! Next time I'll bounce the bass with the drums and acoustic :D

  • @cleanshoes  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comment on What the Body Knows, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  • @emkaydeebee  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on my Welsh Song, I’m so touched it brought memories back for you. Your Welsh was close! (It actually meant “you’re going, girl” - slightly different, ha ha! I’m glad you clarified!)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I never worked or played with a blues harp. Okay, I'll communicate the key the singer needs and you figure out if any of your harps work OK? This will be post FAWM anyway.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening and commenting "Pedal to metal". And also thanks for your offer! Yes I can imagine a blues harp here, but I have no idea about the singer yet. I usually optimize the key for the singer. Can you please tell me in which harps you own and for which major blues keys they work? I will let you know if we have a singer that could in a key which is also made for your blues harp.

  • @barbara  Feb 2022

    Do you want me to mention you are working on it in the liner notes? I’m never opposed to more than one version, but if you feel differently I’ll be happy to do that.

  • @barbara  Feb 2022

    Do it to me! I’m happy to have your take. My email is in my profile. Thanks!

  • @fantasywriter42 Feb 2022

    Hey! FAWM is going well for me so far! I hope it's going well for you, too! Currently, I've got my songs locked because I've penned them, but they aren't typed yet. (And most of them would likely be spoilery for my (not yet publsihed) books, so I'm debating what to do about that... lol.)

  • @emkaydeebee  Feb 2022

    Hey! Just thought I'd check in and see how you were doing with Corpse Florida? So looking forward to hearing the finished thing!

  • @lowhum Feb 2022

    Hey, I got the piece from @dreamscuba. Will do my part tonight

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "The Judge..." I am especially pleased to have my solo guitar work praised. I have only been learning to solo (seriously) since the initial lockdowns. What I know, I owe largely to the wonderful free online lessons by the spectacular (and virtually unknown) guitarist Dave Simpson. Check him out after FAWM.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I'm fine with you winging it :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Right! Things kind of did shut down for me this month. We got iced in pretty good on the second. So that postponed one pretty big job that would of taken a lot of my time, but I'll just feel that towards the end of the month.

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Many, many thanks for the listen and your kind and encouraging words...

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for listening and commenting...have a great time here...

  • @kimbeggs  Feb 2022

    look forward to hearing your songs Richard!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Yes, should be good! You probably know that I am a minister. I have a funeral on Thursday so I will by necessity be a little slow out of the gates for FAWM.

  • @kahlo2013  Jan 2022

    Hi Richard! Looking forward to your creativity and hoping you have a fabulous FAWM! Liz

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    Have a great FAWM, Richard!

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    One thing that is super disappoint to me is the lack of aftertouch. There are some cool lead sounds but I learned on Ensoniq keyboards in the 80’s that had aftertouch and I depend on it for opening up filters and applying distortion, lfo on pitch etc. it’s like playing electric guitar without an amp. Trying to get lucky and find a used Roland VR combo with waterfall keys

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Hey friend! Thanks for the offer. Mike hit me up already for the one tune I have in mind for Wacha's compilation project. However, I do believe I'm going to want to go in that direction with some other tunes, so I'll make sure to hit you up. Sound good?

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Your new studio ..tons of room. Should be nice !

  • @nicetrip  Jan 2022

    Thank you! Btw it's not my first FAWM, but the first one when I have troubles trying to pay donation. Oh, this great supportive community, I love it!

  • @nicetrip  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to hear how your studio sounds. I’m going to make some collaborations this year, maybe I’ll ask you for mandolin or mouth harp.
    Have a good FAWM!

  • @amelea Jan 2022

    Woohoo to the new studio! And I'll keep that in mind about the mouth harp collab...

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    I hope the new studio space works wonders for you this year! Happy FAWM!

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Hi Richard, thanks for reaching out on my forum post & linking to your music. I'd love to interview you. If it's alright, I'll flick you an email either later tonight or tomorrow with more details so we can arrange a time. Happy FAWM

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    Hey Rich! I didn't realize that I didn't tell you that I downloaded Dreaming of Mars. Lazlo and I both LOVE the song!

    Looking forward to hearing more of your music soon!

  • @audrey  Jan 2022

    Great to see you back too quork. Happy FAWMing!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    I may have a harpejji type thing together fairly quickly, well by 50-90 time probably. I got a guy onboard who is more electrically inclined than I am and a mad genuis builder. He's made me a few pickups and a nifty little slide with a piezo inside it that I don't use enough(probably play with it more this year). Its a lot of fun giving that its own fx chain and amp, or even just using it "clean" and the guitar crazy distorted. I've invited him here the last few years. I might try again this year, he could be one of my friends I sent to the .com address instead of .org before that got sorted out :)

  • @willyviste Jan 2022

    Yeah thats my largest project so far. I worked on it for months. I do absolutly not expect to take FAWM-songs to that level haha;)

  • @willyviste Jan 2022

    Hey, thanks for the comment. I think it was about 50-70 tracks, something along those lines. But I did quite a few tracks for the vocal-choirs, so that sure took up alot of tracks haha:)
    I wish you a happy FAWM:)

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    Thank you very much for the compliments about my track in the "This is me" thread.

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    Happy fawming to you too!

  • @tsunamidaily Jan 2022

    thanks so much! have fun this year!

  • @seemanski  Jan 2022

    Thanks for listening, I checked out your track. I really liked what you did with the drums, your voice sounds familiar but I can't place it.

  • @splittybooms  Jan 2022

    Same to you, sir!

  • @oldlostjohn Jan 2022

    Hello Richard, good to see you again!

  • @hornesgiftshop  Jan 2022

    Hi Richard - thanks for the welcome - good to see you back.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    Hah! I've been thinking about the Harpejii all day since I saw that post. That was a completely new thing to me and I'm infatuated. I've got a few people whose brains I can pick on whatever kind of noise gate/filtering it would need, that's the only thing stopping me from being in the barn right now trying to rig one up :)

    As far as compression that is kind of the kicker, with how good software has gotten outboard ones are somewhat becoming obsolete as much as I personally don't like that as I too just want to turn knobs physically so I can't really see the need for one unless you want it for playing live and don't want to have a computer as part of your setup which again personally I'll never want.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    Grats on the new studio space!

    Seeing your post in the new gear thread. I personally rarely use compression as I'm just not picky about it, especially for here and when I do its just on bass/drums.
    If you're not familiar with his stuff Keeley makes a really great line of outboard compressors. I can only personally vouch for the compressor pro, and the circuit that is also in the tone workstation (which I believe with a pretty good level of certainty is the exact same circuit you can buy in his most scaled down stand alone compressor) I don't work for or with him in anyway, but OK is a small state :) IMO there's no difference between his compressor pro and any rack mounted valve compressor at 10x's the cost... just a thought if your in the market for an outboard compressor. I don't see his stuff get brought up often in the midst of compressor talk, but overdrives, boosts, and compressors are his "specialty"

  • @majordanby  Jan 2022

    Thanks mate, looking forward to see what you come up with too. In a new studio space as well.

    I’ve got a Mac now so hoping to get some decent sounding demos this year. Roll on February.

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments! I can't wait to hear or read your tunes this year! If only February would go ahead and get here, right!? :D

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    Same to you! Looking forward to it.

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Welcome back..Canada will Rock again this year!